Masters, Deans
and College Secretary

Prof. Joseph LAU 劉允怡教授

Prof. Joseph LAU Wan Yee

Founding Master

Professor Joseph Wan-yee Lau, SBS, a world-renowned expert on hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is the Founding Master of Lee Woo Sing College. He is currently the Professor of Surgery,  CUHK


A passionate researcher and well-loved teacher, Prof. Lau has, over the years, helped to nurture generations of surgeons both within and outside the mainland. He has made enormous contributions to radical excision in cancers of the liver and the hilar bile, as well as to liver transplantation, and is a founder of liver transplantation in Hong Kong and South-east Asia. Prof. Lau’s medical achievements have won him numerous honours, including fellowship/honorary fellowship in over 10 specialty colleges in the mainland and overseas.


Prof. Lau believes in the importance of general education, and the College will therefore play host to a diverse range of activities. Students will be encouraged to take part in overseas exchanges to enhance their communication, interpersonal and leadership skills, and hence to be equipped to contribute to Hong Kong and the motherland. He hopes his experiences will inspire students towards a broader vision, higher goals, greater courage, and the strength and resilience necessary to realise their goals.

Prof. YAM Yeung 任揚教授

Prof. YAM Yeung

Associate Master

Professor Yam is the professor at Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK


Prof. Yam is the Associate Master of Lee Woo Sing College and a member of its Assembly of Fellows since 2011. Over his years with CUHK, he has served as the Chairperson of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE) and Interim Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He is currently a Research Professor in the MAE Department, focusing on the areas of AI automation and endoscopic surgical robots. Prof. Yam is also the Director of the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute since October 2019.


Prof. Yam considered his involvement with the College a very meaningful experience:


“It’s heart-warming to see cohorts of students coming to the College, unsure of the new surroundings in the beginning, and then grow in time to become an integral part of the big LWS family. Over the years, the College has been greatly enriched in culture and activities by the diverse talents and innovative minds of our students. I also have the pleasure of working during the period with a group of highly dedicated colleagues under the prudent leadership of College Master Professor Lau. Certainly, the College has its fair share of problems and challenges, but neither discouraged nor deterred, we always strive to make things as best that we can, motivated by the desire to build a continuously cultivating environment for our students to learn and thrive in knowledge and character.”

Prof. Ellis FOK 霍建霖教授

Prof. Ellis FOK Kin Lam

Dean of Students

Professor Fok is the assistant professor at the School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK


“The unique college system of CUHK provides a nurturing environment for whole-person development. At Woo Sing, students and staffs inspire and engage with each other. The close interaction enables pastoral care for our students. We serve to support students in defining and accomplishing their goals, developing a heart of gratitude, a resilient mindset, as well as a passion for community. All these elements are buoyed by a positive culture climate and a good student-staff relationship. We encourage students to engage in college life at all levels, from participation, organisation to management. These steps build up creativity and leadership that empower our students to infinite possibilities. The college experience and the quality built last for a lifetime and prepare our students to achieve their place at the highest levels. We wish our students to have a fruitful and enriching college life, and to have a sense of pride for their transformation at Woo Sing.”

Prof. Harold CHUI 崔子揚教授

Prof. Harold CHUI Tsz Yeung

Associate Dean of Students

Professor Chui is the assistant professor at the Department of Educational Psychology, CUHK


“Attending university is a unique experience of personal discovery. Such discoveries may be made in terms of career aspirations, leisure interests, values, and life priorities. You will also meet people who think and live in ways that are very similar, or very different, from you. By creating a positive and caring atmosphere, the Dean of Students Office at the College hopes to foster students’ ability to appreciate diverse perspectives and increase their sense of belonging. We also hope that the College motto: Wisdom, Humanity, Integrity, and Harmony will provide guidance as students pursue their academic and personal interests at the University.”

Dr. LUK Sau Ha Sarah 陸秀霞博士

Dr. Sarah LUK Sau Ha

Dean of General Education

Dr. Luk is the professional consultant at Department of Educational Psychology, CUHK


“During a time of uncertainty, we are faced with choices every day. Choices are not only mental processes and decisions, but also emotional responses. How do we make choices and decisions in the midst of limited options and adversity? It all depends on the values you care about and the life you want to live. The General Education (GE) Programme at the College tries to present multiple values to students in various ways, involving careful curriculum design, diverse course activities, and professors and instructors from different departments. The College’s GE Programme cannot make decisions and solve problems for students, but it will provide them with learning experiences through which they can understand themselves and shape their values and lives in a time of uncertainty.”

Mrs. Alice LAW 羅霍玉卿女士

Mrs. Alice LAW-FOK Yuk Hing

College Secretary

Mrs. Law is an alumnus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. She also got a Master’s Degree in Counselor Education from University of Iowa, USA


Mrs. Law is a passionate and diversified administrator with more than 30 years university administration experience (including strategic planning, human resources, student affairs and event management) in USA, Australia, and Hong Kong. She believes that university education is more than knowledge transfer but character building. With a vision to build up a distinctive new College to nurture the next generation with holistic personal development, she joined the College in 2010 and became the founding College Secretary. She is pleasant, innovative, and people oriented. The College has gradually developed a caring and positive culture. She and her team have been awarded the University ‘Positive Leadership Award’ and ‘Positive Workplace Service Award’ in 2016-17 and 2018-19 consecutively.


“Everyone is unique and valuable. Our life journeys are different, there is no need to compare with people around. Students have to know themselves well and develop a mission in life during the university education. Be humble, passionate, and persistent in facing any challenges in life. Young people are the hope of our future, so ‘Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.’ (Albert Einstein)”