Hostel Guide
and Regulations

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Student Hostel Regulations

All residential students should abide by the Student Hostel Regulations and the Conditions of Issuance of the WS Access Plus card on any activities conducted in the Campus of the College.


Student Hostel Regulations

1. Definitions


The following terms shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them:

1.1. “College” refers to Lee Woo Sing College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
1.2. “Student” refers to a student of the College;
1.3. “Resident” refers to a student of the College allocated with a hostel place in the College;
1.4. “Non-resident” refers to a student of the College with no hostel place in the College;
1.5. “Resident (I-House)” refers to a student of the College being assigned with hostel place in the International House. The status of Resident (I-House) in the College is equivalent to Non-resident;
1.6. “Visitor” refers to a person who has otherwise no access to the hostel areas being invited to visit the hostel area by a Student;
1.7. “Regulations” refers to the Student Hostel Regulations (the current document);
1.8. “Committee” refers to the Hostel and College Facilities Management Committee of the College;
1.9. “Campus” refers to all areas of the College premises;
1.10. “Hostel area” refers to any areas inside the secured zone of the Campus (accessible with WS Access Plus card);
1.11. “Hostel floors” refers to floors where student bedrooms are located;
1.12. “Common area” refers to all other areas apart from hostel area in the Campus;
1.13. “Term residency” refers to residency during normal teaching terms, i.e., usually term 1 and term 2 of an academic year.


2. General Principles


2.1. All Students may apply for hostel residency. Applications will be considered based on a Hostel Allocation Scheme endorsed by the Committee. (Refer to –Notice of Hostel Application, Moving-in/out and Withdrawal Procedures for details).
2.2. All Students and Visitors should at all time abide by the Regulations and the Conditions of Issuance of the WS Access Plus card on any activities conducted in the Campus of the College and follow the instructions of the Wardens, Hostel Tutors and staff-on-duty if situation arise.
2.3. Under no circumstances should Residents invite Non-residents to stay in hostel floors and/or Visitors to stay in hostel area beyond visiting hours unless they have been registered for overnight stay. (Refer to Notice of Overnight Stay Regulations for details)
2.4. Under no circumstances should Non-residents invite Visitors to stay beyond visiting hours in hostel area.
2.5. Non-residents on their own should not stay in hostel floors beyond visiting hours unless they have been registered for temporary residence (Refer to Notice of Overnight Stay Regulations for details).
2.6. Host Students are responsible for the behavior of their Visitors.
2.7. Students and Visitors should take good care of all public properties and common facilities, use electricity and water economically, and keep the Campus clean and orderly at all times.
2.8. Students should pay attention to the locations of emergency exits. Residents should take part in fire drills and demonstrations. All emergency exits and hallways should be kept clear of personal belongings and public articles. Emergency exits are strictly for emergency evacuation purpose only.
2.9. Personal belongings of Students and Visitors should be kept safely on their own discretion while inside the Campus. The College is not responsible for any losses or damages to their belongings under any circumstances.
2.10. Students and Visitors should be properly dressed in all public areas, including lift lobbies, corridors and common lounges.
2.11. Any acute illnesses and accidents occurring in the hostel should be reported immediately to the Wardens, Hostel Tutors or staff-on-duty.
2.12. All cooking should be conducted in the common lounges on each floor for light meals only. The common lounges and pantries should be kept clean and tidy after use.
2.13. Normally, hostel personnel will seek Residents’ consent before entering their bedrooms except under special and emergency circumstances, such as: accident, urgent maintenance, safety and security reasons, etc. Residents in concern will be notified afterwards in such cases.


3. Hostel Rules


3.1. The following behaviors are strictly forbidden on Campus:

3.1.1 Any activities that breach the Law of Hong Kong or The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance, including but not limited to: Smoking on Campus (including vaping, and smoking tobacco products/ cigarettes/ electronic cigarettes); Storage or use of dangerous items such as illegal drugs, pistols, explosives and deadly weapons, etc.; and Interfering with permanent electrical wires and fittings, etc.
3.1.2 Use of fire under all circumstances (except possible use of fire in the designated barbecue areas)
3.1.3 Staying in the same hostel floor with the opposite sex beyond visiting hours;
3.1.4 Entering a hostel floor of opposite sex beyond visiting hours;
3.1.5 Any form of gambling activities;
3.1.6 Getting drunk and being rowdy and disorderly;
3.1.7 Keeping livestock or pets;
3.1.8 Use of any unsafe or substandard electric appliances;
3.1.9 Interrupting/altering/damaging equipment and fixtures in the College (including, but not limited to: smart card devices, electronic meters, Octopus Cards devices and all the electronic terminal systems) and their operations;
3.1.10 Having hot pots, cooking or using fire in the bedroom, or engaging in any activities that would constitute a fire hazard or trigger off the fire alarm system;
3.1.11 Littering or storing personal belongings in non-designated public areas or blocking the fire exits;
3.1.12 Causing nuisances to others;
3.1.13 Relocating any public facilities or any room furniture without prior approval;
3.1.14 Duplicating WS Access Plus cards or lending them to others;
3.1.15 Improper use of barrier gates.

