COVID-19 Infection
Control Measures

  • All residents shall agree to be abided by the Student Hostel Regulations. The full version of the Regulations can be read and downloaded at;
  • Residents are allocated with double occupancy rooms during Term Residence as a preventive measure of COVID-19 outbreak. Students are expected to stay in their room for study and living  and not to have any forms of gathering in their bedrooms;
  • All students can enter hostel areas (areas where gate access are required) while personal hygiene and social distancing should be always practiced. Non-residential students  are not allowed to enter hostel floors nor stay in a student bedroom anytime neither. Visitors are not allowed to enter hostel areas;
  • While on campus, students should avoid social gathering;
  • All students entering the campus must enter/ exit from the main entrance only. Entrance/ exit via unauthorized access is not allowed and will lead to disciplinary actions;
  • Body temperature checking and hand sanitizer spraying are required for all persons entering campus at entrance. The College will refuse entry for persons with body temperature higher than 37.6 degree Celsius;
  • We have increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting on campus. However, students are always encouraged to wash hand frequently, avoid touching eyes/nose/mouth with your hands. It is a requirement to wear a face mask on campus (except in students’ own bedrooms);
  • If students are feeling unwell (especially with symptoms of fever, cough and vomiting), they must notify any duty hostel personnel immediately and inform them travel histories. They should go to UHS clinic, in-town clinics or hospitals for medical treatment and then inform the College of the diagnosis results for College’s follow up and implement of emergency procedures (if any).

There are a few things you should notice before you admit to hostel in 2021/2022. These measures will help to keep you and others as safe as possible.

Health assessment starts as early as you file your hostel application. Apart from the usual information you used to inputting in the online application form, additional health information, such as inoculation and medical history of COVID-19, must be declared during the application process. This will help us to group students of different risk levels for initial living zone assignment. Inoculated residents and tutors will be grouped in separate zone with other students and tutors as part of risk management measures.

It is a requirement for students residing on University campus to submit COVID-19 PCR test results (showing negative within 96 hours) (to be conducted in Community Testing Centre or government-approved laboratories) upon admission to hostel and to perform bi-weekly rapid antigen tests (tests to be carried out on-campus regularly on one weekday afternoon and one weekday evening every two weeks) at their own costs (price expected to be less than HKD80 for each test kit, tbc) to ensure the safety of the hostel community in general. Failure to perform bi-weekly rapid antigen tests will lead to disqualification of residency. Students inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines are exempt from these tests.

Documents, such as PCR test results or vaccination records must be presented upon check-in. Otherwise, you will be denied for admission to the hostel. It may take a little longer than usual at the College for move-in procedures to take place. Considering this we have scheduled longer move-in periods (3-4 Sep 2021 for returning students; 5 Sep for freshmen). For more details, please refer to the move-in notification email we are sending you later.


You are required to wear a face mask at all times, except when inside your own bedroom and during meals. Please ensure you disinfect your hands with soap or alcohol rub frequently and whenever needed. Body temperature checks are required every time you return to the hostel from outside. If you are feeling unwell, especially if you have upper respiratory infection symptoms, please consult a doctor at UHS or in-town clinics and report your illness to Wardens or tutors immediately. Health risk assessments will be carried out as each case is received. If you have performed a COVID-19 test, please let us know the results immediately.

Finally, if you’ve travelled outside Hong Kong or have been quarantined due to government order, please let us know before coming back to campus. We will be assessing the health risk and may arrange medical surveillance as a precautionary measure. If you have any questions regarding any of the topics mentioned above, please send us a message via our chatbot. Thank you.

Quick Links

You can read CUHK’s latest announcements, policies and other information regarding COVID-19 infection control and research achievements from the website:

You can view information of HKSAR government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme, available vaccination centres and make online reservation for vaccination via the website:

CUHK’s experts answer common questions on COVID-19 vaccination. Take a look at the website to learn more about it to facilitate your decision to take the vaccination:

You may view information of inbound travel restrictions, quarantine requirements, list of designated hotels for quarantine and COVID-19 testing requirements here:

You may view the details of the Return2HK scheme and requirements of testing and documentation here:

You can view the services provided, opening hours and locations of Community Testing Centres in town. After reading the details, you may book a testing timeslot via the website as well:

If you wish to take a COVID-19 test in private laboratories instead of Community Testing Centres, you may view the list of recognized testing laboratories and their contact information here: