Dear students,
今年是書院成立十五週年,在剛過去的兩個星期,一系列的慶祝活動已經開始。我很榮幸能參與其中,欣賞以「歲月留聲」為主題的歌唱比賽,場面好不熱鬧。 是次籌委的悉心安排及參賽同學的精彩表演,為今新學年的書院活動打響頭炮。接下來將會有更多院慶活動,期待您來參與!
還記得年前學期開始上書通時,我曾邀請數十位同學於學年初寫下其學年目標,到學期末時再看看其大計有否兌現。總括同學的經驗分享,成功的關鍵往往在於其執行力的持久度。雖説道理簡單,但在我們的生活當中,實在充斥着太多誘惑,到底要怎樣做,才能堅持到底,常常保持最佳執行力呢?最近翻查自己的筆記簿,找到一張由藝術家Chaz Hutton (@instachaaz) 創作的插圖,正正提到,是我們的選擇,影響我們的結果。在這裡,我想和同學玩個「拼圖遊戲」,希望這個新學年,大家都有所啟發,能實踐到自己的目標。
This year marks the 15th Anniversary of Woo Sing. In the past two weeks, a series of celebration activities have begun. It is my honour to participate in it and enjoy the singing contest with everyone. The well-thought theme, the surprising performance by the core organizers and the wonderful performances by all contestants have set off a shining start to the new school year. There will be more celebration activities to follow and we look forward to your participation!
I still remember in a college general education course I taught a few years back, I invited the students to write down their goals for the academic year at the beginning of the semester, and then to see if their plans were fulfilled by the end of the semester. Summarizing the experience of the class, the key to success is often to act with perseverance. This is easier said than done because there are so many temptations around us. So how to make it achievable? I went through my notes recently and came across an illustration by artist Chaz Hutton (@instachaaz) that tell us that it is our choices that matter. I would like to invite you to play this “jigsaw puzzle” whenever the temptations find you. I hope you will have some inspiration from this illustration and make your goals come true. Lastly, this coming Saturday is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish everyone a wonderful holiday with their family and friends.

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