
The College provides a full range of scholarships and bursaries to award students with outstanding performance (there are special scholarships for students studying in Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Translation and The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care) and support students with financial difficulties.

List of Bursaries

It’s time for you to plan your summer vacation.  We guess many of you will join short-term overseas experiential learning activities organized by the College, CUHK or non-CUHK units.  To relieve your financial burden, you may consider applying for Dr. Wong Yu Hong Overseas Study Trip Loan Scheme (黃宜弘博士海外研習貸款計劃).  The Scheme is interest-free.  A maximum loan amount of HK$10,000 will be offered to each successful applicant.  The loan has to be repaid in two installments before graduation.



To assist Lee Woo Sing students who have good academic performance but have financial needs in participating in short-term overseas experiential learning activities organized by the College, CUHK and non-CUHK units

Loan Amount

Up to HK$10,000 depends on the financial need of the applicant

Interest for loan



Submit an application form with a proposal and supporting documents on overseas study trip /programme offered.  Interviews may be required.

Application period

All year round

Repayment of loan

To be repaid in two installments before.  Successful applicants are required to sign an undertaking once the loan is offered.

Application method:


(1) Open for application / (2) recommendation by Faculty or College member*

* If the application is by recommendation, a support letter from Faculty or College member has to be included in the set of the supporting documents.  You can download the support letter template in College’s website.

Mr. Hamen Fan Shi Hoo has donated HK$1million to set up an endowment fund “Hamen Fan Shi Hoo Endowment Fund”. The purpose of this Scheme is to offer paid campus work opportunities to local or non-local residential students affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College.  The Scheme also aims to encourage the students to enrich the work experience portfolio for their future career, and enhance staff-student relationship and the sense of belonging of students to the College.  Regulations governing the award of the bursaries are detailed below.

Name of the Bursaries

The bursaries will be named “Hamen Fan Shi Hoo Residents’ Work Scheme” and in Chinese「范思浩宿生攻讀計劃」.

 Number and Value of Bursary

The amount for each bursary is capped at HK$2,000 per term.  There will be 20-40 awards per year (i.e. 10-20 awards per term).  The payment for students will be aligned with the rate for the Student Campus Work Scheme administered by the University, i.e. $60/hour, as well as the conditions of engagement as Student Helpers with University stipulated by Bursary, i.e. working hours should be LESS than 18 hours per week within the Lee Woo Sing College; and the duration of the engagement should NOT exceed 59 days.

Selection Criteria

To be eligible for the Bursaries, candidates should be

  • local or non-local residential students of Lee Woo Sing College admitted to any full-time undergraduate programme;

Ms. Chen Wai Wai Vivien has generously donated a sum of HK$1 million for offering emergency bursaries to needy students affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong with effect from the 2014-15 academic year. A new donation in the sum of HK$100,000 was added in July 2015 to the existing Emergency Bursaries. Regulations governing the award of the bursaries are detailed below:


Name of the Bursaries


The bursaries will be named “The Chen Wai Wai Vivien Foundation Limited Emergency Bursaries” and in Chinese 「陳慧慧基金有限公司緊急生活津貼」.

Number and Value of Bursaries


The amount for each bursary shall depend on individual needs but in any case, shall not exceed HK$10,000 each.

The number of awards shall be no more than 10 each year.


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Bursaries, candidates should:

  • be local students of Lee Woo Sing College admitted to any full-time undergraduate programme;
  • need assistance due to an unanticipated emergency; and
  • possess good academic performance with good disciplinary record.

Administrative Procedures


  • The capital sum (HK$1.1million, with HK$975,000 left) shall be invested in accordance with the standard investment policy of the University.
  • Both the capital sum and investment income may be used for the purpose of awarding bursaries, until the fund is fully depleted.
  • The bursaries are open for all-year-round application. Applicants are required to provide supporting documents showing their family financial condition. The College Office of Lee Woo Sing College will submit the applications to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and endorsement.
  • The Bursaries will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.
  • An annual statement summarizing the awards made during the year, the names of the recipients, the investment income, and the balance of the capital sum, shall be submitted to the donor each year.

Regulations governing the award of the bursaries are detailed below.


Name of the Bursaries


The bursaries will be named “Warren Wah Yeun Mok Bursaries” and in Chinese 「莫華倫助學金」.


Number and Value


Each year there will be 2 awards of bursaries (HK$10,000 each) with a total amount of HK$100,000.


Selection Criteria


  • To be eligible for the Bursaries, candidates should:
  • be full-time local undergraduate students affiliated to Lee Woo Sing College;
  • have financial needs; and
  • have outstanding performance in music with good disciplinary record

Administrative Procedures


  • The Bursaries is open for application. All applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and nomination.
  • The awardees may need to meet with the donor to share their learning experiences at CUHK.
  • The Bursaries will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.

