College Assembly
and High Table Dinner

College Assemblies and High Table Dinners (Term 1, 2022-23)
Rules and Regulations


Students should attend at least any TWO College Assemblies/ High Table Dinner each term.


  1. The schedule of GEWS1000 is posted at the College website.
  2. Students can do the registration via WoosApp during registration period.
  3. QR code will be sent to successful applicants after the deadline of registration via WoosApp.
  4. The list of successful applicants is posted on Blackboard for reference.

Attendance Taking

  1. Students must present the specified QR code which they received after successful registration for attendance taking.
  2. Students should be punctual. Students who are late for more than 15 minutes or leave early without prior approval will be counted as absence.
  3. Students may check their attendance record via Blackboard 3 days after the programme. For any discrepancies, student should contact the College to within 10 days. Late application will be denied.



  1. Successful participants who are unable to attend the Assembly should submit an application for the cancellation of registration to at least 1 day before the Assembly. All applications will be passed to the College Dean of General Education for consideration. Late application will be denied.
  2. Any registered students whose attendance is not successfully recorded are regarded as absentees. For the sake of fairness to other students, the registration right for Assembly and High Table Dinner of absentees shall be restricted.
  3. For those students absent from the Assembly due to illness or emergency matters, they can submit an application for restoration of registration right, together with valid medical certificate or related supporting documents to within 3 working days. All applications will be passed to the College Dean of General Education for consideration. Late application will be denied.
  4. Students who are restricted to register Assembly and High Table Dinner should contact College office to apply for the restoration of registration right.

High Table Dinner

  1. Successful participants who are unable to attend the High Table Dinner should submit an application together with supporting documents for the cancellation of registration to at least 10 days before the High Table Dinner. All applications will be passed to the College Dean of General Education for consideration. Late application will be denied.
  2. Any registered students whose attendance is not successfully recorded are regarded as absentees. Absentees have to pay a meal fee of HK$150. The registration right for Assembly and High Table Dinner of absentees with outstanding meal fee shall be restricted, until the outstanding meal fee is settled.
  3. For those students absent from the High Table Dinner due to illness or emergency matters, they can submit an application for fee waiver, together with valid medical certificate or related supporting documents to within 3 working days. All applications will be passed to the College Dean of General Education for consideration. Late application will be denied.


  1. Students must follow the dress code, formal dress with College gown, strictly to participate in High Table Dinner. The College has the right to refuse students with improper attire to attend High Table Dinner, and the attendance shall be recorded as “Absence”.
  2. Students should keep quiet as a respect to the College, guest speakers, and other attendees during the programme.
  3. Students should refrain from talking, playing and other improper behavior such as the use of cell phones and electronic products.
  4. The College has the right to request misbehaved students to leave during the programme, and the attendance shall be recorded as “Absence”.
Photo of Formal Dress in High Table Dinnner

Student Announcement

Student organizations who would like to make announcements during the programme should apply for approval from the College at least 5 days before the programme.

Add/Drop Application

Students who are unable to fulfil the requirement of GEWS1000 due to participating in exchange programme, internship or practicum should submit an application together with supporting documents to during add/ drop period. All applications will be passed to the College Dean of General Education for consideration. Late application will be denied.

Common FAQs