Admission Statistics

Admission Application

In 2021/22, over 1,260 applicants applied for affiliation to Lee Woo Sing College and chose us as first or second choices. Admission interview for around 600 students was arranged.

Admission Figures

Among the admission application population in 2021/22, 355 students were admitted to the College eventually, i.e., around 1 out of 3.5 applicants was admitted. 100% of them chose us as first choice.

Admission Group

Among the students admitted to the College in 2021/22,
75% were admitted via JUPAS (local) channel;
5.1% were admitted via non-JUPAS (local) channel;
6.8% were admitted via AD/HD (local) channel;
4.8% were admitted via international channel;
8.3% were admitted via mainland Chinese channel


Among the students admitted to the College in 2021/22,
25.5% were from Faculty of Medicine;
20.2% were from Faculty of Business Administration;
17% were from Faculty of Social Science;
12% were from Faculty of Engineering;
11% were from Faculty of Science;
8.8% were from Faculty of Arts;
3.1% were from Faculty of Education;
1.2% were from Faculty of Laws;

Non-local Students

Among the non-local students admitted in 2021/22,
Around 40% were from Macau, Taiwan and overseas (Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Germany, Spain, Mid- and Southern Asia);
The rest 60% were from mainland China (mainly from Beijing, Zhejiang, Hebei, Shanxi, Henan, Hainan)

On-campus Accommodation

Guaranteed residence was given to all non-local freshmen for their first year of study. Local freshmen have to apply for hostel according to the Hostel Allocation Scheme. The successful rate of hostel application for local freshmen in 2021/22 was 65%.