Good Times @ WS
Video Interviews

Opportunities offered by College and Personal Development

As a medium-sized college, Lee Woo Sing College provided a great opportunity for me to exchange thoughts with different students. Under this environment, I can freely talk to the College and other students to know about their thoughts. The College also offers students a lot of opportunities to join student societies, as well as short-term exchange programs and workshops. I participated in many workshops, such as “Tie Dye” and “Mahjong Carving” workshops, and was a member of the Student Union of the College. Apart from College activities, short-term exchange programs also broadened my horizon. I participated in a trip to the Silk Road and exchanged knowledge with students there. It was a good experience that facilitated my personal growth.” – Joyce Chow

College Life and Personal Growth

As an Indonesian student, I adapted to local culture and environment via the College’s general education course. We grouped with people coming from different backgrounds, met with each other and organized activities, such as city tours and local tours, to know more about Hong Kong culture, via the course.” – Varian Wijaya


“Aside from the activities that Lee Woo Sing College offers, the College also partners with many Universities in the world, allowing us to apply for exchange programs. I did my exchange two years ago to the University of Washington for around five months. Even though it was just a short five months, I think it shaped me as an individual so I can explore the world more and I can also build connections around the world. I think that joining activities in the College is really essential for us to shape ourselves, and also develop real-life skills and also leadership skills. I recommend every University student to utilize College life and University life well ,so that we can discover what we like and also we can know what are our preferences in our future.” – Ellen Tanaya

Personal Development and College Life

“I think positive energy can be found in the college and the hostel, because you can find different friends here, and even get along with teachers and other officials. They can actually provide a lot of care to you. Instead of care, they may chat with you casually, or talk with you when you are depressed. They may not be able to give you a practical answer, but it may just be a simple greeting or give you a way to express your feelings.” – Vincent Wong


“There are many activities to join in the university. No one will arrange everything for you in university. We should take the initiative to ask questions and make friends, which can provide great assistance to our university life.” – Jocelyn Law

Full of Love in WS

 “There is a kind of love that protects us from all difficulties”. I can feel that kind of love in Lee Woo Sing College. When things don’t go well outside, at home or between friends, I can still feel warmth in the College. There are a group of people who always here supporting me. When I meet the workmen in the pantry, I will greet her and chat with her on what I am doing recently; what I am busy with. She will also ask me whether I am doing well recently. Sometimes, my roommate will bring me some snacks to cheer me up when I am studying alone. We call this kind of action as “sending warmth”. Every time I receive “warmth” from others, I feel extremely warm as I know that there is someone caring about me. As I feel the love and warmth, I would like to share to others too. I have also learned on how to care people and make the College filled with love.” – Taryn Tsui

Positive College Experience

“I was worried that relationships in the College might not be as close as those in secondary school or schoolmates might not have deep understanding towards each other. But after a year in Lee Woo Sing College, I changed my mind. Student activities indeed bring closer relationships between friends in the College and me. I even considered that the relationships are closer than those with my secondary schoolmates. The skills I learned here, such as communication skills and way to develop my potentials, make me becoming a student with all-round talents.” – Isaac Lam

Caring and Positive Life

“Some people think that when a person encounters problems or experience failure, they must stand up on their own. I am fortunate that, as a member of the University and LWS College, there would always be a group of friends offering helping hands every time I feel sad or experience failure. They are indeed a group of mates I met in the College, or I should say they are mutually supportive colleagues in the College. We are from different backgrounds, studying in different programmes, having different career paths, having different life stories, but ever supporting and helping each other in the College context. This is a unique relationship and connection we have in LWS College. ” – Lee Wing Shan

Positive University Life

“The first instance I was here at LWS College was attending my admission interview. Perhaps others might already forget such experience, but not for me. I met a very good friend during the occasion who still in close contact with me. People may have a feeling that it is difficult to find a friend who is always be with you as the University campus is spacious, social circle is extensive. The activities of LWS College offer me an opportunity to maintain contact with friends. Besides, hostel living, mentorship programme, College Anniversary events and O’Camp also provide opportunities for us to gather, and to try something new and different here.” – Karis Chan