Newsletter No. 302
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 12 IFT students instructed by CUHK Prof. Hendrik Tieben was announced the winner of the ‘Best Design Award’. Its CUHK members were Chan Lok Ling Gloria, Hung Mei Kan, Ng Kam Shing Oskar, and Yuen Ching Yin. The jury commended the team, who chose the Camoes Square for their case study, for their insightful site analysis, consideration for local residents and visitors, and the conscientious approach towards preserving the existing ambience of the city. Furthermore, the successful incorporation of ideas from both architecture and heritage management students was appreciated. The proposal was handed to the Cultural Affairs Office of Macau for further consideration. Interviewed by Teledifusão de Macau, Oskar Ng elaborated on their proposal: ‘Our idea is to enliven the community and strengthen the link between the World Heritage Corridor and the adjacent scenic points of interest. This is to say, we minimize the change to the present state of the city while maximizing its potential to serve the locals and attract the tourists. By linking the points of interest, we are also providing more recreational grounds for the public and adding life to the local community. We hope our proposal can offer a perspective for a better balance between urban development and heritage conservation.’ 尋找發展與保護之間的平衡點 中大師生奪文物保護設計獎 In Search of the Balance between Development and Conservation CUHK Students Win Heritage Award A s the controversy over the preservation of Queen’s Pier in Hong Kong heated up in July, an event entitled ‘Summer Heritage Workshop II’ was held in Macau. A joint team of students from the CUHK Architecture Department and the Heritage Management Programme of Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) in Macau won the ‘Best Design Award’ in the event. Organized by IFT, the 10-day workshop was held in Macau from 17 to 26 July with the theme ‘Integrating Heritage: Public Spaces’. It was aimed at developing research collaboration and finding solutions for improving the streetscapes and public spaces of Macau’s World Heritage Corridor. Besides CUHK, other participating teams included The University of Hong Kong, Southern Yangtze University in Wuxi, Hosei University in Tokyo and IFT. The first few days of the workshop were filled with site visits and lectures on Macau’s history, heritage and current development. In the remaining days, the different teams worked intensively on their proposals and presented their projects to a jury on the last day. After a long consultation, the joint team of CUHK and 今 年7月,正當香港為保留皇后碼頭鬧得沸沸揚 揚之際,與香港一水之隔的澳門,在17至26日 召開了一次工作坊,讓來自不同國家、地區的專家及 學員,深入探討當地文化遺產的保護及其周邊空間的 發展規劃。由中大建築系師生與澳門旅遊學院文化遺 產管理課程學生合組的隊伍,奪得了這項活動的「最 佳設計大獎」。 這個為期十天的夏季文物工作坊已是第二次舉行,今 年的主題是「文物保護與公共空間規劃」。活動由澳 門旅遊學院主辦。除了中大建築系外,獲邀的還有來 自香港大學、無錫江南大學、日本法政大學和澳門旅 遊學院的隊伍。 工作坊頭幾天的活動是介紹澳門歷史、文化遺產和現 今發展的參觀和講座,之後各隊就開始草擬方案。到 了最後一天,評審團詳細評核各隊的建議書,最後宣 布「最佳設計大獎」得主是中大建築系及澳門旅遊學 院合組的隊伍。他們由建築系田恆德教授帶領,隊中 的中大成員有陳樂齡、洪美瑾、吳錦勝和袁靖妍。 得獎隊伍選擇了白鴿巢前地為美化方案題目,評審團 認為他們的分析細膩,兼顧了本地居民和遊客的需 要,又尊重現有的城市風貌。此外,來自建築和文化 遺產管理兩個領域學生的意念,在這個方案中融合無 間,也博得評審讚賞。方案已寫成計劃書,供澳門文 化局參考。 將在9月升讀建築碩士課程的 吳錦勝,在接受澳門電視台 訪問時說:「這個方案的目 的是要加強社區活化,加強 整條文化走廊中毗鄰景點的 聯繫。希望盡量不改變原來 的城市面貌,又盡可能擴大 它對居民和遊客的吸引力。 我們把周邊景點連結起來, 並為居民提供休憩空間,以 這種同時照顧兩者的設計來 促進社區活化。希望這個方 案能為如何在都市發展與文 物保護之間取得更佳的平 衡,提供一個參考的視野。」 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following items are available at: ■ 中大學者奪管理年會論文獎 CUHK Researchers Win Best Paper Award at Management Conference ■ 工程系教授論文獲獎 Engineering Professor Wins Best Conference Paper Award ■ Eighteen Research Projects Received Grants 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁( ) 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話 2609 8584/ 2609 8681 ,傳真 2603 6864 ,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584/2609 8681; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail pub2@uab.cuhk. ). 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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