Grants & Funding

The Information Engineering Department has long been engaging in forefront research and development activities in information Technologies. Our commitment in research can be reflected by our continued success in securing internal and external research funding. Over the past three years, we received around 96 million HK dollars of the competitive grants spreading across 23 projects. In the same period, other research grants from both internal and external sources for 31 projects exceeded 7.9 million HKD.

Over that period, a number of research projects of excellence were established in response to the growing industrial need and the strategic directions set forth by the Government, Prof. S.-Y. Robert Li and Prof. W. H. Raymond Yeung, co-founders of the field of network coding, established the Institute of Network Coding in CUHK under the an Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme funded by the University Grants Committee. The total budget exceeds $100M.

Area of Excellence (AoE) Grant

Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. LI Shou-yen &
Prof. YEUNG Wai-ho
Institute of Network Coding 84 80,270,000
    Total 80,270,000

RGC General Research Fund (GRF) Grant


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHEN Lian-kuan High-speed Solar-Panel/Image-Sensor based VLC for Smart Cities: Design Challenges and Advanced Signal Processing 30 583,333
Prof. CHOW Sze-ming Password-Hardening Services --- Key Encapsulation, Anonymous Rate-Limiting, Multiple Servers, and More 36 875,000
Prof. JAGGI Sidharth Group testing: Non-linear estimation problems 36 304,301
Prof. LIN Dahua Understanding Visual Stories with a Knowledge Base 36 693,000
Prof. LOK Tat-ming Multiuser relay networks with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer 36 495,086
Prof. NAIR Chandra Two new directions for some fundamental problems in multiuser information theory 36 612,950
Prof. Vontobel Pascal O. Reliable communication over quantum channels with memory 36 495,086
Prof. ZHANG Kehuan Studies on the Security Implications of Non-Digital Components in Computing Systems 36 490,400
    Total 4,549,156


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. BAKSHI Mayank * Confusability, Covertness, and Collusion: Information Theoretic Deniability against Coercing Eavesdroppers 36 634,560
Prof. CHEN Lian-kuan Spectrally-efficient Multiple Access for Multi-user Visible Light Communications 30 583,333
Prof. CHOW Sze-ming Sublinear Multi-Writer Searchable Encryption --- Bridging Symmetric-Key to Public-Key Paradigm 36 700,000
Prof. LIEW Soung-chang Wireless Rate-Diverse Broadcast with Side Information: From Theory to Practical Implementations 36 600,000
Prof. LOY Chen-change Synthesizing Fashion by Semantically-Constrained and Competing Deep Adversarial Networks 36 500,000
Prof. SHUM Wing Ki * Fast decoding of storage codes 36 600,000
Prof. WONG Wing-shing Networked Control over Open Communication Networks 30 413,204
Prof. VONTOBEL Pascal O. Analysis of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes via Double Covers and Beyond 36 600,000
Prof. ZHANG Yingjun On Scalable Radio Resource Virtualization in Cloud Radio Access Networks 36 495,846
    Total 5,126,943
* The Affiliation of PI is Institute of Network Coding.


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHEN Lian-kuan High-speed Mobile Visible Light Communications and Networking for Eco-friendly Underwater and Intelligent Transportation Applications 24 321,737
Prof. HUANG Jianwei Collaborative Economics of Wireless Networks 36 675,647
Prof. JAGGI Sidharth Communication in the Presence of Adversaries: Between Shannon and Hamming 36 488,501
Prof. LIN Dahua Towards a Scalable Framework for Web-scale Semantic Tagging of Images 36 482,605
Prof. LOK Tat-ming Network Coded Interference Alignment 36 482,605
Prof. LOY Chen-change Joint Attribute Recognition and Image Hallucination by Deep Global-Local Convolutional Network 36 675,204
Prof. LU Lu * Wireless Jumbo Message 36 675,647
Prof. NAIR Chandra Hypercontractive inequalities via information theory 36 548,059
Prof. TANG Xiaoou Unsupervised Deep Convolutional Network Learning of Discriminative Representation 36 675,204
Prof. ZHANG Kehuan Study and Development of Key Technologies for Secure Configuration and Authentication in IoT Systems 36 675,647
    Total 5,828,444
* The Affiliation of PI is Institute of Network Coding.