(Only Chinese version is provided)

上海總會(Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Limited)允諾慨捐香港中文大學(中大) 和聲書院 ,從2017/18年度起,每年發放助學金總金額為300,000港元,設置15名奮進助學金。由2022/23學年起,助學金總金額將增至每年700,000港元,以資助35名學生。助學金用以資助有經濟需要之中大和聲書院的本科生,紓緩他們的經濟壓力,務求讓他們專心用功,好好把握學習機會,並期盼受助人他日學有所成,回饋社會。


  1. 助學金名稱

助學金定名為「上海總會周瑤慧奮進助學金」(Shanghai Fraternity Association Janet Chow Diligence Bursary)


  1. 助學金名額及金額



  1. 甄選準則


  • 中大和聲書院全日制本科生;
  • 年級不限;
  • 本地學生;
  • 若申請者非一年級生,上學年成績平均積點(GPA) 須在2.7或以上;
  • 若申請者為一年級生,一年級上學期成績平均積點(GPA) 須在2.7或以上(相等於B-或以上);
  • 有家庭經濟需要#

#    申請學生須經過家庭入息及資產審查。學生須透過網上填寫申請表,詳述家庭經濟狀況及提供有關證明文件,如入息證明和銀行存款紀錄等,以供審閱。此外,申請人需申報是否有兼職工作及相關資料,以作考慮。


  1. 行政程序
  • 助學金以公開形式接受申請,由和聲書院獎助學金委員會考慮及甄選,最後經上海總會省閱。
  • 申請者需以不多於四百字列出助學金如何能使他們奮發學習,以便和聲書院獎助學金委員會審批其申請。
  • 若同學持續具家庭經濟需要,可在下學年申請續領助學金。
  • 和聲書院每年向上海總會提交報告及推薦適合的助金領受人,並呈送有關同學之資料予上海總會省閱。若上海總會於兩星期內沒有提出異議,推薦名單將被視作確定。
  • 若助學金領受人違反香港特別行政區法律而被定罪或違反大學規例而被處分,其獲獎資格將被取消。
  • 如情況許可,助學金領受人須出席中大和聲書院安排與捐款人會晤之相關活動。領受人亦須積極參與上海總會舉辦及邀請出席之活動。
  • 助學金的頒發依照香港中文大學制定的相關規章及程序執行。
  1. 注意事項
  • 上海總會設立「上海總會奮進助學金」旨在幫助有經濟困難的同學,使他們能安心和用心學習,他日在各行各業盡展所長,貢獻社會,造福人群;上海總會亦希望助學金領受人常懷感恩之心,日後若經濟條件許可,傳承上海總會的心意,按自己的能力捐助有經濟困難的學弟學妹,以身作則,堅毅奮進,寬大兼容,回饋社會。
  • 上海總會可每年檢討此計劃,包括磋商修訂助學金條款,務求令助學金達到更大效益。

While the COVID-19 pandemic seems improving, its economic effects is escalating. Although the College could support 10 students with financial difficulty every year under the existing emergency bursary scheme, it is hardly to ease the unexpected increasing number of family affected by COVID-19.

The “WS People Fund” was established at the College 10th anniversary which aims at encouraging the WS people (Overseers, Teachers, Alumni and Students) to sustain the College development through continuous donation. During this tough period, the College set up a designated “WS People Fund – COVID-19 Student Bursary Support” to provide financial assistance to students and their family affected by COVID-19. Subject to the review by the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee, an amount ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 would be granted to applicants.


Name of the Bursaries


The bursaries will be named “WS People Fund – COVID-19 Student Bursary Support”.


Number and Value of Bursaries

The amount for each bursary shall depend on individual needs but in any case, shall not exceed HK$10,000 each.


Selection Criteria


To be eligible for the Bursaries, candidates should:

  • be the students of Lee Woo Sing College admitted to any full-time undergraduate programme;
  • need assistance due to an unanticipated emergency of COVID-19 ; and
  • possess satisfactory academic performance with good disciplinary record.

Administrative Procedures


  • The donation is used for the purpose of awarding bursaries, until the fund is fully depleted.
  • The bursaries are open for all-year-round application. Applicants are required to provide supporting documents showing their family financial condition. The College Office of Lee Woo Sing College will submit the applications to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration and endorsement.
  • The Bursaries will be administered by the College Office of Lee Woo Sing College in accordance with the above regulations.


  • Once the pandemic ends, the remaining amount of the fund will be redeployed to other forms of student bursaries.

Application Procedures

  • The College will make announcement to students when the application of bursary is open. 
  • Please provide all necessary documents together with your application.
  • Applications will be sent to the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee of the College for consideration.