New Asia Young Scholars Scheme


New Asia Young Scholars Scheme 2022/23

open for application

The New Asia Young Scholars Scheme, which started in 2013, aims at deepening students’ understanding of College history and spirit, empower them to become responsible individuals towards society as well as equip them with qualities that contemporary intellectuals and leaders should possess.


Up to 10 students will be selected and will participate in a series of activities from September 2022 to April 2023, such as: (1) Historical trips in Hong Kong or Mainland China/Taiwan; (2) Training on communication skills; (3) Different kinds of Chinese culture workshops; and (4) Various types of College activities such as serving as the emcee for College functions and events, or attending meetings of the College. Students who have fulfilled the Scheme requirements will be named as “New Asia Young Scholars”, as well as receive a certificate and scholarship from the College.


All New Asia students are welcome to applyNote. Students can download application forms from the College website and the application deadline is Thursday, 31 March 2022. Shortlisted applicants will be informed by phone and are required to attend a selection interview scheduled for late April.



For enquiries, please contact Ms. Amy Yip via Tel: 3943-1619 or Email:


Note: Preference will be given to non-graduating students in 2022/23.


Download application form (Click Here)

Participants in New Asia Young Scholars Scheme 2022/23 :

Name Major/ Year
Chan Man Wai
Computer Science/2
Dong Rancheng
Lam Tat Hin
Integrated BBA/4
Liu Sining
Lyu Zuohang
Or Ka Ying Ice
Chinese Language and Literature/3
Tsang Hoi Lam
Wang Yam Miu
Yeung Tang Fung
Integrated BBA/3

New Asia Young Scholars Program 2020/21 Evaluations
New Asia Young Scholars Program 2019/20 Evaluations
New Asia Young Scholars Program 2018/19 Evaluations
New Asia Young Scholars Program 2017/18 Evaluations
New Asia Young Scholars Program 2016/17 Evaluations
New Asia Young Scholars Program 2015/16 Evaluations
New Asia Young Scholars Program 2014/15 Evaluations


Ms. Amy Yip
New Asia College Office 