3.2 Selling / transferring hostel occupancy to another student is strictly prohibited.

3.3 If a Resident stays away more than two fifths of the residential period, excluding public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays, his/her need for hostel accommodation will be reviewed.

3.4 The hostel visiting hours are from 8:00am to 11:30pm every day. Students and Visitors should observe the visiting hours.


4. Disciplinary Actions


4.1 Appropriate disciplinary actions by the Wardens will be taken should any breaching of the Regulations be found. Penalties incurred may include one or more of the following:
• Verbal warning, to be recorded in College personal file;
• Written reprimand, with a copy sent to the College Dean of Students and recorded in his/her College personal file;
• College services;
• Deduction of hostel scores from next year’s hostel application;
• Fines to be charged;
• Immediate termination of hostel residency with no refund of hostel fees;
• Disqualification from next year’s hostel residency.


Depending on the nature, gravity and circumstances of the breaching, the cases may be referred to the Student Advisory and Disciplinary Committee, the College Dean of Students, or others, for handling.

4.1.1 Specifically, Residents who are found selling / transferring hostel occupancy to another student will be imposed penalties as follows:
• immediate termination of hostel residency with no refund of hostel fees;
• disqualification from next year’s hostel residency;
• a report to be sent to the College Dean of Students and recorded in College personal file;
• case to be referred to the College Student Advisory and Disciplinary Committee.


4.1.2 Specifically, Residents who are found hosting Non-residents and Visitors in the hostel floors beyond visiting hours without overnight stay registration will be imposed penalties as follows:


Non-residents and Visitors are of the same sex as the host Resident
First time violation
• a fine of $500 will be charged;
• written reprimand by the Wardens, with copy to be sent to the College Dean of Students and recorded in his/her College personal file; and
• 10 marks of hostel scores deducted from next year’s hostel application.
Second time violation
• a fine of $1,000 will be charged;
• second written reprimand by the Wardens, with copy to be sent to College Dean of Students and recorded in College personal file; and
• 20 marks of hostel scores deducted from next year’s hostel application.
Third time violation
• a fine of $1,500 will be charged;
• immediate termination of hostel residency with no refund of hostel fees;
• disqualification from next year’s hostel residency;
• a report to be sent to the College Dean of Students and recorded in College personal file; and
• case to be referred to the College Student Advisory and Disciplinary Committee.

Non-residents and Visitors are of the opposite sex as the host Resident
• immediate termination of hostel residency with no refund of hostel fees;
• disqualification from next year’s hostel residency;
• a report to be sent to the College Dean of Students and recorded in College personal file; and
• case to be referred to the College Student Advisory and Disciplinary Committee.

4.1.3 Specifically, Students who are found lending his/her WS Access Plus Card to another will be imposed penalties as follows:
• case to be referred to the College Student Advisory and Disciplinary Committee.

4.1.4 For Non-Residents and Residents (I-House) involved in cases of breaching the Regulations, the College Dean of Students will be notified. Upon consultation with the Wardens, necessary disciplinary penalties as deemed appropriate will be imposed by College Dean of Students.

For Residents (I-House) involved in cases of breaching hostel regulations of International House, penalties will be imposed by the Warden of International House accordingly. The College Dean of Students will be notified. Further necessary disciplinary penalties as deemed appropriate may be imposed by College Dean of Students.

For Visitors (who are CUHK students) involved in cases of breaching the Regulations, the Dean of Students of his/her respective College or the Dean of Graduate School will be notified, who may take necessary disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate.

For Visitors (who are non-CUHK students) involved in cases of breaching the Regulations, the University Security Office will be notified as deemed appropriate.


4.2 Student(s) have to right to appeal against Wardens’ decision/penalty regarding the breaching of Regulations by writing to the College Student Advisory and Disciplinary Committee within seven days of notification letter issued. Further appeal against the decision/penalty made by the College Student Advisory and Disciplinary Committee should be addressed to the Senate Committee on Student Discipline in written form within seven days of notification letter issued.


5. Revision & Interpretation


5.1 The present Regulations are approved and implemented by the Committee. Prior approval from the Committee will be required for any revisions to be made.
5.2 The Committee has the right to revise and provide the final interpretations of the Regulations.
5.3 The English version of the Regulations shall prevail in case of any inconsistencies.

Approved by Hostel and College Facilities Management Committee on 14 March 2018

(w.e.f. 14 March 2018)