(Please scroll down for English version)
本學年計劃迄今已為 28 位中大同學提供兩階段專業培訓,讓他們認識特定主題、了解自選地區的情況,以及學習設計導賞路線、涵蓋內容與帶團技巧等。自上月中旬起,受訓同學已正式以導賞員身份帶領專題導賞團,向來自主流中學及特殊學校的學生介紹各區。
近郊規劃 ── 新市鎮發展歷程
日 期:2021 年 6 月 27 日(星期日)
時 間:上午 10 時半至中午 12 時(請提早 5 至 10 分鐘登入)
形 式:Zoom 視訊會議(連結將以電郵發送予成功報名者)
語 言:粵語
名 額:30(先到先得)
導賞內容:簡介 → 天后廟 → 屯門公園 → 工業區 → 友愛邨 → 輕鐵 → 市中心 → 總結
費 用:全免
報 名:請按 此處
截止日期:2021 年 6 月 22 日(星期二)
舌尖滋味 ── 飲食文化與歷史
日 期:2021 年 7 月 3 日(星期六)
時 間:上午 10 時半至中午 12 時(請提早 5 至 10 分鐘登入)
形 式:Zoom 視訊會議(連結將以電郵發送予成功報名者)
語 言:粵語
名 額:30(先到先得)
導賞內容:簡介 → 嘉頓麵包 → 維記咖啡粉麵 → 公和荳品廠 → 坤記糕點 → 老鳳冰室
→ 飛鷹餐廳 → 合舍 → Colour Brown X Phvlo Hatch → 總結
費 用:全免
報 名:請按 此處
截止日期:2021 年 6 月 29 日(星期二)
電話:3943 2306
The I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project, which has been conducted for years, aims to facilitate CUHK students’ discovery of Hong Kong stories and to offer free cultural tours to serve the needy. Both groups are expected to develop an enhanced sense of identification to this city.
The project of this academic year has already provided 28 students, at two stages, with a series of professional trainings that covered introduction of designated themes and districts, planning of tour routes, itinerary design and presentation skills, etc. Since mid-May, these trainees have started playing the role as docents to guide students of the mainstream secondary schools and special schools to understand local history and culture on a theme basis.
Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the tour delivery of this project has changed to an online mode through virtual reality technology. With the aid of a VR headset, the participants visited various places of Hong Kong and had fun added to their daily routine during the pandemic. We hereby present two tours for CUHK students and staff exclusively. Details are as follows:
The Development of New Towns
Date: 27 June 2021 (Sunday)
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 nn (please login 5 to 10 minutes in advance)
Format: Zoom video conference (the link will be sent to successful applicants via email)
Language: Cantonese
Quota: 30 (first-come-first-served)
Tour District: Tuen Mun
Tour Content: Preamble → Tin Hau Temple → Tuen Mun Park → Industrial Area → Yau Oi Estate → Light Rail → Town Centre → Recap
Fee: Free of charge
Registration: Please click here
Deadline: 22 June 2021 (Tuesday)
Food Culture and History
Date: 3 July 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 nn (please login 5 to 10 minutes in advance)
Format: Zoom video conference (the link will be sent to successful applicants via email)
Language: Cantonese
Quota: 30 (first-come-first-served)
Tour District: Sham Shui Po
Tour Content: Preamble → Garden → Wai Kee Noodle Café → Kung Wo Beancurd Factory → Kwan Kee Store → Lo Fung Restaurant → Flying Eagle Restaurant → Form Society → Colour Brown X Phvlo Hatch → Recap
Fee: Free of charge
Registration: Please click here
Deadline: 29 June 2021 (Tuesday)
All applicants who are accepted for participation in the above online tours should (1) come to this Centre to collect the VR headset beforehand; (2) use their own computer and smartphone; and (3) turn on the computer camera throughout the activity to achieve the best touring outcome.
Miss Li of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 2306
Email: laurali@cuhk.edu.hk