Seminar Archive

Seminars 2011

Date Speaker Seminar
14 Dec., 2011 Prof. Zongpeng Li
University of Calgary
On Benefits of Network Coding in Bidirected Networks and Hyper-networks
13 Dec., 2011 Mr. Kehuan Zhang
Indiana University
Sedic: Privacy-Aware Data Intensive Computing on Hybrid Clouds
9 Dec., 2011 Prof. Harald Overby
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Network Coding for a Survivable and Secure Internet
8 Dec., 2011 Prof. Zuqing Zhu
University of Science and Technology of China
Mixed Regenerator Placement and Routing and Wavelength Assignment for Energy-Efficient Optical Transport Networks
7 Dec., 2011 Prof. En-hui Yang
University of Waterloo, Canada
Non-asymptotic Equipartition Properties with Respect to Information Quantities
6 Dec., 2011 Prof. Anshi Xu
Peking University
Silicon-based Surface Plasmon Polaritons Study of the Wild Field-of-view Receiver Module
5 Dec., 2011 Prof. Yongqi He
Peking University
Research activities and results on optical transmissions and optical networks in OFCL
14 Nov., 2011 Prof. Martin Weiss
University of Pittsburgh
Engineering Systems to use Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) Technologies
11 Nov., 2011 Mr. Alton Lo
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Advanced Topic in IP Routing
4 Nov., 2011 Prof. Victor C.M. Leung
The University of British Columbia, Canada
Broadband Wireless Access over Fibre-connected Massively Distributed Antennas
3 Nov., 2011 Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu
Department of Computer Science,National University of Singapore
Energy Conservation for Image Retrieval on Mobile Systems
27 Oct, 2011 Dr. Osama Aboul-Magd
Huawei Technologies, Canada R&D Center
IEEE 802.11ac : The Road to Gigabit WLAN Standard
10 Oct, 2011 Ruiting Zhou
University of Calgary, Canada
Two Applications of Physical Layer Network Coding in Multi-hop Wireless Networks
7 Oct, 2011 Dr. Terence Chan
University of South Australia
Characterisation of Network Coding Regions via Entropy Functions
6 Oct, 2011 Prof. Yunghsiang S. Han
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Survivable Distributed Storage with Progressive Decoding
3 Oct, 2011 Prof. Alex J. Grant
University of South Australia
Linear and Nonlinear Iterative Multiuser Detection
28 Sep, 2011 Prof. Xiao Ma
Sun Yat-sen University
Kite Codes : Design, Analysis, and Extensions
7 Sep, 2011 Prof. Jinhong Yuan
University of New South Wales, Australia
Joint Channel Coding and Physical Layer Network Coding Design for Gaussian Two-Way Relay Channels
24 Aug, 2011 Dr. Fu Liqun
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Effective Carrier Sensing in CSMA Networks under Cumulative Interference
22 Aug, 2011 Prof. Michael Langberg
Open University of Israel
Coding for Online (Causal) Adversaries
17 Aug, 2011 Prof. Zongpeng Li
University of Calgary
Space Information Flow
10 Aug, 2011 Prof. Minghua Chen
Towards Low-Delay Multi-Party Conferencing
26 July, 2011 Prof. Wei Chen
Tsinghua University
Matching & Large Deviation over Random Bipartite Graph: An Innovative Framework for OFDMA Systems
20 July, 2011 Prof. Pramod Viswanath
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Local Phy + Global Routing: A Fundamental Layering Principle for Wireless Networks
20 July, 2011 Mr. Satyajit Thakor
University of South Australia
Network Coding Capacity Bounds : Characterization and Computation
14 July, 2011 Mr. Mahdi Jafari Siavoshani
École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
On the Capacity of Noncoherent Network Coding
11,13,15 July, 2011 Prof. Francois Baccelli
Stochastic Geometry and Information Theory
13 July, 2011 Prof. Pingyi Fan
Tsinghua University
Cross Layer Design for Network Coding over Fading Channels
6 July, 2011 Prof. Max H. M. Costa
University of Campinas, Brazil
Dirty Paper Coding and Distributed Source Coding - Dual Views of Combined Source and Channel Coding
4 July, 2011 Prof. Defeng Huang
University of Western Australia, Australia
How to produce a turbo equalization system with complexity O (logL)?
30 June, 2011 Prof. Jeonghoon Mo
Yonsei University, Korea
On the Economic Effects of Sharing Femtocell
29 June, 2011 Dr. Salim El Rouayheb
University of California, Berkeley
DRESS Code for the Storage Cloud
9 June, 2011 Prof. Xiaojun Lin
Purdue University
Beyond Throughput-Optimality --- Towards Cross-Layer Network Optimization with Quantifiable Delay Constraints
2 June, 2011 Yonggang Wen
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Cloud-Centric Media Network (CCMN): Empowering Rich Media Experience Social Interactive Features
1 June, 2011 Prof. Michael Lightner (2006 IEEE President)
University of Colorado at Boulder
On Reform of Engineering Education
24 May, 2011 Prof. Raymond Yeung
Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Refinement of Two Fundamental Tools in Information Theory
23 May, 2011 Prof. Ross Anderson
Cambridge University, U.K.
The Dependability of Complex Socio-Technical Infrastructure
18 May, 2011 Prof. Max H. M. Costa
University of Campinas, Brazil
Noisebergs in Z Gaussian Interference Channels
16 May, 2011 Mr. Chris Look
CTO, Taseon, Inc.
Hybrid Coherent & Incoherent DWDM Transmission Optical Fiber Networking
13 May, 2011 Mr. Chris Smith
Head of Regional Security & Fraud Risk, HSBC
The Relationship Between Information Security and Fraud Risk Management
18 April, 2011 Lachlan Andrew
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Controlling the Internet to Improve Energy Efficiency
13 Apr., 2011 Dr. Siu-Wai Ho
University of South Australia
Error-Free Perfect-Secrecy Systems
8 Apr., 2011 Prof. Alex Dimakis
University of Southern California
Network Coding for Distributed Storage: Directions and Open Problems
6 Apr., 2011 Dr. Sherman S.M. Chow
University of Waterloo, Canada
Improving Privacy and Security in Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encrption
30 Mar., 2011 Prof. Harumichi Nishimura
Osaka Prefecture University
Quantum Network Coding
24 Mar., 2011 Dr. Kai Cai
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Encoding Complexity for Network Coding with 2 Simple Multicast Sessions
23 Mar., 2011 Prof. Ryutaroh Matsumoto
Department of Communications and Integrated Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Secure Multiplex Coding and Its Application to Secure Network Coding
21 Mar., 2011 Ms. Rachel Huijia Lin
Cornell University, U.S.A.
Concurrent Security
17 Mar., 2011 Prof. Aleksandar Kavcic
University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Ordered Statistics Decoding for Linear Block Codes over Intersymbol Interference Channels
9 Mar., 2011 Dr. Xiaojun Yuan
Department of Electroinc Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
Linear Precoding and Iterative MMSE Detection, and Eigen-Direction Alignment Aided Physical-Layer Network Coding, for MIMO Channels
3 Mar., 2011 Prof. Kenneth K.Y. Wong
The University of Hong Kong
Nonlinear Fiber Optics & Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers
2 Mar., 2011 Prof. Mingyan Liu
University of Michigan
Online Learning in Dynamic Spectrum Access: Restless Bandits, Equilibrium and Social Optimality
23 Feb., 2011 Prof. Venkat Anantharam
University of California Berkeley
Recent Results for Stochastic Models with Long-range Dependence and Heavy Tails
22 Feb., 2011 Prof. Zbigniew Dziong
École de technologie supérieure, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada
Wireless Relay Networks for Green Environment
28 Jan., 2011 Dr. James She
Research Fellow, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, U.K.
Coded Wireless Video Broadcast/Multicast-A Framework to Harvest The True Potential of 4G Access Networks
26 Jan., 2011 Dr. Fanggang Wang
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
On the Economic Effects of Sharing Femtocell
20 Jan., 2011 Dr. Li Chen
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Algebraic-geometric Codes and Modernized Algebraic Decoding
19 Jan., 2011 Prof. Dongning Guo
Northwestern University and Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Entropy Power Inequality: Proofs and Applications
18 Jan., 2011 Dr. Dong Chen
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Overview of The Blue Gene Supercomputers
12 Jan., 2011 Dr. Amin Aminzadeh Gohari
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Network Coding, CUHK
Network Coding with Correlated Sources, and Some Results on The General Broadcast Channel