香港中文大學 歴史系 歴史系

文學士、哲學碩士 (香港中文大學);博士 (賓夕凡尼亞大學)

(852) 3943 1762



  • 歷史上的暴力
  • 戰爭史
  • 邊界的形成
  • 地域文化與認同
  • 政治文化


  • The Collapse of China’s Later Han Dynasty, 25–220 CE: The Northwest Borderlands and the Edge of Empire (London: Routledge, 2018).



  • “Early Imperial China.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies. Ed. Tim Wright. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.
    DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199920082-0192.
  • 〈亂世中的曙光——錢穆對中古早期歷史的一些看法〉(Ch’ien Mu’s view of early medieval China),載李帆、黃兆強、區志堅主編《重訪錢穆》(Revisiting Ch’ien Mu) (臺北:秀威資訊科技股份有限公司, 2021), pp. 203-212.
  • “Opportunism in Foreign Affairs in First Century BCE China: Chen Tang, His Fellows, and Their Patrons.” T’oung Pao 107 (2021): 233-261.
  • 〈在理想與現實之間:《大學衍義補》所見丘濬的軍事觀 〉(Between Ideal and Reality: Qiu Jun’s View of Military Affairs in the Daxue yanyi bu) 《明史研究論叢》 18(2021): 37-46.
  • “Violence and Warfare in Early Imperial China,” in The Cambridge World History of Violence, Volume I: The Prehistoric and Ancient Worlds, edited by Garrett G. Fagan, Linda Fibiger, Mark Hudson and Matthew Trundle (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), pp. 277-295.
  • 〈漢帝國緣邊與內部的「游離群體」―—兼論秦漢帝國天下觀的想像與現實〉(A preliminary survey of the free-floating elements in early imperial China). 동서인문 (東西人文) Journal of East-West Humanities vol. 12 (2019): 45-65.
  •  “Fabricating Legitimacy in a Peripheral Regime: Imperial Loyalism and Regionalism in the Northwestern Borderlands under the Rule of the Former Liang (301-376).” Early Medieval China 24 (2018): 108-130.
  • “The Latter Han Empire and the End of Antiquity,” in the Routledge Handbook of Early Chinese History, edited by Paul Goldin (London: Routledge, 2018), pp. 180-196.
  •  “Warfare,” in the Routledge Handbook of Early Chinese History, edited by Paul Goldin (London: Routledge, 2018), pp. 319-335.
  •  “Cutting the Enemy’s Line of Supply: The Rise of the Tactic and Its Use in Early Chinese Warfare.” Journal of Chinese Military History 6.2 (2017): 131-156.
  • 〈何謂「中古」?——「中古」一詞及其指涉時段在中國史學中的模塑〉,載《中國中古史集刊》(第二輯),北京:商務印書館,2016,頁 3-19。
  • 〈漢宣帝一朝的大戰略取向及其決策原因試探 〉,載黎明釗編 《漢帝國的制度與社會秩序》香港:牛津大學出版社,2012,頁185-206。
  • 〈論漢高帝一朝的北境動亂〉, 《漢學研究 》25.1 (2007): 31-58。
  • 〈長平之戰(前260): 大戰略失調所導致的軍事災難〉,《中國文化研究所學報 》45 (2005): 1-22。
  • 〈「正統」、「德運」與「漢化」──略論北魏的推定德運〉, 收入黎明釗、李廣健、范家偉主編:《史學傳薪:社會、學術、文化的探索》,香港:中華書局, 頁131-153。
  • 〈孫吳彈性外交述論〉,《漢學研究 》22.1 (2004): 21-46。
  • 〈高歡「功臣集團」的形成與東魏的政治衝突〉,《中國文化研究所學報》 新11期 (2002): 85-118.



  • “Review of Yuri Pines, The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of State Power in Early China.” Journal of Chinese Military History 8 (2019): 107-109.
  • “Review of Rafe de Crespigny, Fire over Luoyang: A History of the Later Han Dynasty, 23-220 AD.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Series 3, 2017. doi:10.1017/S1356186317000074
  • “Review of K. E. Brashier, Public Memory in Early China,” Frontiers of History in China 1.1 (2016): 163-166.
  • “Review of Military Culture in Imperial China, edited by Nicola Di Cosmo,” Frontiers of History in China 6.3 (2011): 463-466
  • “Review of Mark Edward Lewis, China between Empires: The Northern and Southern Dynasties.” (in Chinese) 漢學研究 (Chinese Studies) 28.1 (March 2010): 389-396.
  • “Review of David A. Graff, Medieval Chinese Warfare, 300-900.” (in Chinese) 漢學研究 (Chinese Studies) 20.2 (Dec 2002): 431-438.
  • “Review of Li Ping, Bei Wei Pingcheng shidai (The Pingcheng Era of the Northern Wei Dynasty, 386-534 CE)” 評李憑《北魏平城時代》. 新史學 (New History) Vol. XI, no. 4 (Dec 2000): 123-129.
年度 研究計劃
2021-2023 古典與早期中古中國的戰爭經驗
香港研究資助局「優配研究金」 (GRF)
2020-2021 前漢後期的帝國觀與政治文化
2018-2020 應有之惡?——早期中古中國的戰爭與暴力
香港研究資助局「優配研究金」 (GRF)
2016-2018 在帝國邊陲建立新秩序:中古早期涼州地區的政治動向與族類觀
香港特區政府研究資助局「傑出青年學者計劃」 (ECS)