2018. 08. 19Final Year Project Awards 2017-18
The Final Year Project Awards aims to give due recognition to outstanding Final Year Projects, foster students' management and problem solving skills in technical projects. As judged by the Technical Programme Committee (TPC), the prizes with a total amount of HK$40K will be granted to the best projects (groups) for the year.
We are happy to announce that the following two project groups were granted the Final Year Project Awards and each group will receive HK$20K:
- [Group_K2] Using Deep Learning to Solve 3D Segmentation Task in Self Driving Domain
by Miss LI, Lingzhi (Supervisor: Professor LIN, Dahua) - [Group_W2] Console/PC Game Development Project
by Mr. TSUI, Ngo Ching Samuel and Mr. YIP, Ching Wan (Supervisor: Dr. HUI, Ka-yu William)
The award presentation will be arranged at the New IERGN/MIEGN Student Luncheon Gathering 2019 scheduled in early September when most of the students are invited to be the witnesses for that honorable moment. Congratulations to them!