WS Sports

Lee Woo Sing College emphasize students’all-rounded development. Among those development elements, sports education that highlights physical build-up and teamwork is essential for students’ growth.

Apart from participating workshops organized by the College and joining campus competitions as core College team members, WS-ees also have valuable opportunities to initiate different kinds of sports events. Students are guided by College instructors and coaches during execution, and hence develop organizational skills as well as sense of belongings to the University and the College.
WS Sports Teams

Lee Woo Sing College hosts various College sports teams for the sporty types! The WS Sports Teams have regular trainings by professional coaches, which they enhance their skills and take part in various Inter-Collegiate Competitions and University championships happening all around the year. 

We welcome all students to join our energetic sports teams! Stay tuned for our tryouts through College webmails and social media channels!

We currently have the following 17 Sports Teams:




Track and Field



Table Tennis







Track and Field



Table Tennis


Woo Sing Sports Association

Formed by a group of WS sports enthusiasts and students, Woo Sing Sports Association (WSSA) aim to promote sportsmanship within the College. WSSA help organize a series of sports-related activities for our students such as Master Cup, Sports Day, sports workshops and fitness room management.

WS Sports Association 和聲體育會

Activities organized by WSSA:

To cultivate a sporting culture, WS Sports Day are held annually since 2012 to provide more opportunities for students to participate in sports. Athletes are free to choose from Track (100M, 400M, 800M, 1500M, 4x100 Mixed Relay), Field (Shot Put, Long Jump, High Jump, Javelin, Discus) and Special Competition items.

Every year, WSSA organize regular gathering events with athletes, coaches and teachers to enhance cohesion among all sports team participants. Certificates are present to WS athletes to recognize their efforts and achievements in Inter-Collegiate Sports Competitions.

WS Master Cup is one of the biggest sports competitions held annually. WS-ees compete among themselves in table tennis, basketball and foosball to develop teamwork and friendship.

WSSA organize sports training programmes and new sports workshops irregularly for WS-ees, aiming at encouraging students to learn in-depth about sports around the world.




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