
Shuo-Yen Robert Li (Bob Li)
Professor Emeritus
Distinguished University Professor
& Director, Li Institute of Mathematical Technology
University of Electronic Science and Tech of China
(电子科技大学 硕彦数学科技研究所 所长)
bobli@uestc.edu.cn ; http://staff.uestc.edu.cn/bobli
Honorary appointments:
- Emeritus Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學 榮休講座教授), 8/2014 ~ ...
- Honorary Professor, Xiamen University (厦门大学 名誉教授), 11/2013 ~ ...
- Honorary Professor, Southwest Jiaotong University (西南交通大学 名誉教授), 7/2011 ~ ...
- Honorary Professor, University of Electronic Science & Technology of China (电子科技大学 名誉教授), 11/2009 ~ ...
- Honorary Professor, Harbin Engineering University (哈尔滨工程大学 名誉教授), 8/2009 ~ ...
- Honorary Professor, Xidian University (西安电子科技大学 名誉教授), 5/2008 ~ ...
- Great Master of Science, China's IGAT "111 Program" Advanced Intelligence and Network Services base at BUPT (中国教育部创新引智 "111计划" 高等智能与网络服务基地 学术大师, 北京邮电大学), 1/2008 ~ 2020
- Professor (by courtesy) in Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學 數學禮任教授), 8/2012 ~ 7/2014
- Honorary Chair, National Tsing Hua University (國立清華大學 榮譽講座教授), 1/2008 ~12/2011
- Chair Professor of Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University (北京大学 深圳研究生院特聘教授), 2/2006 ~ 2/2009
- Advisory Professor, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (北京邮电大学 顾问教授), 10/2005 ~ 10/2008
A Dialogue between Mathematics and Engineering (數學與工程的對話)
[ Academic and professional qualifications ] [ Employment history ] [ Awards and Honors ]
[ Distinguished/Keynote speeches and conference chairmanship ][ Professional services ]
[ Research highlights ][ Journal publications ][ Books ]
[ Books in preparation ][ Books chapters ][ Recent conference papers ]
[ Patent ][ Research Grants ][ Supervision of Graduate Degrees ]
Academic and professional qualifications
- IEEE Life Fellow
- HKIE Fellow
- PhD (Mathematics), University of California, Berkeley, 6/1974
- BS (Mathematics), National Taiwan University (國立臺灣大學), 6/1970
Employment history
- Director, Li Institute of Mathematical Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 6/2019 ~ present
- Distinguished University Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (电子科技大学 特聘讲座教授), 8/2014 ~ 7/2019
- Professor of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學 信息工程講座教授), 8/1989 ~ 7/2014
- Co-Director, Institute of Network Coding, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學 網絡編碼研究所 所長), 1/2010 ~ 7/2014
- Technical member at Bell Labs and Bellcore, 7/1979~8/1990 (on leave 1989~90)
- Assist. Prof. of Math and tenured Assoc. Prof. of Math/Statistics/CS, University of Illinois at Chicago, 8/1976~7/1981 (on leave 1979~81)
- Instructor in Applied Mathematics, M.I.T., 8/1974 ~ 7/1976
- Research Associate, Electronics Research Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, 6~8/1973
- Part-time Teaching/Research Assistant, Math Department, University of California, Berkeley, part time, 1971~73
- Second Lieutenant, Military draft by Air Force, 1970 ~ 71
Research highlights
- The paper "Linear network coding," mainly by Li, founds Network Coding theory with 10,000 citations.
- The book "Algebraic Switching Theory and Broadband Applications" (Academic Press, 2001) invents a way to establish switching theory as a new branch of applied algebra.
- Martingale of patterns in A Martingale Approach to the Study of Occurrence of Sequence Patterns in Repeated Experiments (uconn.edu) has been extensively cited by books, including Sheldon Ross' textbook "Stochastic processes".
- 《科教文艺》系列丛书包括:
Awards and Honors (aside from honorary appointments in the above)
- 35 US patents, 1988 ~ 2019
- ACM (USA) SIGMOBILE Test-of-Time Paper Award, 2018
- 中国电子学会海外杰出华人科学家奖 (Overseas Outstanding Chinese Scientists Award, China Institute of Electronics), CIE Information Theory Society, (中国电子学会信息论分会), 11/2017
- IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award, 6/2015
- 4 Outstanding Patent Awards, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (台灣 工業技術研究院 優質專利獎 4项), 11/2006, 11/2009, 11/2009, and 10/2011
- Featured scientist of Scientific American, Chinese edition (科學人雜誌), 7/2007
- The 2005 IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award, 9/2005
- The "Metro Switch" project of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) chartered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, adopted Li’s algebraic switch fabric as the switching core and achieved total success, 2002~04.
- Application of Fast Constant Division Routines (IEEE Trans. Computer 1985) to software in operator switching systems saved the Bell System US$49M, 1983.
- Algorithm for uniform distribution of traffic cutback (J. Comp. & Sys. Sci., 1986) was applied to volume control in AT&T Calling Card Service, 1981.
Distinguished, keynote & plenary speeches
- The speaker, 华为南京研究所 紫金大讲堂, Jan. 6, 2020.
- Keynote speech, 26th China Institute of Electronics Conference on Information Theory, Nanning, Guangxi, Nov. 8~10, 2019.
- Keynote speech, Annual Wireless & Optical Communications Conference (WOCC), Beijing, 9/5/2019.
- Plenary speech, 25th China Institute of Electronics Conference on Information Theory, Dongguan, Guangdong, Nov. 22~24, 2018.
- Keynote speech, The 12th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom), Xi'an, Oct. 2017.
- Keynote speech, The 8th Int'l Conference on Cyber-enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC), Chengdu, Oct. 2016.
- Keynote speech, Int'l Symposium of Communication & Information Technology (ISCIT), Qingdao, 9/2016.
