Seminar Archive

Seminars 2020-2021

Date Speaker Seminar
02 Dec., 2022 Mr. KUO Wai Keung Eric
The Road from Information Engineering to Innovative Technology Enterprises
25 Nov., 2022 Mr. Kingsley YEUNG
Assistant Director (Support), the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA)
Overview of Telecommunications Market in Hong Kong and Career Opportunities at OFCA
25 Nov., 2022 Mr. Benjamin LAM & Mr. Indi WONG
HKIE School Ambassadors Programme
Professional Engineering Careers and Prospect
18 Nov., 2022 Mr. Peter KWOK
T-Mobile USA Inc.
Career Sharing from IE Alumni
18 Nov., 2022 Mr. Alan LEE
Risksis Technology Limited
Career Sharing from IE Alumni
11 Nov., 2022 Dr. C. K. WONG
iASPEC Technologies (Holdings)
Information Engineering in the Information Age
04 Nov., 2022 Mr. Danny LI
HKBN Group
Connecting the Dots with CTO
28 Oct., 2022 Prof. Pascal O. VONTOBEL
Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
On Permutations
21 Oct., 2022 Prof. LAU Wing Cheong
Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Graph Representation Learning and its applications: A System Modeling & Performance Analysis Perspective
07 Oct., 2022 Mr. ZHANG Youqian
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
Electromagnetic Signal Injection Attacks on Embedded Systems - Modeling and Detection
30 Sep., 2022 Mr. Aldous NG
CU Coding Limited
If you can dream it, you can do it
12 Jan., 2022 Prof. Venkat ANANTHARAM
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Behavioral Game Theory for Interacting Agents in Societal Systems
06 Jan., 2022 Dr. OUYANG Wanli
The University of Sydney
From Manual Design to Automated Deep Learning
04 Jan., 2022 Dr. Amin AMINZADEH GOHARI
Tehran Insititute for Advanced Studies
Understanding and Engineering Information in Molecular Communication, Game Theory, Quantum Systems, and Wireless Systems
02 Sep., 2022 Dr. Qun SONG
A*STAR Institute, Singapore
Towards Resilient Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems against Adversarial Examples
22 Aug., 2022 Prof. Kai-Kit WONG
University College London, United Kingdom
Bruce Lee Inspired Fluid Antenna Systems for 6G: Fluid Antenna Multiple Access
11 Aug., 2022 Prof. Kin K. LEUNG
Imperial College, London
Reinforcement Learning: Control and Management of Communications and Computer Networks
15 Jul., 2022 Dr. WU Yingquan
Tenafe Inc., USA
LDPC for SSD - From Theory to Practice
07 Apr., 2022 Mr. YUE Xiangyu
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Towards Data-Efficient, Compute-Efficient, and Verified Robust Learning
25 Mar., 2022 Dr. SHI Guodong
The University of Sydney, Australia
Reimagine Connectivity in Network Dynamics - From Social Networks to Quantum Computing
11 Mar., 2022 Dr. XUE Tianfan
Google research, USA
How to Build a Smart Camera System
25 Feb., 2022 Prof. Xiaojun LIN
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University
Age-of-Information Optimization in Heterogeneous Multi-Channel Systems: A Partial-Index Approach
17 Dec., 2021 Dr. WU Chenshu, Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong
Wireless AI: WiFi Sensing from Principles to Products
10 Nov., 2021 Dr. LIU Xiang
Huawei Hong Kong Research Center, China
Emerging Optical and Photonic Technologies for Communications and Beyond
29 Oct., 2021 Dr. Zhibo PANG
ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Ethernet Grade Industrial Wireless Communication Towards The Cloud-Fog Automation
25 Mar., 2021 Prof. Wilton Chau, Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship; Prof. John K. Zao, Professor of Practice in Information Engineering; Prof. Tina W. Choi, Adjunct Assistant Professor in Management
How to Raise Funds from Private Investors for Technology Commercialization Ventures & Technology Commercialization in CUHK Engineering Faculty
19 Mar., 2021 Prof. GUO Qinglai
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University
Automatic Voltage Control: Challenges and Experiences
27 Jan., 2021 Mr. Tianhao WANG
Department of Computer Science, Purdue University
Collecting Sensitive Data with Local Differential Privacy
26 Jan., 2021 Dr. Zhenyu YAN
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Exploiting Induced Skin Electric Potential for Resilient Body-area IoT Systems
25 Jan., 2021 Mr. Huajie SHAO
Computer Science Department, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)
Mining Social Sensing Data: Representation, Modeling, and Applications
25 Nov., 2020 Dr. YIP Kit Sang Danny
Graduate from CSE, CUHK
Course Outline of Data Structures and Selected Content on Graph
07 Jan., 2020 Mr. Russell W. F. Lai
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU), Germany
Recent advances in privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies and augments for (bilinear) group relations

Seminars 2021
Seminars 2020
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