College Facilities

Seminar Rooms and Hall

Rental Sessions

 LG2 Dining Hall

LG1 Mini Theatre

LG1 Anthony Wu Seminar Room

LG1 Agnes Lau Seminar Room

LG3 Multi-purpose Hall

Morning / Lunch Session

12:00nn – 2:00pm

9:00am – 1:00pm (any 3 hours)

Afternoon Session

2:30pm – 6:00pm (any 3 hours)

2:30pm – 6:00pm (any 3 hours)

Night / Dinner Session

6:30pm – 8:30pm

6:00 – 11:00pm (any 3 hours)


  • Deposit is required for all booking sessions
  • Rates are different for working days and non-working days. Interested parties should seek detailed quotations from College office
  • All lunch and dinner rentals at Dining Hall must include catering services offered by providers of WS Catering Centre. Meal expenses are counted along with grand rental fee payment

Cookery Demonstration Room

Information and Reservation


Room 204, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building

Opening Hours

Reservation is required; 10:00am – 10:00pm (2 hours per session)


Lee Woo Sing College Students, Teachers, Staff and Staff Club Members
Should have attended cooking classes or scheduled workshops on propoer use of cookery equipment organized by the College

Other CUHK Members
Reservation is available for CUHK departments, full-time staff and students for non-profit making cooking events

for their colleagues, students ,families and friends
Visitors / Guests
Accepted only if accompanied by eligible users who have successfully booked the venue

Rental Fees

HK$60 for first two hours, additional HK$30 / extra hour

Refundable deposit: HK$500 per rental

Fitness Facilities

The fitness room with French windows and marvellous view is equipped with more than 20 comprehensive gym equipments, including electronic treadmills, cycles, ellipticals, rowing ergometers and muscle training machines.


Room 101, LG1/F, North Block


Opening Hours
Only open for authorized users in particular timeslots. Users must register at lobby counter and present vaccine pass to vertify their identities

To promote latest trend of fitness exercise to students and staff, an outdoor Fitness Ground is developed with introduction of facilities suitable for high-intensity interval training and circuit training programmes.


8/F Rooftop Area, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building (WS1)


Opening Hours:
Closed for ground work until further notice 


  • All LWS students, staff, affiliated teachers and staff club members with valid WS Access Plus Cards.
  • All users should complete basic fitness training courses provided by Physical Education Unit, LWS College, Leisure and Cultural Services Department or any certificates issued by official institutes.
  • All eligible users must bring with WS Access Cards and show to College staff when requested.
  • Private Quarters’ occupants, WS affiliates and their spouse and dependents, and alumni, should have received proper training before they could use the facilities in the Fitness Room. A separate card will be issued in the reception counter for access.


  • Users should dress in appropriate sportswear and sports shoes. Bear foot or shirtlessness is not allowed.
  • All used equipment should be located back to original places or storage cabinet. After using apparatus, users should place the adjustable key on the top of the weight stack and put all free weights back into their original places.
  • For courtesy, users should wipe away the sweat left on apparatus and facilities.
  • Eating is not allowed in the Fitness Ground and Fitness Room.
  • When weather condition is not good (e.g. raining), the WS Fitness Ground will be closed temporarily.


Safety Precautions

  • Users who have any of the following diseases should consult doctors before exercise:
    heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, liver disease, physical disabilities
  • All beginners are suggested to work with a partner.
  • Make sure all equipment are in well condition before use. If the equipment is broken, users should inform WS staff and do not attempt to fix by themselves.
  • Stop immediately if any of the following symptoms appear:
    dizziness, chest pain, nausea, abnormal breathing, continuous soreness of certain muscle / joint


Other guidelines for Fitness Room users:

  • Make sure that the selector key is fully inserted and locked before lifting the weight.
  • Keep back straight, exhale while lifting the weight and inhale while lowering the
  • Keep clear of moving parts at all times.
  • If weights are jammed, users should inform staff immediately and do not attempt to free the weight by themselves.
  • Running is prohibited inside the Fitness Room except on the treadmills.

Art, Music and Entertainment



Opening Hours (Reservation Required)

Music Room 1

(Piano Room)

Room G02, G/F,

Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building

Monday, Wednesday - Sunday: 8:00am – 11:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Music Room 2

(Band Room)

Room G03, G/F,

Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building

Monday, Wednesday - Sunday: 8:00am – 10:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Music Centre

Room G04, G/F,

Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building

Booking available for WS Choir and music performance groups only

Lobby, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building:

  • Foosball table
  • Table Tennis facilities

Lobby, North Block:

  • Air hockey table

8/F Rooftop, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building:

  • Barbecue Facilties (Reservation Required)

Central Broadcast System

The Lee Woo Sing College Central Broadcast System consists of a large College TV Wall located at Anita Leung Fung Yee lobby and several individual TVs installed at different locations of the College. Having this centralized system, College information, news update, promotional materials and students’ creative productions will be displayed. The system forms a powerful connection among the College, the students and the public.

Operating Hours:

TV Wall (Anita Leung Fung Yee Lobby): Daily 9:00am – 10:00pm

Other TVs (Dining Hall and other common areas): Daily 8:00am – 9:00pm

Multimedia Studio and Equipment

Located at the North Block, the Multimedia Studio is established for WS students and teachers in video post-production and multimedia design work.


