Welcome from
College Master

Nurturing the Next Generation of Talent - Developing Leadership Skills in Harmony

The last piece of the jigsaw in a young person’s education should be furnished by the collegiate experience which inspires broader vision, higher goals, and resilience in realizing one’s goals. It is my great pleasure to introduce to you Lee Woo Sing College, one of the five new Colleges of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) set up in 2007. Lee Woo Sing College will continue the unique and long cherished college tradition of the University.

Lee Woo Sing College is a medium sized college of 1,400 students, about 45% of which are residential. With the College motto ‘Wisdom, Humanity, Integrity, Harmony’, we aim at developing leaders for Hong Kong, the mainland and the world. Our students will be able to develop their communication and leadership skills to the fullest in preparation for leading roles in society. The College also emphasizes the spirit of ‘Harmony’, being kind to people and handling things with moderation. We expect that our students contribute to their alma mater and the community.

Good leaders should have global exposure and insightful vision. In establishing Lee Woo Sing College, more and diverse opportunities will be provided to youngsters with different aspirations and they will be helped in achieving their goals. Short-term academic and cultural overseas exchange programmes, interactions with successful professionals on campus, and various pastoral care and holistic education will be offered. It is our wish that our students will seek knowledge, meet new friends and grow in all aspects during the brief period they spend at the College.

Lee Woo Sing College has its own purpose-built state-of-the-art new campus in a pleasant part of CUHK and numerous leading building technologies to enhance students’ experiences. We admitted the first cohort of students in the 2011/12 academic year and celebrated 10th anniversary in 2017. We sincerely thank you for sharing our vision and joining us in cultivating future leaders in a harmonious way for the betterment of society.

Professor Joseph LAU Wan Yee, SBS

Founding Master
Lee Woo Sing College