2021. 08. 27The Charles Kao Top Performance Awards 2020-21 and The Final Year Project Awards 2020-21
We are excited to announce the recipients of the Final Year Project Awards and the Charles Kao Top Performance Awards 2020-21. These two Departmental Scholarship Awards were approved by the Department Executive Committee and established in May 2016 for rewarding the distinguished IERGN and MIEGN students.
The Charles Kao Top Performance Awards will be given to the top IERGN and MIEGN final year students with academic excellence in his/her major studies after completing the minimum requirement of 123 units. The awardees of 2020-21 are:
- IERG - Mr. Zihao HU
- MIEG - Mr. Mingjun ZHOU
The Final Year Project Awards will be given to the Final Year Project group(s) in which the students have performed exemplary technical project management and problem solving skills. Selected by the Technical Programme Committee (TPC), the best three FYP group(s) of 2020-21 are:
- Group I1 - Mr. Jingdong HUANG and Mr. Yu-wai WONG (supervised by Prof. Sherman SM CHOW)
Project: Exploitation and Hacking in Android Games - Group J4 - Miss Tim-ying NG and Miss Man-yan TSE (supervised by Prof. Jack YB Lee)
Project: Face Untouchable - Group M1 - Miss Nicole YH CHAN and Mr. Pui-kin CHEUNG (supervised by Prof. Tat-ming LOK)
Project: Game on Smart Phones
Our hearty congratulations to them!