(Please scroll down for English version)
本學年首輪「中大捐血運動 」將於 10 月舉行。由於本中心上次所辦的「書送熱血 ── 接力捐血挑戰」反應理想,故會在10 月 29 日香港紅十字會到王福元樓五樓多用途室設捐血站的當天,再度推出,時間爲上午 11 時 30 分至下午 6 時 30 分。參加挑戰的中大員生除可為需要接受輸血治療的人士傳送「熱血」,亦可選取作者捐贈兼親筆簽名書籍,計有:
區家麟《二十道陰影下的自由》 5 本
區結成《當我用心寫 ── 一個醫生的十年記》 3 本
區結成《有詩的時候》 2 本
陳浩然《我們的夢想 ── 毋忘初心的科學家》 5 本
張樹槐《跑出一片天》 5 本
周保松《在乎》 2 本
周保松《相遇》 1 本
周保松《小王子的領悟》 2 本
朱順慈《自由之方》 5 本
只要你在本中心捐血後把有關照片上載至社交網站,再點名(Tag) 三位中大朋友接受挑戰 ── 邀請他們到本中心捐血站接力捐血,便可於場內免費選取一本書籍(取完即止)。而獲邀接受挑戰者在完成捐血後,亦可免費選取一本書籍;如他以相同方式邀請另外三位中大朋友接受挑戰,將可得額外一本(即合共兩本書籍),以作鼓勵。
有關整個「中大捐血運動 2018」的詳情,請按此瀏覽。
電話:3943 8621
The first round of Blood Donation Campaign in this academic year has been scheduled in October. Given the positive response to the last "Blood and Book Giving - A Challenge of Blood Donation Relay" organised by this Centre, an identical one will be re-run while Hong Kong Red Cross sets up the blood donation point in the Multi-purpose Room, 5/F, Wong Foo Yuan Building on 29 October from 11:30 am to 6:30 pm. Participants will not only help people who require blood transfusion, but also win a book donated and autographed by the author. They include:
Allan Au Ka-lun《二十道陰影下的自由》 5 nos.
Derrick Au Kit-sing《當我用心寫 ── 一個醫生的十年記》3 nos.
Derrick Au Kit-sing《有詩的時候》2 nos.
Edwin Chan Ho-yin《我們的夢想 ── 毋忘初心的科學家》5 nos.
Walter Cheung Shu-wai《跑出一片天》5 nos.
Chow Po-chung《在乎》2 nos.
Chow Po-chung《相遇》1 nos.
Chow Po-chung《小王子的領悟》2 nos.
Donna Chu Shun-chi《自由之方》5 nos.
To win a book, all you need to do is to upload to the social media a photo taken during your donation of blood in our Centre and invite (tag) three of your CUHK friends (i.e. the nominees) to act likewise. Once the nominees give blood at our Centre, each of them can pick one gratis book. If they issue the same challenge to (tag) another three CUHK friends, they will obtain one more book (i.e. two books in total).
For details of the Blood Donation Campaign 2018, please click here.
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 8621
Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk