Chinese Culture
We have never forgotten the educational goals and ideals of our founders. We aim to imbue each generation with traditional Chinese virtues through events such as lectures and workshops, growing the seeds of Chinese culture in our students.

Our College has been carrying on its tradition of promoting cultural development via lecture series, including Ch'ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture, Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History, New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China and New Asia Lectures on Confucianism, to arouse interest in Chinese culture and deepen the knowledge of our nation's development among students and the general public.

Every summer, seminars on Chinese Moral Education and Traditional Chinese Culture are held to enhance the understanding and knowledge of traditional Chinese culture among the primary and secondary school principals, teachers and educationalists from different regions of China and Taiwan. We believe participants will make use of what they have learnt in the seminars and take it back to fellow teachers and students.

We very much hope that our students can gain knowledge of the history, culture and latest developments of their country alongside their global outlook so that they can take up the responsibility of introducing Chinese culture to the world. Our College tries hard to provide students with a range of learning opportunities, such as New Asia Young Scholars Scheme, Hunan University/Soochow University Summer Exchange Programme and Putonghua Learning Summer Programme in Beijing. All these programmes aim at broadening the horizons of our students, so that not only are they equipped with professional training in their respective fields but also demonstrate all-round development.

Our student bodies have also been striving to promote Chinese culture. New Asia Chinese Kung Fu Society and Chinese Music Society are good examples; both of them have played an important role in promoting Chinese arts. Our students have demonstrated their recognition of traditional Chinese virtues, like respecting and taking care of the elderly, and even put them into practice by participating in community services. ‘New Asia College Rotaract Club’, ‘Students Social Service Group’ and ‘We Love Hong Kong Social Service Society’ were established to uphold and take valuable Chinese virtues into present-day society.

Exhibition is one of the essential elements of our culture life on campus. Hui Gallery, donated by Hui’s Family, was established to enrich the cultural life on campus. Apart from the various exhibitions organized by the College, we also encourage other units and members to hold exhibitions at the Gallery. Every year, the Gallery holds a number of exhibitions on the Chinese arts and they have attracted teachers and students on campus as well as artists and visitors from outside .

We encourage students to make remarkable achievements in Chinese culture and participate in activities related to Chinese culture by providing them with various scholarships and subsidies. In the future, we will continue to pass on the unique New Asia spirit to future generations.