2019-20「社會企業起動計劃」簡介會 Social Enterprise Startup Scheme 2019-20 Briefing Session

(Please scroll down for English version)

本年度「社會企業起動計劃」將舉辦一系列活動,讓參加者更清楚如何實踐自己的想法。詳 情如下:


日期:2019 年 10 月 3 日(星期四)

時間:晚上 7 時至 9 時

地點:香港中文大學王福元樓 502 室



內容:1. 2018-19「中大社企基金」頒獎儀式主禮嘉賓致辭(魏華星先生 ──「香港社會創投基金」創辦人及行政總裁)及得獎者分享

2. 2019-20「社會企業起動計劃」之導師計劃及培訓活動簡介

3. 2019-20「中大社企基金」申請方法簡介

登記:請按 此處

截止日期:2019 年 9 月 29 日(星期日)


* 包括多場不同主題工作坊



電話:3943 9249


This year, the Social Enterprise Startup Scheme will organise a series of activities to help participants develop and actualise their ideas. Details are as follows:

Briefing Session

Date: 3 October 2019 (Thursday)

Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Venue: Room 502, Wong Foo Yuan Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Target: CUHK students and alumni within 3 years from graduation

Language: Cantonese

Content: 1. Award presentation ceremony of CUSE Fund 2018-19 Address of the officiating guest (Mr. Francis Ngai, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Social Ventures Hong Kong) & sharing of the winners

2. Introduction to the mentorship programme and training activities under the Social Enterprise Startup Scheme 2019-20

3. Introduction to the application procedures for CUSE Fund 2019-20

Registration: Please click here

Deadline: 29 September 2019 (Sunday)

Other Activities


Mr. Ng of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 9249

Email: enoch.ng@cuhk.edu.hk