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHEN Lian-kuan Advanced Modulation Formats using Directly Modulated Lasers and Full-Field Detection Receivers 24 329,377
Prof. CHEN Minghua Delay-Constrained Network Information Flow: Characterizing Timely Routing and Coding Capacities 36 696,029
Prof. HUANG Jianwei Economic Mechanism Design for Mobile Crowd Sensing 36 696,029
Prof. JAGGI Sidharth Communication that is Information Theoretically Reliable and Undetectable 36 451,255
Prof. LIN Dahua Recognizing Events from Web Images: An Integrative Approach 36 776,075
Prof. WONG Wing-shing Learning in Information-Based Pursuit-Evasion Games 24 462,696
Prof. ZHANG Kehuan FirmCracker: Tools and Algorithms to Support Dynamic Analysis of Security Critical Code for Embedded System 24 359,408
Prof. ZHANG Yingjun Primary Frequency Control by Battery Energy Storage Systems 36 696,029
    Total 4,466,898


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHAN Chun-kit Design and Applications of Physical-Layer Network Coding for High-Speed Optical Systems and Networks 30 692,894
Prof. CHAN Chung Matroidal Network Link Model 36 500,000
Prof. CHEN Lian-kuan Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Based Coherent Burst-Mode Receivers 24 875,000
Prof. CHEN Minghua Optimizing Energy Cost for Power-Proportional Data Centers by Geographic Load-Balancing: A Holistic Approach 36 500,000
Prof. CHIU Dah-ming Data Analytics and Operations Research for Large-scale Internet Video Distribution Services 30 500,000
Prof. CHOW Sze-ming Searchable Encryption: General Framework and Practical Constructions 36 692,894
Prof. HUANG Jianwei Building Future Mobile Broadband Networks with Cellular Wi-Fi Integrations 36 691,167
Prof. LEE Yiu-bun Predicting the Unpredictable - A New Approach to Providing Statistical Performance Guarantees in Mobile Video Streaming 36 692,894
Prof. LIEW Soung-chang Physical-Layer Network Coding for Multiple Access 36 875,000
Prof. NAIR Chandra Hypercontractive inequalities via information theory 36 548,059
Prof. WONG Wing-shing Control of Adaptive Formations 36 500,000
Prof. ZHANG Yingjun Towards a Scalable Wireless Cellular Cloud: Collaborative Signal Processing and Resource Management 36 692,894
    Total 7,760,802


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHOW Sze-ming Accountable Privacy in Online Communication (Grant for Educational Activities) 36 100,000
Prof. CHOW Sze-ming Accountable Privacy in Online Communication 36 816,000
Prof. HUANG Jianwei Coordination and Competition in Shared Spectrum: Market Mechanisms and Protocol Designs 36 836,450
Prof. LIEW Soung-chang Iterative Algorithms for Multiple-Parameter Estimation and Channel Decoding in Physical-Layer Network Coding System 36 768,000
Prof. NAIR Chandra Additive Gaussian Noise Channels in Network Information Theory: Determining the Ooptimality of Gaussian Inputs and Other Optimizing Distributions 36 500,000
Prof. TANG Xiaoou Visual Semantic Complex Network 36 645,500
    Total 3,665,950


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHAN Chun-kit Novel Optical Techniques to Monitor the Performance of Optical Orthogonal-Frequency-Division-Multiplexing (OFDM) Signals in Flexible Optical Transport Networks 30 700,000
Prof. LEE Tong A Communication Network Architecture with Virtual Circuit Switching and Deflection Routing for QoS Guarantees 36 700,000
Prof. LIEW Soung-chang Building Blocks of Physical-Layer Network Coding 36 905,425
Prof. NAIR Chandra Towards Determing Capacity Regions in Network Information Theory: New Directions and Techniques 36 500,000
Prof. TANG Xiaoou Age Invariant and Pose Robust Face Recognition for Children Faces Recognition on the Internet 24 500,000
Prof. YUAN Xiaojun Design of Reliable Physical-Layer Network Coding for MIMO Relay Networks 36 905,425
    Total 4,210,850


