Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1997

prosperity and social well-being of H o n g Kong. Currently chairman and managing director of H y s an Development Comp a ny Limited, Mr. Lee is also non-executive director of H a ng Seng Bank Limited, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, Ryoden Development Limited, Sime Darby H o n g K o ng Limited, and Maersk H o n g K o n g L i m i t e d. H e was once n o n - e x e c u t i ve director of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and of the Management Committee of the Securities and Futures Commission of H o n g Kong. He has recently been appointed non-executive director of the i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y - r e p u t ed I m p e r i al C h e m i c al Industries pic, being the first Chinese to assume such apost. Mr. Lee is also active i n public service. He chairs the Executive Comm i t t ee o£ the H o n g K o ng Society for the Protection of Children and the Standing Committee on Directorate/Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service, and sits on the Co u n c il and Executive Comm i t t ee of the H o n g K o n g Stock E x c h a n g e. H e has been appointed a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference by the Chinese Government since 1993. A member of the academic elite on the one hand and abusiness genius on the other, Mr. Lee excels i n everything he does. The drastic change of career in mid-life only brought him to new heights in personal achievements. Mr. Lee's success is tied to three of his traits. First of all, he is in the full conviction that far from being arose garden, life is arough sea with huge waves of obstacles. Some t r y to d u c k the waves and go under. Some judge the surf accurately and ride the waves to success. He exhorts young people to set their goals early in life and be constantly prepared. They should use their shrewd judgment to take the current w h en it serves them and sail before the w i n d. Secondly, M r. Lee believes that single- mindedness and perseverance are the requisites for perfection i n any pursuit. He loves g r o w i ng orchids i n his leisure time. Orchids take years to cultivate but they b l o om for a mere three to four weeks. The pleasure and satisfaction of watching them b l o om can only be keenly appreciated after one has tended them unquestioningly w i t h o ut a ny expectation of r ewa r d. W h a t applies to g r o w i ng orchids applies to ma n a g i ng h u m an affairs. Wh at Mr. Lee pursues i n his life is that sense of complete satisfaction and achievement after p e r f e c t i on has been a t t a i n ed t h r o u gh u n r em i t t i ng efforts. Last b ut not least, Mr. Lee is an easygoing gentleman w i t h patience and forbearance. He manages his business w i t h ease and facility, he combines w o r k w i t h leisure in his daily life, he is b o th sympathetic and reasonable, he is an accomplished entrepreneur w i t h a happy family. I n short, he is on all fronts w h at a successful person should be. Mr. Lee at present sits on both the Council of The Chinese University of H o n g K o ng and the Court of the University of H o ng Kong. He also chairs The Chinese University's Terms of Service C o mm i t t ee a nd the C a m p us P l a n n i ng a nd B u i l d i ng Committee, and is a member of the Committee on Donations. Over the years, he and other members of the Lee family have generously s u p p o r t ed v a r i o us academic a n d research activities of the University through the Lee Hysan Foundation Limited. Just recently another major donation was made by the foundation to f u nd the construction of a very well-designed a nd well-equipped concert hall on the C h u ng C hi campus. M r. Chancellor, M r. Lee H o n - c h iu is an accomplished entrepreneur w h o abides b y his convictions, w h o strives persistently to broaden h uman horizons and bring prosperity to this city. He is also a keen supporter of higher education. Because of his significant contributions to this university and to the c ommu n i ty at large, Mr. Chancellor, it is w i t h great pleasure that I present Mr. Lee Ho n - c h iu for the award of the degree of Doctor of Laws, h o n o r i s c a u s a . (Written in Chinese by Serena Jin, translated by the Bulletin) The 52nd Congregation 7