
2021. 05. 21

The paper "milliEye: a Lightweight mmWave Radar and Camera Fusion System for Robust Object Detection" Won the Best Student Paper Award at IoTDI 2021

We were excited to know that the paper named "milliEye: a Lightweight mmWave Radar and Camera Fusion System for Robust Object Detection" had received the Best Student Paper Award at the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) 2021.

The winning paper is co-authored by Xian Shuai, Yulin Shen, Yi Tang, Shuyao Shi, Luping Ji, and Guoliang Xing. Xian, Shuyao (both are PhD students supervised by Prof. Xing) and Yi are from the Embedded AI and Internet of Things Laboratory of IE Department. This is a joint work with a team from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

IoTDI is the flagship single-track conference of IEEE/ACM on IoT systems. To know more about the conference, please check:


