Yen Kwo Yung Lecture in Life Sciences

New Asia College and School of Life Sciences have co-organized the Yen Kwo Yung Lecture in Life Sciences since 2015 with the aim to broaden the knowledge of life sciences among students and the general public, particularly its value and applications in modern society. The lecture series is endowed by the Mr. Yen Kwo Yung Memorial Fund.


Year Speaker  
Prof. Tsui Lap-Chee
President of the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, Former Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Hong Kong
2015/16 Prof. Samuel S.M. Sun
Emeritus Professor of Biology, Member, the Chinese Academy of Engineering
1st talk video            2nd talk video                 3rd talk video
2016/17 Prof. Peter WH Holland
Linacre Professor of Zoology, Former Head of Department of Zoology, The University of Oxford
1st talk video            2nd talk video                 3rd talk video
2017/18 Prof. Peter KL NG
Professor from Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore and Head of Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum
1st talk video            2nd talk video                 3rd talk video
2018/19 Sir Richard J. Roberts Ph.D. F.R.S. D.S.
1993 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine and Chief Scientific Officer of New England Biolabs Inc.
1st talk video            2nd talk video                 3rd talk video
2021/22 Prof.LO Yuk Ming Dennis SBS, JP, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, Chairman of Department of Chemical Pathology, CUHK and Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine, CUHK
1st talk video            2nd talk video                 3rd talk video

