Scholarships and Financial Aid

I. Scholarships 

New Asia College strives to award students with outstanding academic performance, active participation in extra-curricular activities or social services, leadership ability or magnificent improvement through various scholarships. Scholarships are also granted for students in financial need and for those who engage in overseas exchange programmes.  In 2019-20, the College has awarded scholarships of nearly HK$6 million to over 650 recipients.

The College, departments or faculties would nominate suitable recipients for some College scholarships according to students' academic or other performances, while some scholarships are open for application at the beginning of each semester (i.e. September and January). Please refer to homepage announcements for application details.






Cheng Ming Award


Since its establishment in 1981, Cheng Ming Award has been the highest honor bestowed on New Asia students. In the past decades, over seventy of our most distinguished graduates have received the award and went on to excel in different arenas of society.

Recipients are required to meet the below selection criteria:


1.       Final-year students graduating with first-class honors (medical students are required to obtain the equivalent minimum major GPA and percentage distribution stipulated by the Undergraduate Examinations Board of CUHK), with outstanding extracurricular academic achievements;

2.       Good conduct; and

3.       Active participation in social services or outstanding leadership qualities.


Recipient(s) of the award will be given a certificate, medal and HK$60,000 scholarship. The scholarship will be evenly divided if there are more than one recipient.


Click here to view the Recipient List




II. Bursaries and Financial Aid

The College offers a number of bursaries and financial aid to local students who cannot get sufficient financial assistance under the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly Funded Programmes (TSFS) provided by the Government. As College bursaries and financial aid are a supplement to Government assistance, students are encouraged to apply for the TSFS first. 

Application for College bursaries and financial aid are open generally in each September, but students with emergency needs due to sudden family changes or other special reasons can contact Ms. Edith Tsang of the Dean of Students' Office to apply for emergency assistance any time throughout the year. Non-local students are also welcome to approach our office should they have any financial difficulty.

Below is the list of bursaries and financial aid provided by the College, the University and also the Government:


  1. Mr. Y.S. Hui Emergency Financial Assistance Fund
  2. Ms. Wu Ling Memorial Emergency Financial Assistance Scheme
  3. Prof. Yeung Chung Kee & Prof. Kao Mayching Emergency Financial Assistance Scheme
  4. C-Ching Bursary
  5. Austin-Hughes Charitable Foundation Bursary
  6. Mrs. Cheung Woo Po King Memorial Bursary
  7. Mr. Law Kar Ping Bursary 
  8. Mr. Ma Hung Kie & Mrs. Ma Liu Suk Yin Memorial Bursary Fund
  9. The KJ & HK Charitable Trust Bursary
  10. Ms. Leung Chui Han Bursary for the Department of Philosophy
  11. Mr. Lai Tat Bursary for the Department of Chinese Language and Literature
  12. Sparkle of Hope Bursary
  13. Lui Ming Memorial Bursary
  14. Mr. Akihiro Nagahara Bursary
  15. Tin Ka Ping Foundation Bursary

● University

  1. Scholarships and Financial Aid                
  2. Summer Subsistence & Travel Loan Scheme                

● Government

  1. Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS)
  2. Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)

III. Tuition Deferment


If students encounter any difficulties in settling tuition or hostel fees by the deadline set by the University, they can approach the College to apply for a tuition deferment. For details, please refer to the announcement at the beginning of each semester.



Scholarship & Financial Aid Open Applications
and Announcements

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Ms. Hazel Lee
Dean of Students’ Office
Ms. Wincy Cheung
Dean of Students' Office
   3943-7944    3943-7602