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香港中文大學體育部與博群全人發展中心正舉辦「健體 x 友伴」先導計劃。
項目一: 街跑
計劃安排專業教練,提供 8 節專業而系統的跑步訓練,以完成 10 公里為目標。訓練以趣味為主,讓參加者對長跑產生興趣、強身健體,培養馬拉松精神。
共八節,2017 年 2 月至 3 月(星期五或六下午)
項目二: 花式跳繩 計劃安排專業教練,提供 8 星期專業而系統的花式跳繩訓練。訓練以趣味為主,讓參加者對花式跳繩產生興趣、強身健體,培養體育精神。
共八節,2017 年 2 月至 4 月(星期六下午)
項目三: 乒乓球
計劃安排專業教練,提供 8 星期專業而系統的乒乓球訓練。訓練以趣味為主,讓參加者對乒乓球產生興趣、強身健體,培養體育精神。
共八節,2017 年 2 月至 4 月(星期六下午)
2017 年 1 月 20 日(星期五)
電話:3943 9957
The Physical Education Unit and the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development is launching a “Fitness x Mentorship” Scheme to promote energy and wellness, one of the five core attributes of whole-person development under the I·CARE framework.
Participating CUHK students will receive professional training in a sport while empowering a group of secondary students.
Sports Items and Schedules
Programme 1: Street Run
The aim of this programme is to provide long-distance run training to help students succeed in life and achieve their goals while improving health. Students will also become mentors of secondary school students and develop positive relationship with them.
Running: 8 sessions, Friday / Saturday afternoon in February - March 2017
Programme 2: Rope Skipping
The aim of this programme is to provide rope skipping training to help students succeed in life and achieve their goals while improving health. Students will also become mentors of secondary school students and develop positive relationship with them.
Rope Skipping: 8 sessions, Saturday afternoon in February - April 2017
Programme 3: Table Tennis
The aim of this programme is to provide table tennis training to help students succeed in life and achieve their goals while improving health. Students will also become mentors of secondary school students and develop positive relationship with them.
Table Tennis: 8 sessions, Saturday afternoon in February - April 2017
Training Ground
On or off CUHK campus
Enrolment Deadline
20 January 2017 (Friday)
Mandatory Requirements
To attend the selection interview (Timetable vide the enrolment form)
To attend at least 6 training sessions and take part in the mentorship scheme. Priority will be given to students who can attend all sessions.
Free of Charge
Miss Wong of I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Tel: 3943 9957
Email: cathy@cuhk.edu.hk