- The speaker at Master Forum of UESTC (电子科技大学 名师讲坛) on "Computing by symmetry," Chengdu, 3/2015
- The speaker at Master Forum of UESTC (电子科技大学 名师讲坛) on "Unified algebraic principle of sorting, routing, multicasting, and concentration networks," Chengdu, 18/12/2014
- The speaker at Master Forum of UESTC (电子科技大学 名师讲坛) on "从唐诗看网络编码三大应用", Chengdu, 27/11/2014
- The speaker at Master Forum of UESTC (电子科技大学 名师讲坛) on "网络编码迷蝴蝶", Chengdu, 20/11/2014
- The speaker at Master Forum of UESTC (电子科技大学 名师讲坛) on "神奇的模式概率与鞅", Chengdu, 30/10/2014
- Invited speaker at 2014 International Workshop on Advances in Information Coding and Wireless Communications (AICXC’2014), Chengdu, China, 29/10/2014
- The speaker at Master Forum of UESTC (电子科技大学 名师讲坛) on " 概率中常见的似是而非" , Chengdu, 23/10/2014
- Speaker as Visiting Scientist of National Science Committee of Taiwan (台灣 國科會), delivering 3 talks at National Taiwan Univ (國立台灣大學), 8~10/5/2014
- The speaker at Nanqiang Colloquium (厦门大学 南强讲座), Xiamen University, 4/4/2014
- Keynote speech, 19th China Institute of Electronics Conference on Information Theory, Chengdu, 11/2012
- Keynote speech, IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2009), Beijing, 9/2012
- Distinguished Talk, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) (國立台灣科技大學), 27/7/2012
- Plenary speech, Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Mathematical Society, Hong Kong, 5/5/2012
- The speaker at Master Forum of Zhengzhou University (郑州大学 名家名师讲坛), Zhengzhou, 15/3/2012
- Keynote speech, IEEE Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management International Conference (IE&EM), Changchun, 3~5/9/2011
- Keynote speech, The 1st International ICST Workshop on Network Coding in Wireless Relay Networks, in conjunction with CHINACOM conference, Harbin, 16/8/2011
- Keynote speech, International Workshop on Advanced Wireless Networking and RF Front-End Technologies, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) (國立台灣科技大學), 15/8/2011
- Keynote speech, Workshop on Network Coding & Cooperative Communications, UESTC (电子科技大学), 24/2/2011
- Speaker as Visiting Scientist of National Science Committee of Taiwan (台灣 國科會), delivering 5 talks at National Taiwan Univ (國立台灣大學) and National Chiao Tong Univ (國立交通大學), 19~26/12/2010
- Plenary speech, International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security (ICITIS), Beijing, 18~19/12/2010
- Keynote speech, 17th China Institute of Electronics Conference on Information Theory, Xi’an, 12~14/11/ 2010
- Keynote speech, IEEE Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management International Conference (IE&EM), Xiamen, 29~31/10/2010
- Kwan Chao-Chih Distinguished Lecture, Institute of Systems Science, The Chinese Academy of Science (中国科学院 系统科学所 关肇直杰出讲座), delivering 7 talks, 20~26/10/2010
- Keynote speech, IEEE 2010 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security (WCNIS), Beijing, 25~27/6/2010
- The speaker at Fudan University (复旦大学) and Zhejiang University (浙江大学) Joint Colloquium Series, delivering 5 talks, Shanghai and Hangzhou, 16~19/5/2010
- Plenary speech, The 19th Annual Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC), Shanghai, 14~15/5/2010
- Keynote speech, 4th International Conference on Internet Computing for Engineering and Science (ICICSE 2009), Harbin, China, 21~22/12/2009
- Two Plenary speeches, Workshop on Next Generation Networking, NTHU (國立清華大學), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 12/2009
- Keynote speech, IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC), Beijing, 11/2009
- The speaker at UESTC Forum (成电讲坛) plus 2 talks at UESTC Communications Forum (电子科技大学 通信论坛), Chengdu, China, 14~15/10/2009
- Main speaker at Harbin Workshop on Information Security and Network Coding (HWISNC), Harbin, China, 8/2009
- The speaker of the "111 Great Master of Science" Colloquium Series---A Dialogue between Mathematics & Engineering, delivering 5 talks, BUPT (北京邮电大学), Beijing, 8~10/6/2009
- Computer Science Distinguished Lecture, National Chiao Tung University (國立交通大學), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 11/2008
- Distinguished Position Talk, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Honolulu, Hawaii, 8/2007
- Electronic Engineering & Computer Science Distinguished Lecture, NCTU (國立交通大學), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 5/2007
- Keynote speech, International Symposium of Communication and Information Technology (ISCIT), Beijing, 10/2005
- Keynote Speech, Vista Forum of Science and Technology (宏遠科技論壇), International Conference Center, Taipei, 3/2001
International journal editorship and conference chairmanship
- General Chair, IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure & Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2018), Guiyang, China, 9/2018.
- General Chair, IEEE International Conf on Network Infrastructure & Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2018), Guiyang, China, 8/2016.
- General Chair, IEEE International Conf on Network Infrastructure & Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2016), Beijing, 9/2016.
- General Chair, IEEE International Conf on Network Infrastructure & Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2014), Beijing, 9/2014.
- General Chair, The 2nd International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC’2013), Shanghai, 11/2013.
- General Chair, IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2012), Beijing, 9/2012.
- Honorary Conference Chair, The Third International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2011), Dalian, 6/2011.
- Editor-in-chief, International Journal of Communication and Security (IJCS), since 10/2010.
- General Chair, IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2010), Beijing, 9/2010.
- General Chair, IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2009), Beijing, 11/2009.
- General Chair, IEEE International Workshop on Network Coding, Theory and Applications (NetCod), 1/2008
- General Chair, IEEE Taiwan/Hong Kong Joint Workshop on Information Theory and Communications, Hong Kong, 1/2005
Professional services
- Advisor of the Joint Lab, Princeton University and Peking University, since 9/2017.
- External reviewer for promotions in Nat’l Chiao Tong Univ (國立交通大學), 1/2007, 1/2011, and 9/2014
- Member, International advisory board , China "973" Project "Fundamental theory and method for 3-D Dense Mobile Communications, " 4/2013 -8/2017
- Member, Technical Program Committee, the 1st Int’l Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC), 9~11/ 2012, Chengdu, China
- Member of Expert Group, China "973" Project《可重构信息通信基础网络体系研究》, 1/2012~12/2016
- Key member, China "973" Project 《高移动性宽带无线通信网络重点理论基础研究》, 12/2011~11/2016
- Member, IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award Committee, 5/2009-4/2012
- Member, Technical Program Committee, International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod), Beijing, 6~7/2011
- External committee member, National Chair Professorship and Academic Awards (國家講座暨學術獎之外審委員), Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 4/2011
- Member, Technical Program Committee, International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod), Toronto, 5~6/2010/li>
- Reviewer of "2009 Award for Junior Research Investigators" for Academia Sinica (中央研究院) , Taiwan, 1/2009
- Member of International Steering Committee of NetCod Workshop, since 4/2007
- Member, Technical Program Committee, 14th Annual Conference on Information Theory, Chinese Society of Electronics, 11~12/2007
- External examiner for Faculty of Engineering, City University of Hong Kong (香港城市大學), in 2005 and in 2007
- External reviewer for promotion in NTHU (國立清華大學), 2007
- External expert in recruitments review for Faculty of Engineering, City University of Hong Kong (香港城市大學), 2006
- Member, International Steering Committee of the ISCIT conference, since 10/2005
- Consultant to Cluster Technology Ltd., Hong Kong, 2003~04
- Consultant to Terapower Ltd., Hong Kong, 2000~04
- Technical Advisor to All Asia Partners, Taiwan, 1997~2004
- Member, Telecommunications Standards Advisory Committee for OFTA of Hong Kong Government, 01/1997~12/1998
- Consultant to MTK Computers Ltd., Hong Kong, 1995~98
- Member, Engineering Panel of Research Committee, University & Polytechnic Grants Committee (UPGC), 1993~95
Journal publications
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Unified theory on preservation of conditionally nonblocking switches by the 2-stage interconnection network," IET Networks, vol. 7, no. 6, pp 368-375, Nov. 2018.
