Green Review

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WS Green Life

Every year, Lee Woo Sing College organize diversified green events and workshops for teachers and students to understand more about the virtue of “Green Life”. Click the photos below to visit our past efforts.



在2017年5月至2017年8月期間,該系統於北座和南座均產生約13,600 kWh的電力,電量可以供約14,000部1HP冷氣機運行1小時,以此發電效能估算,書院每年將節省電費約40000元。 書院現時設有能源儀表版,以便定時監察書院的用電情況:

solar energy 2

Green Awards

Energy Conservation Award’ of the Green Office Programme (‘GO!’)


On 5 June (World Environment Day)2018 , the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office organized a ‘GO!’ Green Award Ceremony to celebrate the achievements of  CUHK offices in creating a green workplace. Lee Woo Sing College got this year’s ‘Energy Conservation Award’ of the Green Office Programme (‘GO!’)! Besides, our office fulfilled the requirements of ‘GO!’ in 2017 and we got  a ‘Competent Green Office’ e-seal as a token of appreciation.

CLP Smart Energy Award 2018 – Renewable Energy Outstanding Award


CLP has launched the first “Smart Energy Award” in 2018. 240 applications were received by CLP in which 34 applications have been selected and awarded. We are happy to announce that Lee Woo Sing College is one of the awardees in Smart Energy Award 2018 with Renewable Energy Outstanding Award. The award presentation ceremony has been hold on 18-10-2018.

‘BYO GO!’ Campaign – Support ‘Bring Your Own’


The Campus Planning and Sustainability Office will launch a ‘BYO GO!’ Campaign on 1 November to engage our students, staff and caterers. The restaurants of LWS College have pledged to support ‘BYO GO!’ and get the ‘BYO-Friendly Caterers (Platinum level)”


‘BYO-Friendly Caterers (Platinum level)’:

  • WS Pavilion
  • The Harmony
  • Cafe Tolo
  • The Green

BEAM Eco Building – Platinum Standard


In accordance with the Building Environmental Assessment Method(BEAM) for new building (4/04 version), our College was certified as the rating of Platinum.

Green PLUS Recognition Award 2014


The Green PLUS Recognition Award is to reward organizations for outstanding performance in energy saving. In 2014, it drew the participation of more than 500 organizations and received 4,000 applications. LWS College stood out from the crowd and was awarded Silver Award in the “Public Organization, Utility, University” category.

Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence 2013 ‘1-min Green Talk’