Seminar on Chinese Moral Education

Established in 2002, The Seminar on Chinese Moral Education is co-organized by New Asia College and the Beijing Oriental Morality Institute. The Seminar aims to promote Chinese traditional virtues and moral education for China’s younger generations. Each summer, more than 50 primary and secondary school principals, teachers and education professionals from different parts of China will attend an 8-day programme exploring different topics on Chinese moral education at the College.

Themes of past seminars are listed as follows:


Year Theme
2002 (1st) Propriety (禮)
2003 (2nd) Righteousness (義)
2004 (3rd) Honor and Shame (廉恥)
2005 (4th) Integrity (誠信)
2006 (5th) Loyalty and Filial Piety (忠孝)
2007 (6th) Harmony and Forgiveness (和諧與寬容)
2009 (7th) Determination (立志)
2010 (8th) Benevolence and Propriety (仁與禮)
2011 (9th) Harmony (和)
2012 (10th) The Golden Mean (中庸)
2013 (11th) Self-cultivation (修身)
2014 (12th) Virtue (德)
2015 (13th)  Good (善)
2016 (14th) Intelligence (智)
2017 (15th)  "Cheng Ming" (誠明)
2018 (16th) Forgiveness (恕)


Voices of participating teachers


• I learnt about the spirits of Confucianism which have strengthened my determination and confidence in promoting virtues of Chinese culture.


• Through exchanging ideas with the speakers, I have realized the meanings of Chinese moral education. I have also gained insights and exchanged experience through discussions, as well as by interacting with other participating teachers and officials of organizations which we visited.


• I particularly admired the dedication and modesty of the principals, teachers and students of the schools which we visited.


• By taking part in the Seminar, I have come to realize the importance of Chinese moral education among younger ones and the ways to cope with challenges. I will better equip myself so that I can enhance my students’ morality. 


• The Seminar has deepened my understanding of the content, mode of teaching and importance of Chinese moral education, which has set a firm direction for our teaching.


• Chinese moral education is crucial for the growth of students and teachers should take the responsibility in teaching students of its values. Visits to schools have served as useful references for our future teaching. 

Ms. Edith Mok
Dean of Students’ Office
