賽馬會高錕腦伴同行流動車義工招募 I·CARE Volunteer Recruitment: Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services Project

(Please scroll down for English version)

本中心協辦之「賽馬會高錕腦伴同行流動車服務」,自 2013 年起為有需要人士提供認知障礙症支援服務,包括專業評估及跟進,另舉行講座及工作坊等社區教育活動,藉以加強公眾對認知障礙症的認識。

本中心現正為「賽馬會高錕腦伴同行流動車服務」招募義工,完成義工訓練及服務不少於 50 小時者,可獲頒發義工證書。服務詳情如下:


  1. 2019 年 1 至 6 月

  2. 離島、觀塘、沙田、葵青、灣仔、九龍城、屯門、深水埗 (按流動車停泊地點而定)


  1. 協助服務使用者進行記憶力及自理能力等訓練活動:逢星期二或三

  2. 於「街展」中派發宣傳刊物:逢星期五

  3. 協助舉辦社區教育活動:不定期

  4. 協助當值同工為服務使用者進行認知障礙症檢測


  1. 所有中大學生(主修社區健康、公共衛生、醫學、護理學、老年學或相關學科的同學將獲優先考慮)、教職員及校友

  2. 可用粵語或普通話溝通


名額:25 人

報名:請按 此處

截止:2018 年 11 月 28 日(星期三)



日期:2018 年 12 月 8 日(星期六)

時間:上午 10 時 30 分至下午 12 時 30 分






電話:3943 8621



Co-organised by this Centre, the Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services Project was set up in 2013 to offering numerous support services on dementia, namely professional consultation and follow-up, to the people in need. It also runs community education programmes such as seminars and workshops in order to raise public awareness of dementia.

This Centre is now recruiting volunteers for the Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services Project. Volunteers who will have completed the training and offered service of no less than 50 hours will be awarded a certificate. Details are as follows:

Period and Location

  1. January - June 2019

  2. Islands, Kwun Tong, Shatin, Kwai Tsing, Wan Chai, Kowloon City, Tuen Mun, Sham Shui Po (depending on the stops of the mobile vehicle)

Scope of Duty

  1. Assisting in the offer of training activities on memory and self-care etc. to the service recipients: every Tuesday or Wednesday

  2. Distributing promotion materials in Road Show: every Friday

  3. Assisting in community education programmes: irregular days

  4. Assisting the on-site staff in conducting dementia test for the service recipients


  1. All CUHK students (priority will be given to students majoring in Community Health, Public Health, Medicine, Nursing, Gerontology or related subjects), staff and alumni

  2. Be able to communicate in Cantonese or Mandarin


Quota: 25

Online registration: click here

Deadline: 28 November 2018 (Wednesday)

Remarks: Volunteers who have registered before may contact St. James Settlement, the service provider of Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services Project, directly.

Briefing Session (compulsory)

Date: 8 December 2018 (Saturday)

Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Location: Choi Hung (to be held inside the mobile vehicle)

Content: Introduction to dementia; techniques for communication with dementia patients



I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk
