
2012. 11. 05

We are proud to announce that the paper by Mr. Xiangwen Chen, Prof. Minghua Chen, and a team of researchers in Tsinghua and Simon Fraser University has won the ACM Multimedia (ACM MM) 2012 Best Paper Award!

Z. Wang, L. Sun, X. Chen, W. Zhu, J. Liu, M. Chen, and S. Yang, "Propagation-Based Social-Aware Replication for Social Video Contents", in Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2012, Nara, Japan, Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, 2012.

There is only one best paper award for the conference. ACM MM is a premier conference sponsored by ACM SIGMM. This year the conference has 67 long papers with a 20% acceptance rate. The paper is based on a joint work with Tsinghua. The work is on a data-driven design of a socialized video distribution system. A typical example of socialized videos is the video "Gangnam Style" that recently becomes very popular via social propagation over Twitter. The project lead is Prof. Wenwu Zhu of Tsinghua University. The two students involved are Zhi Wang from Tsinghua and Xiangwen Chen from CUHK (an MPhil student of Prof. Chen Minghua). This is Xiangwen's second ACM MM paper. Xiangwen built a multiparty conferencing system with can do video+audio multi-party conferencing on Win7 over the actual Internet. He is currently doing a start-up on shopping assistant software/apps in ShenZhen.

Congratulations to all the team members for their impressive achievement!!