- L. Shen, J. Zhu, S.-Y. R. Li, and X. Fan, "Detect differentially methylated regions using non-homogeneous hidden Markov model for methylation array data", Bioinformatics btx467, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx467, July 2017.
- H. Zhang, H. Li, and S.-Y. R. Li, “Repair Tree: Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure-Coded Distributed Storage Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 28, no. 6, pp 1728—1739, June 2017.
- H. Zhang, H. Li, B. Zhu, X. Yang, and S.-Y. R. Li, “Minimum Storage Regenerating Codes for Scalable Distributed Storage”, IEEE Access, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 7149-7155, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS. May 2017.
- Q. T. Sun, S.-Y. R. Li and Z. Li, "On base field of network coding," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 7272-7282, Dec. 2016.
- H. Zhang, H. Li, K. W. Shum, H. Hou, and S.-Y. R. Li, “Concurrent Regenerating Codes,” IET Communications, October 2016.
- F. Chen, H. Li, X. J. Tan, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Multicast Switching Fabric Based on Network Coding and Algebraic Switching Theory," IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 2999-3010, July 2016.
- X. J. Tan, S.-Y. R. Li, and P. Chen, "Timeslot interchanging by efficient optical switches," ICT Communications, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 162-169, Jan. 2016.
- Q. T. Sun and S.-Y. R. Li, "On network decoding delay over a cyclic network," Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing, DOI: 10.1007/s00200-015-0264-5. 2015.
- S. Han, R. K. W. Wong, T. C. M. Lee, L. Shen, S.-Y. R. Li, and X. Fan, "A Full Bayesian Approach for Boolean Genetic Network Inference," PLOS ONE, http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0115806, Dec. 2014 .
- S.-Y. R. Li, X. J. Tan, P. Chen, and S, T. Ho, "Emulation of multistage interconnection networks by fiber memory," IET Communications, vol. 8, no. 15, pp. 2591-2598, Oct. 2014.
- Q. T. Sun and S.-Y. R. Li, "Lattice classification by cut-through coding," ORDER, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 271-278, July 2014.
- S. Li, J. Huang, and S-Y. R. Li, "Dynamic Profit Maximization of Cognitive Mobile Virtual Network Operator," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 526 - 540, March 2014.
- Q. T. Sun and S.-Y. R. Li and C. Chan, "Matroidal characterization of optimal linear network codes over cyclic networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 17, no. 10, 1992-1995, Oct. 2013.
- J. Xu, Q. Li, V. O. K. Li, S.-Y. R. Li, X. Fan, "Improved short adjacent repeat identification using three evolutionary Monte Carlo schemes," International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 462-479, Sep. 2013.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Amazing probabilities of patterns and martingales (神奇的模式概率与 "鞅")," Mathematical Culture (数学文化), Global Science Press, Hong Kong, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 73-78, Sep. 2012.
- T. Liang, X. Fan, Q. Li, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Detection of short dispersed tandem repeats by reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo," Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford Journals, doi: 10.1093/nar/gks644, pp. 1-8, June 2012.
- Z. Shao, M. Chen, S. Avestimehr, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Cross-layer optimization for wireless networks with deterministic channel models," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol.57, no. 9, pp. 5840-5862, Sep. 2011.
- S.-Y. R. Li,"The big family of parallelogram (平行四邊形的大家族)," Mathmedia (數學傳播), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 31-38, Sep. 2011.
- Q. Li, X. Fan, T. Liang, and S.-Y. R. Li, "A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm for Detecting Short Adjacent Repeats Shared by Multiple Sequences," Bioinformatics, vol. 27, no. 13, pp. 1772-1779, May 2011.
- Z. Shao and S.-Y. R. Li, "To code or not to code: rate optimality and complexity of network coding versus routing in peer-to-peer networks ," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 948-954, April, 2011.
- S.-Y. R. Li, Q. T. Sun and Z. Shao, "Linear network coding: theory and algorithms," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 372-387, March, 2011.
- S.-Y. R. Li and X. J. Tan, "Mux/demux queues, FIFO queues, and their construction by fiber memories," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1328-1343, March, 2011.
- S.-Y. R. Li and Q. T. Sun, "Network coding theory via commutative algebra," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 403-415, Jan. 2011.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Unified algebraic theory for sorting, routing, multicasting, and concentration networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 247-256, Jan. 2010.
- X. J. Tan and S.-Y. R. Li, "Hybrid Preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches under 2-stage Interconnection," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 57. no. 4, pp. 940-942, April 2009.
- S.-Y. R. Li and X. J. Tan, "On Rearrangeability of Tandem of Banyan-type Networks," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 57. No. 1, pp. 164-170, Jan 2009.
- Z. F. Qian, G. W. Lu, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Improved optical-path supervisory scheme for optical cross connects based on different time-delay recognition," Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 80-87, Dec. 2007.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "網路編碼迷蝴蝶", Scientific American, Chinese edition, no. 65, pp. 54-56, July 2007.
- S.-Y. R. Li and X. J. Tan, "Recursive Construction of Parallel Distribution Networks," Journal of Parallel Distributed Computing, vol. 67, no. 6, pp.617-634, June 2007.
- S.-Y. R. Li and X. J. Tan, "Preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches under 2-stage Interconnection," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 973-980, May 2007.
- X. J. Tan and S.-Y. R. Li, "Rearrangeability of Tandem Cascade of Banyan-type Networks," IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, vol. E90-D, no. 1, pp. 67-74, Jan., 2007.
- S.-Y. R. Li, R. W. Yeung and N. Cai, "Reflection on Linear Network Coding," IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 5-8, December 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Network Coding Brings a Paradigm Shift in Communications," SPIE Newsroom, DOI: 10.1117/2.1200604.0102, May, 2006.
- R. W. Yeung, S.-Y. R. Li, N. Cai, and Z. Zhang, "Network Coding Theory, Part I & Part II," Foundations & Trends in Communications & Information Theory, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 319-381, and vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 241-318, 2005.
- S.-Y. R. Li, R. W. Yeung and N. Cai, "Linear Network Coding," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 371-381, Feb., 2003
- R. Alshwede, N. Cai, S.-Y. R. Li, and R. W. Yeung, "Network Information Flow," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 1204-1216, July, 2000.