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHEN Minghua Characterizing and Optimizing Delay Performance in Peer-to-Peer Systems 36 922,500
Prof. CHIU Dah-ming Content Replication Strategies for Large-scale Content Delivery Platforms 36 531,000
Prof. HUANG Jianwei Economic Viability of Dynamic Spectrum Management 36 937,500
Prof. LIEW Soung-chang Asynchronous Physical-Layer Network Coding 36 608,000
    Total 2,999,000


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHEN Lian-kuan Novel Electronic Equalizers using Diverse Optical Filtering for the Mitigation of Chromatic Dispersion and Fiber Nonlinearity-Induced Impairments 30 750,000
Prof. CHEN Minghua Stochastic Models and Optimization of Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Systems 36 499,390
Prof. HUANG Jianwei Revenue Management for Wireless Data Networks 40 1,008,000
Prof. LAU Wing-cheong Channel-oblivious Counting Algorithms for Large-scale RFID Applications 30 726,000
Prof. NAIR Chandra Discrete memoryless broadcast channels - a network information theoretic study 30 665,854
Prof. TANG Xiaoou Efficient Face Clustering Using Statistical Context and Photo Quality Filtering 36 828,000
    Total 4,477,244

Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Grant


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. WONG Wing-shing Integrated Networked Control for Massively IoT Devices 24 3,047,000
    Total 3,047,000


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. JAGGI Sidharth A Spare Recovery Approach for High-Throughput Energy – Efficient Wireless Networks (Phase II) 24 2,127,935
Prof. LAU Wing-cheong Adaptive Model-based Security Testing for Single-Sing-On Services in Mobile Applications 24 1,666,520.8
    Total 3,794,455.8


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. LIEW Soung-chang IoT/Smart City: Communications Networks & Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 2,432,224
Prof. Prof. TANG Xiaoou (PI) and Prof. CHAN Yuen-yan (CO/I) Semantic Image-Based Cloud Augmentative & Alternative Communication (Cloud AAC) System 21 1,570,830
    Total 4,003,054


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. JAGGI Sidharth A Spare Recovery Approach for High-Throughput Energy – Efficient Wireless Networks 24 1,854,051.6
Prof. LAU Wing-cheong Authenticated Paper: Protecting Paper-based Documents//Credentials using High-capacity Authenticated 2D Barcodes 18 1,768,350
    Total 3,622,401.6


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHEN Minghua Indoor White Space Communication System 18 1,398,400
Prof. LAU Wing Cheong Authenticated Paper: Protecting Paper-based Documents//Credentials using High-capacity Authenticated 2D Barcodes 18 1,390,350
    Total 2,788,750


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. LEE Yiu-bun Traffic Accelerator for Mobile Data Network 21 1,477,209.6
Prof. LEE Yiu-bun Real-Time Application-Layer Performance Analyzer for Mobile Data Networks 18 994,750
    Total 2,471,959.6


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. LAU Wing-cheong An Extensive Distributed Measurement Platform for Analyzing Quality-of-Experience (QoE) of Multimedia Applications over Wireless Networks 21 1,332,520
    Total 1,332,520

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) / Research Grants Council (RGC) Grant


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. CHEUNG Kwok-wai Next Generation Resilient, Dynamic, Ultra-High Capacity Core Optical Network based on Optical Flow Switching 24 616,220
    Total 616,220

The Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) Grant


Principal Investigator(s) Project Title Duration
Prof. LAU Wing-cheong An Extensible Distributed Measurement Platform on Mobile Devices for Healthcare Monitoring & Personal Wellness 12 399,600
    Total 399,600

Other Grants

Grant Amount (HK$)
Total Internal allocation for 2018-2019  
Total Internal allocation for 2017-2018 300,000
Total Internal allocation for 2016-2017 300,000
Total Internal allocation for 2015-2016 65,360
Total Internal allocation for 2014-2015 521,000
Total Internal allocation for 2013-2014 565,308
Total Internal allocation for 2012-2013 361,550
Total Internal allocation for 2011-2012 241,968
Total Internal allocation for 2010-2011 300,000
Total Internal allocation for 2009-2010 310,000