2015-16 服務計劃在中大 Service projects @CUHK 2015-16

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在 2015-16 年度,博群計劃已落實支持社會服務計劃,服務有需要人士,當中包括本地、內地及海外地區的服務項目,讓同學參與其中,服務社群。






  • 進行有關進食早餐習慣、食物敏感、家庭經濟及時間充裕程度的研究

  • 供應早餐予一班自願參與計劃的學生共一個學期

2015-2016 扶葭角計劃





扶葭種子計劃(2015 & 2016)




扶葭從 2013 年起,在武漢新州為當地留守兒童提供高質量的志願服務。來自中大及港大的志願者將參與本年為期兩周的夏令營。除了常規課程,學生聯誼活動和家訪將融入夏令營,以激發學生的潛能並使他們長期收益。

小想法,大改變(2015 & 2016)









此計劃由 9 位學生籌備,當中 5 位為中大學生。計劃旨在透過服務項目來推廣社會關懷作為日常的習慣。在先導計劃以後,本計劃將延伸服務的規模,並持續鼓勵餐廳的消費者為有需要人士購買待用券。計劃亦將密切關注餐廳方面的情況。

友凝・友義(2015-16 & 2016-17)




本計劃將招募 CLOVER 過往參加者以組成 CLOVER 之友,以〝STAND BY ME〞為主題,落實執行本計劃的各部份。本項目會繼續以比賽的模式去推廣有關環保、關懷、文化交流等的概念,透過 20-40 組學生來為香港不同有需要的群組去策劃及執行社會服務。






同「文」共濟 ── 瞭解弱勢青年群體的服務計劃(2015 & 2016)




敬文書院的學生服務隊將會全力參與開發意念、提出問題、設計及執行計劃。他們將為來自朱敬文中學的 40 名學生計劃活動,活動包括營前工作坊、組內營前聚會、三日兩夜營,及一次營後教育活動。遊戲及活動以啟發現實生活,例如改遠的生涯規劃,為目標。 敬文書院的學生將會成為朱敬文中學學生的導師,分享他們的經驗和想法,協助校內的青年為未來訂立可行而有志向的目標,及可實行的計劃。






  1. 校舍改造計劃

  2. 新聞及傳播培訓

  3. 法律及人權計劃

  4. 英文教育計劃

「拓荒・高棉」義工服務團(2015 & 2016)




Pathfinder 從 2013 年起在柬埔寨開展工作。小組會為一間學校修建廁所及水過濾器、興建洗手台,協助學生們培養良好的衛生習慣;亦會在村裡及學校教授健康知識。另外,我們將為當地幾間高中及大學提供一個獨立的英語學習平台,提高學生的英語水平。





同學與 Social Civil International 合作,於印尼三寶瓏市推⾏八天的服務,包括英文義教、環境保育(種植紅樹林,了解附近生態)、及文化交流(介紹香港的文化)。

啟蒙 啟夢





2016 深圳扶葭項目




項目服務對象為廣東深圳龍華新區和大鵬新區 9-12 歲流動兒童.於 9 個月期間的 11 個週末到訪當地社區,由志願者設計豐富多彩的活動,具有針對性和教育意義,涵蓋了文化知識、自我保護及職業體驗等。

















主辦學院/學系/學生組織:Youth Empact








計劃讓 15 名醫學生到斯里蘭卡進行為期十三天的服務。學生於當地山區醫院參與修葺工作,同時亦跟隨當地醫生工作,認識當地的醫療體制。學生亦將到當地一間弱能學校進行服務,希望能傳遞關懷給弱能兒童。

尼泊爾醫療社會服務 ── 納姆塔計劃













電話:3943 8621 電郵:icare@cuhk.edu.hk


In year 2015-16, I‧CARE Programme continues to support social service projects, in which thousands of clients in local community, mainland China and overseas countries will be benefited.

First Meal First

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: School of Life Sciences

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 12

Project Location: Local

2 students will recruit over 10 CU volunteers to carry out a pilot project at a primary school in Shamshuipo to encourage primary school students from local low-income families to have breakfast. The project comprises two main parts:

  1. A research that gathers data on breakfast eating habit, food allergy situations and family financial and time affordability.

  2. Supply breakfast to a class of students, who will join the programme voluntarily, for one school term.

Fujia 2015-2016 Fujia Corner Program

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 3

Project Location: Hubei, mainland China

This is a stand-alone project separated from the original Fujia SEED project. The group of students will continue to maintain the Fujia Corner (a reading corner) of several classes of two primary schools in Hubei. The group will organise several activities to encourage and nurture the reading and writing habit of the primary school students.

Fujia Seed Program (2015 & 2016)

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 30

Project Location: Hubei, mainland China

The returning team will continue to conduct a 2-week intensive summer school for 60 children in Hubei. 15 student teachers will deliver interactive tutorial classes to the kids and play interesting games with therm. Learners will make use of what they have learnt in the classes to create a performance at the end of the programme.

Young Social Changemaker (2015 & 2016)

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Department of Cultural and Religious Studies

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 60

Project Location: Local

This project aims to equip students with knowledge on social entrepreneurship, creativity and social caring. It will train them to be change makers of the Hong Kong society. It will allow students to develop in-depth understanding of the needs of different groups of the Hong Kong society through personal experience. Students will acquire the skills of creative thinking and problem solving through collaboration and application of projects with university and secondary school students. The project will comprise three components:

  1. Young Social Entrepreneurs Training Camp

  2. Social Innovation Competition

  3. Young Social Changemaker

Suspended Love

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: An undergraduate students

Estimated number of CUHK students involved: 15

Project Location: Local

This is a project started by 9 students, in which 5 of them are from the CUHK. It aims to promote community caring as a daily practice through suspended meal project. After their pilot try-outs, this project aims to extend their scale and continue encourage customers of restaurant to buy pre-paid meal coupons for future needy customers. They will closely monitor the restaurants’.

CLOVER (2015-16 & 2016-17)

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Office of Student Affairs

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 400

Project Location: Local

The returning project has recruited some of the past participants to form the “Friends of CLOVER” and adopt the theme “Stand by Me” to implement various elements of the projects. The project will continue adopting the format of competition to promote the concepts including environment protection, care, cultural exchange through developing 20-40 groups of students to deliver variety of social services to different needy communities in Hong Kong.


Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: An undergraduate student

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 80

Project Location: Local

A returning project will continue running workshops for the visually impaired people to experience and learn music from variety of the world. Apart from their signature world music workshops, the project will continue maintaining and updating their Music Radio Channel. It will organise a movie festival designated for the visually impaired people.

Understanding Socially Disadvantaged School Youths Through a Social Service Endeavour (2015 & 2016)

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: CW Chu College

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 60

Project Location: Local

The Student Service Team of the CWC College will be fully engaged in initiating ideas, posing questions, formulating and implementing action plans, solving problems, assuming responsibility, self-evaluating and self-reflecting. They will plan activities for 40 students from PLKCWC including a pre-camp workshop, intra-group pre-camp gatherings, a 3-day-2-night camp and a post-camp educational excursion. Games and tasks will simulate real-life settings, such as longer-term career and life planning. Students of the CWC College students will become mentors and share their experiences and ideas, helping school teens to formulate realistic and aspiring goals and solid plans for their future developments.

Connecting Myanmar

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Connecting Myanmar students group

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 16

Project Location: Myanmar and Thai-Burma Border

The returning group will once again carry out several programmes for people in Myanmar and Myanmar refugees along the Thai-Burma Border in order to extend the humanistic aid to different communities of the Country. These programmes include: 1. School Renovation Project 2. Journalism Training Project 3. Law and Human Rights Project 4. English Teaching Project The Project will help empower the people of Myanmar through from various aspects.

Pathfinder Cambodia Volunteer Service (2015 & 2016)

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Pathfinder students group

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 20

Project Location: Cambodia

Pathfinder continues to provide services in Cambodia. The project consists of construction of toilet and hand washing facilities in a village school, health education sessions with villagers and students, exchange programmes with Royal University of Phnom Penh, English teaching in two high schools.