- S.-Y. R. Li, H. Li, and G. M. Koo, "Fast Knockout Algorithm for Self-route Concentration," Computer Communications, vol. 22, pp. 1574-1584, October, 1999.
- S.-Y. R. Li and W. Lam, "ATM Switching by Divide-and-Conquer Interconnection of Partial Sorters," Microprocessors and Micro Systems, Vol. 22, pp. 579-587, May 1999.
- W. H. Mow and S.-Y. R. Li, "Aperiodic Autocorrelation and Cross-correlation of Polyphase Sequences," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.43, No.3, pp.1000-1007, May 1997.
- S.-Y. R. Li and C. M. Lau, "Concentrators in ATM Switching," International Journal of Computer System Science & Engineering, Vol.11, No.6, pp.335-342, Nov., 1996.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "A 100% Efficient Media-Access Protocol for Multi-Channel LAN,. IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.42, No.10, pp.2803-2814, Oct. 1994.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "On Full Utilization of Multi-Channel Capacity with Priority Protocol," Information Processing Letters, Vol.36, pp.129-133, 1990.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Considerations of Periodic Traffic in Packet Switching," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.38, No. 9, pp. 1625-1629, 1990.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Dynamic Programming by Exchangeability,. SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol.18, No.3, pp.463-472, 1989.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Reconstruction of Polygons from Projections," Information Processing Letters, Vol.28, No.5, pp.235-240, 1988.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Optimal Control of Premature Queueing," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.33, No.4, pp.386-389, 1988.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Binary Trees and Uniform Distribution of Traffic Cutback," Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 32, No.1, pp.1-14, 1986.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Fast Constant Division Routines," IEEE Transactions on Computer, Vol. C-34, No.9, pp. 866-869, 1985.
- W.-C. W. Li and S.-Y. R. Li, "On Generators of Ideals Associated with Unions of Linear Varieties," Bulletin of London Mathematical Society, Vol.13, pp.59-65, 1981.
- D. J. Kleitman and S.-Y. R. Li, "On the Partial-Sums of the Rearrangement of a Complex Series," Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol.64, No.2, pp.177-182, 1981.
- H. Gerber and S.-Y. R. Li, "The Occurrence of Sequence Patterns in Repeated Experiments and Hitting Times in a Markov Chain," Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, Vol.11, pp.101-108, 1981.
- S.-Y. R. Li and W.-C. W. Li, "Independence Numbers of Graphs and Generators of Ideals," Combinatorica, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 55-61, 1981.
- A. Hedayat and S.-Y. R. Li, "Combinatorial Topology and the Trade-Off Method in BIB Designs," Annals of Discrete Mathematics, Vol.6, pp.189-200, 1980.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "A Martingale Approach to the Study of Occurrence of Sequence Patterns in Repeated Experiments," Annals of Probability, Vol.8, No.6, pp.1171-1176, 1980.
- R. L. Graham, S.-Y. R. Li and W.-C. W. Li, "On the Structure of T-Designs," SIAM Journal of Algebraic and Discrete Methods, Vol.1, pp.8-14, 1980.
- A. Hedayat and S.-Y. R. Li, "The Trade-Off Method in the Construction of BIB Designs," Annals of Statistics, Vol. 7, No. 6, 1979, pp. 1277- 1287.
- S. D. Chaiken, D. J. Kleitman and S.-Y. R. Li, "Possible Degrees of Strongly 2-Connected Graphs," Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, Vol.319, pp.119-129, 1979.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Extremal Theorems on the Divisors of a Number," Discrete Mathematics, Vol.24, pp.37-46, 1978.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "N-Person Nim and N-Person Moore's Game," International Journal of Game Theory, Vol.7, No.1, pp.31-36, 1978.
- D. J. Kleitman, M. Koren and S.-Y. R. Li, "On the Existence of Simultaneous Edges Disjoint Realization of Degree Sequence with 'Few' Edges," SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.32, pp.619-626, 1977.
- A. Adler and S.-Y. R. Li, "Magic N-Cubes and Prouhet Sequences," American Mathematical Monthly, Vol.84, pp.618-627, 1977.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "An Extremal Problem among Subsets of a Set," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol.23, No.3, pp.341-343, 1977.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Sums of Zuchswang Games," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol.21, No.1, pp.52-67, 1976.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Annihilators in Nonrepetitive Semigroups," Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol.55, pp.83-85, 1976.
- D. J. Kleitman and S.-Y. R. Li, "A note on Unigraphic Sequences," Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol.54, No.4, pp. 283-287, 1975.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Graphic Sequences with Unique Realization," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Vol.19, No.1, pp.42-68, 1975.
- R. M. Karp and S.-Y. R. Li, "Two Special Cases of the Assignment Problem," Discrete Mathematics, Vol.13, pp.129-142, 1975.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Generalized Impartial Games," International Journal of Game Theory, Vol.3, No.3, pp.169-184, 1974.
Note: These two papers were published before I consented. Part I was mainly just my work on network coding (NC) theory, including the Butterfly Network. Part II was a parallel nonlinear theory of network information flow, which is arguably another theory of network coding but totally different from NC in terms of problem formulation, angle of viewpoint, math tool, implementability, & usefulness.
Note: This paper wins the 2005 IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award. It initiates the study of network coding with linear coding mechanisms, which proves to achieve the best possible effect of network coding. This work is instrumental in popularizing network coding. The paper was mainly just my work, while the co-authors contributed greatly on the writing. A preliminary version appears in proceedings of the conference ISORA'98, pp. 197-211.
Note: The theory of "network information flow" is totally different from what the world regards as NC in terms of problem formulation, angle of viewpoint, math tool, implementability, & usefulness. However, how much this theory is related to NC became murky because it borrowed the Butterfly Network from NC and or published before the (linear) NC theory.
Abs: Because of the multi-user collision, the throughput of access protocols of local-area networks is typically low with respect to the channel capacity. From a new approach of dynamic coding, a media-access protocol is constructed for multiple parallel channels that guarantees at least 100% efficiency.
Abs: This paper pioneers in the study of periodic traffic in broadband ISDN. The necessary and sufficient speed of a packet switch based on a self-route interconnection network is determined for avoiding the phenomenon of persistent blocking due to output contention among periodic Streams of packets.
Abs: Based upon stochastic exchangeability, the computation speed of type of dynamic programming can be improved exponentially. Besides application to bin packing and random drawing of patterns, the application to casino blackjack is the only known technique for computing the exact odds of the game with today's computers.
Abs: A special job in an M/G/1 queue can not be served if it reaches the server before an exponentially timed event occurs, such as a parallel job, an answer from a remote data base, an operating environmental change, etc. While in the queue, there is always the option of moving the special job to the back of the queue. It is proved that, if the queue is stable, then it is optimal never to voluntarily elect the option.
Abs: A theory on binary trees is derived for analyzing the optimal smoothing of traffic cutback in data communication. Results are used in the volume control of CCIS queries of AT&T Calling Card Service. As a theoretic by-product, a close-form formula counts `l' bits in the binary representation of the first N integers.
Abs: Fermat's Little Theorem is applied to the construction of fast division routines. Software applications to the Traffic Services Position System saved the Bell System $49M (by the calculation of Dr. J. T. Gruenwald, the Bell Labs manager in charge). The application also settled a long-term dispute between Bell Labs and Southern Bell in a win-win.
Abs: This paper characterizes the ideal generators for a family of linear varieties. A corollary generalizes Turan's theorem relating the clique number of a graph to the number of edges. This paper is cited by Handbook of Combinatorics,. edited by Graham, Grotschel and Lovasz, 1995.
Abs: This paper invents a martingale technique for the study of occurrence of sequence patterns. With a transparent proof, a general theorem computes the waiting time till the occurrence of any pattern in a given collection and also computes the probability for each pattern to be the first to appear. This result, when restricted to the Bernoulli process, unifies some well-known formulas of William Feller and the leading-number algorithm of John Conway. This martingale technique is widely applied in genetics where each pattern represents certain sequential events of DNA mutation. This technique and the main theorems are all cited in the martingale section of Sheldon Ross.s textbook .Stochastic Processes..
Note: This paper is cited by "Handbook of Combinatorics" of Graham, Grotschel and Lovasz, 1995.
Note: This paper is cited by the book .Winning Ways. of Berlekamp, Conway and Guy, 1982.
Abs: Conway numbers give a complete theory on the class of perfect-information, finite-move Zugzwang games (Zugzwang means that it is a disadvantage to move.) This paper formulates the general perfect-information Zugzwang games with possible loops and derives the additive theory. The structure of Zugzwang games turns out to be isomorphic to the diadic rational points on a half plane with finite-move games corresponding to diagonal line on the boundary. This theory is cited by the book .Winning Ways. of Berlekamp, Conway and Guy, 1982.
Abs: A polynomial-time algorithm determines whether an integer sequence is the valence sequence of a unique graph up to isomorphisms.
Abs: With supply and demand located at points on a circle or a line, a linear-time algorithm yields the maximum matching with the smallest total distance of transportation. This is a paper in computational geometry before the term .computational geometry. becomes widely used.
- "科教文艺1:似是而非的概率 (Random Kingdom)"
画册 http://book.yunzhan365.com/vmxl/nkcn/index.html
电影版 http://www.math-engineering.uestc.edu.cn/ - "科教文艺2:字根表-- 文字改革走拼音方向"
https://book.yunzhan365.com/vmxl/kjty/mobile/index.html - "科教文艺3:数学之窗"
https://book.yunzhan365.com/vmxl/omhk/mobile/index.html - S.-Y. R. Li, "Algebraic Switching Theory and Broadband Applications," Academic Press, 2001.
Note: The book invents a way to establish switching theory as a new branch of applied algebra. Following are examples of original and industrial contributions of the book.- The concept of preservation of conditionally nonblocking switches under certain versions of 2-stage interconnection is introduced. The preservation theorems enable flexible recursive constructions of large switches. Sporadic discoveries in the previous literature often are instances of special cases of a preservation theorem disguised under different languages. A preservation theorem pinpoints the intrinsic issue, avoids the confusion of ad hoc settings, enhances the depth of understanding, unifies sporadic discoveries, and offers the flexibility needed in real applications.
- Often interstage exchanges in a multistage interconnection network (MIN) are induced by permutations of address bits. The trace/guide transform is a powerful algebraic analog to the Fourier/Laplace transform of functions. It converts a MIN into an integer sequence, which characterizes various attributes of the network including routability, routing control, network equivalence under intrastage rearrangement, and preservation of assorted conditionally nonblocking properties of switches.
- The switching/router industry has always relied on either the crossbar or the memory switch fabric, both having reached their limits of upscaling. To this problem, Bob's algebraic switching theory provides a theoretically sophisticated but hardware compact solution, which is now called the algebraic switch fabric. In recent years, ITRI, a renowned semi-Taiwanese-governmental organization undertook the "Metro Switch" project and adopted the algebraic switch fabric. This futuristic technology will be transferred to manufacturers upon the next upturn of the industry.
- S.-Y. R. Li, G. Han, and Y. Yang, “Prime Factorization Theory of Networks,” Defense Industries Publisher, Beijing, 7/2011.
- R. W. Yeung, S.-Y. R. Li, N. Cai, and Z. Zhang, "Network Coding Theory, Foundations & Trends in Communications & Information Theory, now Publishers Inc., 2006.
Note: Someone submitted this monograph for publication but altered the sequencing of co-authors without my consent or knowing beforehand.
Books chapters
(These papers are not published in journals or conferences.)
- H. Li, K. Pan, and S.-Y. R. Li, “Toward a loss-free packet transmission via network coding,” in the book “Network Coding at Different Layers in Wireless Networks”, Chapter 4, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.
- S.-Y. R. Li and H. Li, "Layout complexity of bit-permuting exchange in multi-stage interconnection networks,. published in the book "Switching Networks: Recent Advances" edited by Ding-Zhu Du and Hung Q. Ngo, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp.259-276, 2001.
- S. Y. Kwok and S.-Y. R. Li, "Study on of Wide-sense Nonblocking Switching Networks from the Approach of Upper Ideals,. published in the book "Switching Networks: Recent Advances" edited by Ding-Zhu Du and Hung Q. Ngo, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp.101-116, 2001.
- C. K. Kao, S.-Y. R. Li and R. Wu, "Information Technology,. a chapter in .Technology Road Maps for Hong Kong. edited by C. K. Kao and K. Young, The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, 1991.
Conference Papers
- F. Chen, H. Li, W. Liu, and S.-Y. R. Li, “A load-balanced multicast switching fabric with network coding,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Landon, June 8-12, 2015.
- K. Pan, H. Li, W. Liu, and S.-Y. R. Li, “Towards minimizing the within-packet redundancy in wireless network coding,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Landon, June 8-12, 2015.
- Q. T. Sun, S.-Y. R. Li,and Z. Li, "On base field of linear network coding," 2015 International Symposium on Network Coding (Netcod), pp. 71-75, Sydney, Australia, June 2015.
- B. Zhu, K. W. Shum, H. Li and S.-Y. Robert Li, "On Low repair complexity storage codes via group divisible designs," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'14), Madeira, Portugal, Jun. 2014.
- Z. Shao and S.-Y. R. Li, "Distributed Optimization for Wireless Networks with Inter-Session Network Coding, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, July 7-12, 2013.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "A unified algebraic theory for sorting, routing, multicasting, and concentration networks," IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2012), 3 pages, Beijing, 9/2012
- S. Li, J. Huang, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Revenue Maximization of Monopoly Cognitive Virtual Network Operator", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1-6, June, 2012.
- S. Song, H. Li, K. Pan, J. Liu, and S.-Y. R. Li, “Self-adaptive TCP protocol combined with network coding scheme”, ISCNC 2011, Barcelona, Oct. 23-29, 2011.
- Q. Wang, S. Jaggi, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Binary error correcting network codes," IEEE Information Theory Workshop, pp. 498-502, Paraty, Brazil, Oct. 2011.
- S. Li and S.-Y. R. Li, "Pricing and revenue management in communication networks," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM 2011), Changchun, China, 5 pages, Sep. 3-6, 2011.
- J. K. Zao, Q. T. Sun, K.-K. Yen, S.-Y. R. Li, C.-H. Wang, C. Yao, T. Liang, N. A. Claude, and J. Yip, "On Optimal Unequal Error/Erasure Protection of Scalable Video Multicasting Using Randomized Linear Network Codes," Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod 2011), No. 46, Beijing, China, 7 pages, July 25-27, 2011.
- C. Yao, J. K. Zao, C.-H. Wang, S.-Y. R. Li, N. A. Claudel, K.-K. Yen, "On Separation Vectors of Static Linear Network Codes with UEP Capability," Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod 2011), No. 73, Beijing, China, 6 pages, July 25-27, 2011.
- Z. Shao, M. Chen, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Distributed Optimization for Combinatorial Coding Subgraph Selection Problems," Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod 2011), Beijing, China, 4 pages, July 25-27, 2011.
- Q. T. Sun, S. Jaggi, and S.-Y. R. Li, "'Delay Invariant Convolutional Network Codes," Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), St. Petersburg, Russia, 5 pages, July 31-Aug. 5, 2011.
- Q. T. Sun and S.-Y. R. Li, "Lattice classification by cut-through coding in engineering," Second International Conference on Order, Algebra and Logics, Krakow, Poland, 12 pages, June 6-10, 2011.
- J. Xu, Q. Li, X. Fan, V. O. K. Li, and S.-Y. R. Li, "An Evolutionary Monte Carlo Algorithm for Identifying Short Adjacent Repeats in Multiple Sequences". Paper presented in the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM 2010), 6 pages, Dec. 2010.
- Q. Li, T. Liang, X. Fan, W. Yu, C. Xu, and S.-Y. R. Li, "An Automatic Procedure to Search Highly Repetitive Sequences in Genome as Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization Probes and Its Application on Brachypodium Distachyon," IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2010), Hong Kong, 7 pages, Dec. 18-21, 2010.
- S. Li and S.-Y. R. Li, "Optimization by Linear Network Coding," IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (IE&EM), Xiamen, China, 5 pages, Oct. 29-31, 2010.
- M. Zhang, H. Li, Y. Li, and S.-Y. R. Li, “Hardware prototyping of network coding in HDL”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2010), Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-25, 2010.
- Q. Li, T. Liang, S.-Y. R. Li, and X. Fan, "Bayesian Approach for Identifying Short Adjacent Repeats in Multiple Sequences," The 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP'10), Las Vegas, USA, 9 pages, July 12-15, 2010.
- Z. Shao, M. Chen, S. Avestimehr, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Cross-layer Optimization for Wireless Networks with Deterministic Channel Models," IEEE Infocom, San Diego, 5 pages, March, 2010.
- X.-M. Wu, A. M.-C. So, Z. Li, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Fast Graph Laplacian Regularized Kernel Learning via Semidefinite-Quadratic-Linear Programming," Proceedings of the 2009 Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS 2009), pp.1964-1972, Dec. 2009.
- S. Li, J. Huang, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Revenue Maximization for Communication Networks with Usage-Based Pricing," Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, No. 978-1-4244-4148-8/09, Hawaii, 6 pages, Nov. 2009.
- L. M. Law, J. Huang, M. Liu, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Price of Anarchy for Cognitive MAC Games," Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, No. 978-1-4244-4148-8/09, Hawaii, 6 pages, Nov. 2009.
- S.-Y. R. Li and Q. Sun, "Network Coding Theory via Commutative Algebra," Workshop on Network Coding, Theory, and Applications, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 12-17, June, 2009.
- Z. Shao and S.-Y. R. Li, "The Promise of Network Coding," International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2009, pp.148-152, Hong Kong, June, 2009.
- Z. Shao and S.-Y. R. Li, "To Code or Not to Code: Rate Optimality in Node-Capacitated Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT’09), pp. 1779-1783, Seoul, Korea, June, 2009.
- Q. Sun, S. T. Ho, S.-Y. R. Li, "On Network Matroids and Linear Network Codes," Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT’08), pp. 1833-1837, Toronto, Canada, July, 2008.
- S.-Y. R. Li and S. T. Ho, "Ring-theoretic foundation of convolutional network coding," Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Network Coding, Theory, and Applications, pp. 56-61, Hong Kong, Jan., 2008.
- S.-Y. R. Li and X. J. Tan, .Fast control over fiber memory,. Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 2411-2415, Nice, France, June 24-29, 2007.
- X. J. Tan and S.-Y. R. Li, .Mixed preservation of Conditionally Nonblocking Switches under 2-stage Interconnection,. Proceedings of PDCAT 2006, pp. 17-22, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li and X. Tan, "Analog Memory by Recursive 2-Stage Switching,. Proceeding of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT.06), pp. 2779-2783, Seattle, USA, July, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li and R. W. Yeung, "On Convolutional Network Coding,. Proceeding of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT.06), pp. 1743-1747, Seattle, USA, July, 2006.
- Qian Z.; Lu G. and S.-Y. R. Li, "Efficient OXC Monitoring Based on Time Delay Recognition". Paper presented in the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks: ICTON 2006, 4 pgs. Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li and X. Tan, "Theory on Switching Preservation under 2-stage Interconnection,. Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT.05), Dalian, China, pp. 26-30, Dec. 2005.
- X. Tan, S.-Y. R. Li, and Y. Shen, .Rearrangeability of the Tandem Cascade of Banyan-type Networks,. Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT.05), Dalian, China, pp. 11-15, Dec. 2005.
- R. W. Yeung and S.-Y. R. Li, .Polynomial Time Construction of Generic Linear Network Codes," Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Paper No. 43_379, Sep. 2005.
- X. Tan and S.-Y. R. Li, .On Rearrangeability of Cascaded Banyan-type Networks,. Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Parallel Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS), Las Vegas, USA, pp. 79-84, Sep. 2005.
- S.-Y. R. Li, N. Cai, and R. W. Yeung, "On Theory of Linear Network Coding," Proceeding of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT.05), pp. 273-277, Sep. 2005.
