The 5th I·CARE Book Festival

Sunny Days, Rainy Days, Reading Days

We read amid winds and rains.

We read in the days of happiness and sorrows.

Reading empowers us to go through bumpy road ahead.

A gale does not blow the whole morning, nor does a downpour last the whole day. In stormy times, we read. On sunny days, we read. We read, in company and in solitude. In reading we explore the authors’ inner world, and open up our own.

Registration (Book Talks)

CUHK Students and Staff:

CUHK Alumni and Public:


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

Tel: 3943 4702


Organiser and Supporting Unit


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development


The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Supporting Unit

University Bookstore