Indonesia Service Trip

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Rotaract Club of Hong Kong North

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 12

Project Location: Indonesia

Working with Social Civil International, the team carried out an 8-day service in Semarang, Indonesia. The service included English teaching, environmental conservation (planting mangrove and learning the ecology system) and cultural exchange.


Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Chung Chi The Suns

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 28

Project Location: Guangxi, mainland China

The project recruited 28 CUHK students to assist students in Guangxi for the third consecutive year. The team organized voluntary teaching, science experiments, drama and art workshops. They have also renovated classrooms and established a reading corner. They visited four households to understand more about the livelihoods of local students.

Fujia Shenzhen Program 2016

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Fujia

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 30

Project Location: Shenzhen, mainland China

This service for migrant children in Shenzhen continued from 2015 and extends its scale from one to two communities. Volunteers will carry out educational activities at local community centers at 11 weekends in a span of 9 months. Interactive activities include introducing Hong Kong culture and geography, inspiring children to pursue personal interests and plan career. Volunteers also hope to become companion for the children by keeping contact with them after the services.

The Rainbow After Rain

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: The Rainbow After Rain

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 35

Project Location: Guangxi, mainland China

The 9-day service trip targets junior secondary school students in rural area of Guangxi. By organizing dream and goal setting activity, graduation ceremony, variety show and interactive English lessons, the service hopes to enrich conventional school life. The volunteer to student ratio is 1:10 and they would spend long time together every day. It is expected that the volunteers will acquire deep understanding of the secondary students’ life; and hence be able to motivate and inspire them.

Exploring Hong Kong

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: A group of Undergraduate students

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 40

Project Location: Local

To strengthen the sense of belonging to Hong Kong of new immigrant children, a series of outdoor activities will be organized, including food hunting in Sham Shui Po, cultural tour at the Peak, treasure hunt in Tsim Sha Tsui. Children are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and communicate with neighborhoods and appreciate local cultures.

I live it All

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Students of Department of Fine Arts

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 60

Project Location: Local

The community art project aims to embrace the ability and experience of elderly. It conducts art workshops with elderly living at Elderly House in Tai Po since July 2015. Seminar and exhibition will be carried out to raise awareness about social implication of Elderly House. New activity called “Master in Community” aims to discovers ‘Si Fu(master)’ and invite them to share their craftsmanship with the public.

Youth Empact

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Youth Empact

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 50

Project Location: Local

The 2-year project aims to form a platform to empower ethnic minority youth. Activities include a preliminary research to understand local EM youth, a one-year leadership training programme, 2 full-day leadership workshops, a 11-month mentorship programme, 15 community service activities volunteered by EM youth.

We Fly We Serve

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Medical Society

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 17

Project Location: Sri Lanka

17 medical students will visit Sri Lanka for 13 days. Activities include helping to reconstruct a medical waste chimney and wall painting in a rural hospital; assisting local doctors with outpatients in the hospital; educational workshop for children in a local intellectual disability school.

Nepal Medical Service Trip: Project Namtar

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations: Medical Outreachers HK

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 13

Project Location: Nepal

This is a 10-day service trip to Nepal with 13 CUHK students and 7 HKU students. Activities include health education sessions at primary and secondary schools, helping local doctors to organize a mobile clinic, quantitative and qualitative health research in rural households, awareness raising about local medical services to villagers. Public health professionals from an NGO Health in Action will provide advice throughout the project.

Rural Village Health Enhancement Project

Organising Colleges / Faculties / Student Associations:Project Little Dream

Estimated number of CUHK volunteers: 13

Project Location: Cambodia

It is a continuous project in two villages in Cambodia since 2011. 13 CU students will participate in two service trips in 2016 and 2017. The project consists of water sanitation and hygiene programme and building of sanitation facilities, primary eye care education, screening and referral of eye disease cases and general health education.



I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 8621

Email: icare@cuhk.edu.hk