- S.-Y. R. Li and X. Tan, "Recursive construction of distributors by merging," Proceeding of the 23rd IASTED international conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, Innsbruck, Austria, pp.680-685, Feb., 2005.
- W. Lam, K. T. So, and S.-Y. R. Li, .On Concentration networks based on iterative cells,. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT.2000), Hong Kong, pp. 101-108, June, 2000.
- S.-Y. Kwok and S.-Y. R. Li, .Study of Wide-sense Nonblocking Switching Networks from the Approach of Upper Ideals,. Proceedings of the Second CTS Conference on Combinatorics and Algorithms, HsinChu, Taiwan: National Chiao Tung University, p. 17, May, 2000.
- S.-Y. R. Li and R. W. Yeung, "Single-source network information flow," Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Metsovo, Greece, p. 25, June-July, 1999.
- S.-Y. R. Li, .Optimal Multi-stage Interconnection by Divide-and-Conquer Networks,. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN.98), Brisbane, Australia, pp. 318-323, December 1998.
- S.-Y. R. Li and R. W. Yeung, .Network Multicast Flow via Linear Coding,. Proceedings of International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications (ISORA.98), Kunming, China, pp. 197-211, August 1998.
- S.-Y. R. Li and H. Li, .Optimization in the Fast Knockout Algorithm for Self-Route Concentration,. Proceedings of ICC.98, Atlanta, pp. 630-634, July 1998.
- R. Alshwede, N. Cai, S.-Y. R. Li, and R. W. Yeung, .Network Information Flow,. Proceedings of 1st Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics, Hong Kong, pp. 79-80, January 1998.
- S.-Y. R. Li, G. M. Koo, and H. Li, .An algorithm for the construction of concentrators from 2x2 sorters,. Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 42: Advances in Switching Networks, AMS, Proceedings of DIMACS Workshop on Network Switching, Princeton, pp. 197-219, July 1997.
- K. H. Shum and S.-Y. R. Li, "Runtime Support for Replicated Parallel Simulators of an ATM Network on Workstation Clusters,. Lecture Notes of Computer Science 1123, Springer-Verlag, Proceedings of European Conference on Parallel Processing, Lyon, France, pp. 818-821, August 1996,
- S.-Y. R. Li and C. M. Lau, "Concentrators in ATM Switching," Proceedings of Globecom'95, Singapore, pp.1746-1750, Nov. 1995.
- T. K.-C. Chung, C.-F. Chan, S.-Y. R. Li, and C.-S. Choy, "A Self-routing Non-buffering ATM Switch,. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on VLSI and CAD," Seoul, pp.83-86, October 1995.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Partial Sorting Networks with Applications," Proceedings of International Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms (IWDMA'94), Guangzhou, pp.27-43, Dec. 1994.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Formalization of Self-route Networks and the Rotary Switch,. Proceedings of INFOCOM'94, Toronto, pp.438-446, June 1994.
- S.-Y. R. Li and K. H. Shum, "Distributed Algorithms for Flow Control and Call Set-up in a Broadband Network,. Proceedings of Twelfth Annual Conference on European Fibre Optic Communications and Networks, Heidelberg, pp.182-186, June 1994.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "The Concept of Prime Factorization Networks,. Proceedings of International Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms (IWDMA'93), Hong Kong, pp.43-64, Dec. 1993.
- W. H. Mow and S.-Y. R. Li, "Aperiodic Autocorrelation Properties of Perfect Polyphase Sequences,. Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Systems / International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Application (ICCS/ISITA '92), Singapore, pp.1232-1234, 1992.
- S.-Y. R. Li and N. Zhang, "On the Maximum Correlation of Signals,. 2nd International Conference on Industrial & Applied Math, Washington D. C., 1991.
- S.-Y. R. Li and N. Zhang, "Minimum Bound of Auto and Cross Correlations of Sequences,. 1990 SIAM Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1990.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Algorithms for Flow Control and Call Set-up in Multi-Hop Broadband ISDN,. Proceedings of INFOCOM '90, pp.889-895, San Francisco, 1990.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "A Protocol for Multi-user Communication with 100% Throughput,. Proceedings of 1988 Beijing International Workshop on Information Theory, pp. BII 5.1-5.4, Beijing, China, July, 1988.
Note: The spirit of NC theory is to take advantage of joint coding among different pieces of data that are being transmitted on overlapping routes. Like the Patterson-Gibson-Katz paper on RAID in 1988, this paper was an application of NC before the NC theory.
- H. Li, J. Wu, X. Yang, P. Yi, and S.-Y. R. Li, "Anti-attacking modelling for CMD systems based on GSPN and Martingale theory," U.S. patent No. 10,440,048 B2, Oct. 8, 2019.
- H. Li, S. Song,K. Pan, S.-Y. Li, X. Fan, and R. Li, "Self-adaptive Network Control Transmission Method and System Based on TCP," U.S. patent No. 9,553,956 B2, Jan. 24, 2017.
- H. Li, S.-Y. R. Li, J. Huang, J. Chen, K. Pan, S. Zhang, P. Yi, and B. Wang, "A Load-Balancing Structure for Packet Switches and Its Constructing Method," U.S. patent No. 8,902,887 B2, Dec. 2, 2014.
- H. Li, W. He, S.-Y. R. Li, et al, "A Load-Balancing Structure for Packet Switches and Its Constructing Method," U.S. patent application No. 12/739,729; Apr. 23, 2010.
- J. Zhu and S.-Y. R. Li, "Optimizing Switching Element for Minimal Latency," U.S. Patent No. 7,609,695, Oct. 27, 2009
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Self-routing Device for Switching Packets of Different Lengths," U.S. Patent No. 7,292,570, November 6, 2007.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Multicast Concentrators," U.S. Patent No. 7,280,538, October 9, 2007.
- S.-Y. R. Li and J. Zhu, "Packet Switch with One-stop Buffer in Memory with Massive Parallel Access," U.S. Patent No. 7,274,689, September 25, 2007.
- S.-Y. R. Li and L. W. Chiang, "Configuring Equivalent Multistage Interconnection Networks in the Bit-permuting Style," U.S. Patent No. 7,139,266, November 21, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Conditionally Nonblocking Switch of the Compressor Type," U.S. Patent No. 7,136,380, November 14, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Switching by Multistage Interconnection of Concentrators," U.S. Patent No. 7,106,728, September 12, 2006.
