College Conference /
CUHK Workshop Grant
of Affiliated Teachers

Administration and Approval
  1. The Conference Grant is open for application a conference taking place during the period concerned (i.e. 1 August to the following 31 July).
  2. Applications should be submitted to the Committee Secretary at least one month prior to the date of the conference.
  3. Applications will be considered and approved by the Committee thrice a year, July/August, November/December and following March/April.
  4. Approved applications will be endorsed by the Assembly of Fellows at its regular meetings. Meeting dates will be announced in advance to all teaching staff.
Eligibility of Applicant
  1. The applicant must be a full-time teaching/ research staff member of Lee Woo Sing College at the rank of instructor or above.
  2. Considerations will only be given to those who have been affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College for not less than one year.
  3. Application will be considered only if the applicant will be engaged in presenting a paper.
  4. Should an applicant cease to become a member of Lee Woo Sing College or leave the University before his/ her application for the conference grant is approved, the Committee will consider the application withdrawn.
Selection Criteria
  1. Contribution to the College is the important criterion for consideration. Preference in awarding grants will be given to applicants who:
    • have contributed to the College’s affairs through services and/ or participation in College activities; or
    • can demonstrate that his/ her participation in the conference will enhance the College’s reputation.
  1. Applications will be considered only for attendance in conferences which are, in the opinion of the Committee, of recognized academic standing.
  2. Lower priority will be given to those who have already received any financial grant from the Government/private sector or outside service in the same academic year.
Amount of Grant

The applicant may only submit an application once a year. The capped amount of the Conference Grant is $7,500 for each applicant per academic year. It is subject to review by the Committee from time to time, if appropriate.

Application Procedures
  1. The applicant should complete and return the Application Form together with supporting documents to the Committee Secretary at least two weeks before the meeting dates.
  2. All applications must be accompanied by documentary evidence such as letter of acceptance from the organizer, information on the conference, abstract of paper to be presented and a copy of approved Academic Leave Form.
Conditions of Grant
  1. The applicant should acknowledge the support from the College in publication(s) related to the conference when feasible.
  2. The grant recipient is required to submit on his /her return a short report of about 2 pages to the Committee on his/ her participation in the conference activities sponsored by the College Academic Conference/ CUHK Workshop Grant, preferably together with the publication(s) in which the acknowledgment to the College is shown.
  3. Subsequent claims for expenses should be accompanied with the short report, relevant original receipts and any other supporting documents within two months upon return from the conference.
  4. Should an applicant cease to become a member of Lee Woo Sing College or leaves the University before his/ her application for the conference grant is approved, the Committee will consider the application withdrawn.
