2017. 06. 27Congratulations to CUHK Team for winning the 1st PwC (PricewaterHouseCooper) Inter-University Capture the Flag competition in Hong Kong
PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) held their 1st Inter-university Capture the Flag (CTF) competition, PwC's Hackaday 2017, in Hong Kong on 23 June. Each university could nominate up to 2 teams to compete in this competition. A total of 9 teams joined: CUHK, CityU, HKUST and PolyU each sent 2 teams while HKU had one. We are glad to know that the two CUHK teams got the Champion and the 4th place respectively after 6 hours of non-stopped hacking to tackle 15 different challenges ranging from Crypto, Web, Binary reverse-engineering as well as Networking hacks.
Members of the two CUHK teams included:
- Shing Yuet LEUNG (MIEG Year 3), Cham Fei TONG (CS Final Year), Xianbo WANG (Math Final Year, will be IE MPhil student in this Fall), Yihui ZENG (Math Final Year)
- Paul CHAN, Wai Man HUNG, Tsz Ching LAM, Wai Pan YIK (All Year 2 CS students).
Congratulations again to both of our teams and we are proud of you !
For more details of this event, please check:
The CUHK Teams
The CUHK Team (Photo source: )
The scoreboard of the
final result