Room LG103A, LG1/F, North Block

Opening Hours

Daily 9:00am - 11:00pm

Rental Fees

Free of charge


Lee Woo Sing College Students, Teachers, Staff and Staff Club Members

Present WS Access+ Card at lobby reception. Users are requested to end on the hour (e.g. 8:oopm)


Click here

WS College offer video production equipment rental service for WS student societies to facilitate creativity expression and students' activities promotion.

EligibilityWSSU and student associations
Rental Fees

Free of charges

Student societies as first-time borrowers of that academic year should pay a deposit of HK$300;

the deposit will be refunded after the conclusion of academic year

Rental Period

7 days at maximum (including Saturday, Sunday and public holidays)

All equipment handling at College office must be done by committee member(s) in-person

ReservationRegister via CU WebForm
Guidelines and Equipment ListClick here

Richard M.W. Ho Lounge

The Richard M.W. Ho Lounge (Lounge I and Lounge II) are primarily for use by Lee Woo Sing College (College Office, Committee of Overseers, Master, Affiliates, Student Societies, Alumni) and University AAPC members/ CU Colleges/ Departments/ Units.  Priority of booking will be given to the Official functions of Lee Woo Sing College, AAPC members, College affiliates, CU Colleges, Departments and Units.


Please download the booking form via the link below and return the completed form to the Lee Woo Sing College Office via fax (no. 3749 5900) at least 10 days in advance.  For inquiries, please email Ms. Mandy Tsoi at

Facilities for Residential Students

Hostel network connection services are provided by University Information Technology Service Centre (ITSC). For connecting network at student hostels, you can use a ResNet (Residence Network) connection for campus network. Auxiliary Wifi connection in common area is also provided as an alternative for convenience, but you are always recommended to use a ResNet connection for a speedier and more stable connection.

You can use four simple steps to get a ResNet and Wifi access:

  • ResNet: Plug your own network (LAN) cable into a ResNet port
  • Wifi: Connect to SSID=CUHKa or CUHK
  • Open a web browser and a login page will be prompted
  • Enter your computing ID and CWEM password
  • Logout when you want to disconnect

Effective from 25 Feb 2013, ResNet ports would be automatically disabled when:

The above activities would keep central network equipment busy in handling unstable flow and result in a slow response on the Campus Network. To protect the public interest, the port is therefore disabled.

As always, you are encouraged to keep good practice when using ResNet:

Please contact ITSC whenever you failed to connect to ResNet service. Port disabled could be one of the reasons. On receiving your request, ITSC support team will identify the cause and fix the issue with you together.

To contact ITSC, please through:

Common lounges are located on 4/5F, 6/7F of Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building and 1/2F, 3/4F, 5/6F of North Block.


Cooking facilities, water boilers and seating are on the upper levels while televisions, freezers and microwave ovens are on the lower levels.


There are pantries on floors with no common lounges.

Only light cooking can be done inside the common lounges and pantries. Cooking in any area other than common lounges and pantries is prohibited. Induction cookers and microwave ovens are provided in common lounges and pantries. Please prepare your own cooking utensils.


Water boilers are installed in common lounges and pantries. Students may redeem their water jug at RSA tuck shop during term commencement time. Filtered water dispensers are installed in both blocks: 2/F, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building and LG1, North Block.

There are two sets of vending machines in the hostel area. One set of beverage and snack machines are installed at LG1, North Block (next to Fitness Room); another set of machines are installed at G/F lobby, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building (inside TV room). Only Octopus card is accepted.


WSSU RSA operates a Tuck Shop on G/F, North Block (immediate after the barrier gates). It usually opens during late evenings. For details, please contact RSA officials.

There are two elevators in the hostel. Elevator number 1 serves LG4-7/F, North Block (card authorization required for accessing LG3), while elevator number 2 serves G-12/F, South Block. Elevator number 2 does not call at LG1, LG2, LG3. Students going to those floors shall transfer to the central staircase on G/F.

Self-served laundries are located at 2/F, Dorothy and Ti-Hua KOO Building and LG4/F, North Block. Washing machines and dryers are available for a fee of $5 per cycle and $5 per 15 min respectively. Water extractors are currently free. Students may hang their clothes at the deck or in their own room.


Irons can be borrowed from Information Counter.

Televisions are installed in the TV rooms at two lobbies in each block, and in the lower levels of common lounges.

Facilities for Non-residential Students

Note to applicants:

  • All Lee Woo Sing College students are eligible to apply for a locker in the campus (For lockers in YIA, only non-residential students are eligible to apply)
  • The rental period is from the date of locker allocation until graduation date (For lockers in YIA, the rental period is from September until May of next year only)
  • Locker will be assigned to successful applicants on random basis
  • A label will be fixed on the locker (without identification of students particulars) to identify occupied locker (except for lockers in YIA)
  • Students shall bring their own pad lock (hard metal one) to lock their locker (For lockers in YIA, applicants have to collect their keys at College Office. A penalty of $50 will be charged for each lost key)
  • Students shall be responsible for the goods to be stored in the locker.
  • Storage of illegal objects, fresh food and dirty objects are strictly prohibited.
  • Students shall clean and return the locker to the College in good conditions at the end of rental period.
  • Application Deadline: 18th September 2019.
  • Result will be announced on 25th September 2019.