- J. Zhu, S.-Y. R. Li and L. W. Chiang, "Scalable 2-stage Interconnections," U.S. Patent No. 7,103,059, September 5, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "General self-routing control mechanism over bit-permuting switching networks," U.S. Patent No. 7,099,314, August 29, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Multistage Interconnection Networks of Multicast Concentrators with Self-routing Control Mechanism," U.S. Patent No. 7,079,532, July 18, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Physical Implementation of Switching Fabrics Constructed from Recursive 2-Stage Interconnection," U.S. Patent No. 7,072,334, July 4, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Generalized Divide-and-conquer Networks," U.S. Patent No. 7,065,074, June 20, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Self-routing Control Mechanism over Multistage Interconnection Network of Concentrators," U.S. Patent No. 7,065,073, June 20, 2006 (Winner of Outstanding Patent Award, ITRI, 11/2009).
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Conditionally Nonblocking Switch of the Decompressor Type," U.S. Patent No. 7,050,429, May 23, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "General Self-routing Mechanism for Multicasting Control over Bit-permuting Switching Networks," U.S. Patent No. 7,042,878, May 9, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Conditionally Nonblocking Switch of the Circular-unimodal Type," U.S. Patent No. 7,042,873, May 9, 2006 (Winner of Outstanding Patent Award, ITRI, 11/2009).
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Conditionally Nonblocking Switch of the Upturned Compressor Type," U.S. Patent No. 7,035,254, April 25, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Conditionally Nonblocking Switch of the Upturned Decompressor Type," U.S. Patent No. 7,031,303, April 18, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Conditionally Nonblocking Switch of the Expander Type," U.S. Patent No. 7,016,345, March 21, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Switching Concentrator," U.S. Patent No. 6,999,466, February 14, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, J. Zhu, C. M. Lau, and W. Lam, "New Routing Schemes for Packet Switching Networks," U.S. Patent No. 6,999,461, February 14, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Conditionally Nonblocking Switch of the Circular Expander Type," U.S. Patent No. 6,954,457, October 11, 2005.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Conditionally Nonblocking Switch of the Upturned Expander Type," U.S. Patent No. 6,952,418, October 4, 2005.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Conditionally Nonblocking Switch of the Unimodal-circular Type," U.S. Patent No. 6,657,998, December 2, 2003 (Winner of Outstanding Patent Award, ITRI, 11/2006).
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Running-sum Adder Networks Determined by Recursive Construction of Multi-stage Networks," U.S. Patent No. 6,591,285, July 8, 2003.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Designs of Flow Control and Call Set-up in Broadband ISDN," U.S. Patent No. 5,128,932, July 7, 1992.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Quick-set Domino Arrangements Including Two-Person Domino Challenge Game," U.S. Patent No. 4,988,109, January 29, 1991.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "Puzzles and Game on Geometric Shapes," U.S. Patent No. 4,913,436, April 3, 1990.
- B. Gopinath and S.-Y. R. Li, "High Capacity Communication System Utilizing Collision-type Channels," U.S. Patent No. 4,899,143, February 6, 1990.
- S.-Y. R. Li, "High Capacity Communication System Utilizing OR-type Channels," U.S. Patent No. 4,852,091, July 25, 1989.
- B. Gopinath and S.-Y. R. Li, "High Capacity Communication Utilizing Static, Or-type Channels," U.S. Patent No. 4,768,189, August 30, 1988.
(This patent was an application of NC before the NC theory. The spirit of NC theory is to take advantage of joint coding among different pieces of data that are being transmitted on overlapping routes.)
- H. Li, H. Hou, J. Chen, B. Zhu, and S.-Y. R. Li, "一种基于二进制域里德所罗门码的数据编解码方法," People's Republic of China patent application No. ZL 2014 8 0038232.4, Dec. 16, 2014.
- H. Li, W. He, S.-Y. R. Li, et al., "一种负载均衡分组交换结构及其构造方法," People’s Republic of China patent application No. 200810217261.3, Nov. 4, 2008.
- H. Li, Y. Zheng, and S.-Y. R. Li, "基于自路由集线器的电路式分组交换方法," People’s Republic of China patent application No. 200810141999.6, Aug. 26, 2008.
- S.-Y. R. Li and J. Zhu, "Optimizing Switching Element for Minimal Latency (交换网络的封包路由方法与系统)," People.s Republic of China Patent No. ZL03106082.X, November 26, 2006.
- S.-Y. R. Li and J. Zhu, "交換網路的封包路由方法與系統.(Optimizing Switching Element for Minimal Latency)," Republic of China (Taiwan) Patent No. I236814, July 21, 2005.
International PCT
- H. Li, W. He, S.-Y. R. Li, et al., "一种负载均衡分组交换结构及其构造方法," PCT/CN2009/074739.
- H. Li, W. He, S.-Y. R. Li, et al., "最小缓存复杂度的负载均衡分组交换结构及其构建方法," PCT/CN2009/0747.
Research grants
As a Principal Investigator:
- CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute Start-up Support Scheme, 2011, $1,000,000
- UGC Area of Excellence (AOE), 2009, $103,670,000
- NSFC-RGC Joint Research Grant 2007, about $400,000
- RGC CERG, 2007, $343,200
- Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), 2007, $120,000
- Research Committee Group Research Scheme 2007, $900,000
- RGC Central Allocation Grant, 2007, $2,900,000
- RGC CERG, 2006, $356,000
- Microsoft Research (USA), 2006, US$40,000
- RGC CERG, 2005, $692,480
- RGC CERG, 2004, $653,244
- MTK Computers Ltd., 1996, $100,000
- UPGC Earmarked Research Grant, 1995, $257,000
- UPGC Earmarked Research Grant, 1994, $612,000
- CUHK Direct Grant, around 1992, about $50,000
- NSF Grant (in USA), 1979, US$16,900
Supervision of Graduate Degrees
PhD degree theses
- Prof. MOW Wai Ho, 1992
- Prof. LI Hui, 2000
- Dr. LAM Wan, 2001
- Dr. ZHU Jian (Jack), 2002
- Prof. TAN Xuesong (Jonathan), 2004
- Prof. SUN Qifu (Tyler), 2009
- Dr. HO Siu Ting, 2009
- Dr. WANG Zizhou (Vincent), 2010
- Prof. SHAO Ziyu (Robert), 2010
- Dr. LI Shuqin (Helen), 2012
- Dr. LIANG Tong, 2013
- Dr. LAW Lok Man (Janice), 2013
Master degree theses
- Mr. KO Wing Hoi, MSc 1992
- Dr. SHUM Kam Hong, MPhil 1993
- Mr. LAU Chi Ching, MSc 1993
- Mr. LAU Chu Man (Kendrew), MPhil 1995
- Mr. LAU Chi Ming, MSc 1995
- Dr. LAM Wan, MPhil 1998
- Mr. KWOK Siu Yu, MPhil 2000
- Mr. SO Kin Tai, MPhil 2000
- Mr. LEUNG Yiu Tong, MPhil 2003
- Dr. QIAN Zhengfeng (Jeff), MPhil 2003
- Mr. LI Qiwei, MPhil 2010
- Ms. WU Xiaoming (Jennifer), MPhil 2011