Newsletter No. 285

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 6 崇基學院五十五周年校慶活動 55th Anniversary Celebration of Chung Chi College of CUHK 崇基學院為誌創校五十五周年,將於十月起舉辦連串慶祝活動,包括由學院與音樂系和大 學圖書館系統合辦的中西音樂資料藏品展、崇基學院校史檔案館開幕典禮、校慶日感恩崇 拜等。十月二十八日假香港洲際酒店舉行的校慶晚宴,更讓不同年代的校友、學生和教職 員等敘首同歡。 此外,亦有學術、藝術、出版、學生訪問等多項校慶活動,如宗教與中國社會研究中心將舉 行成立十周年研討會,第三屆「基督教與中國社會文化」國際年青學者研討會,以及攝影、 國畫、書法和工藝作品展覽。詳情可瀏覽 。 The year of 2006 marks the 55th anniversary of Chung Chi College. A series of celebratory events has been launched in the coming months and they will continue throughout the 2006–07 academic year. The highlight of the celebrations will take place in October 2006. Apart from traditional Founders’ Day programmes such as the Thanksgiving Service and the Student Festival, there are the Exhibition of the Music Archive, a large-scale exhibition of the precious collections of the Department of Music jointly presented by the college, the Music Department and the University Library System; the opening ceremony of the Chung Chi College Archive on 27th October 2006; and the 55th Anniversary Celebration Banquet on 28th October 2006 at InterContinental Hong Kong. Other activities include the 10th Anniversary Conference of the Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society and the 3rd International Young Scholars’ Symposium on Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture; and art exhibitions. For details, please visit . 文物館三十五周年誌慶展覽 Art Museum: Forthcoming Exhibitions in Celebration of 35th Anniversary 遊於藝:35年以來受贈文物 日期:二零零六年十月二十八日至二零零七年二 月 地點:文物館西翼展覽廳 中國晚期金飾 日期:二零零六年十一月十日至二零零七年二月 地點:文物館東翼展覽廳 學苑英華:文物館海報及書刊 日期:二零零六年十一月十七日至十二月二十三日 地點:大學圖書館展覽廳 文物館於一九七一年創館,歷年蒙熱心贊助人、收 藏家、基金會、館友會、有關機構及各方友好的熱 心捐贈和支持,藏品甚豐。為誌慶文物館建館三十 五周年,特別挑選歷年捐贈文物精品,舉辦「遊於 藝:35年以來受贈文物」專題展覽,弘揚中國文物 的藝術成就,推廣中國文物的欣賞及研究,並感謝各界的熱心捐贈和關愛支持。 另一項為誌慶三十五周年而精心策劃的專題展覽是「中國晚期金飾」,主題是宋代以來的中 國金飾。展品二百餘項,主要精選自承訓堂藏品,並輔以沐 文堂及夢蝶軒藏品。此外特別商借湖北省博物館藏明梁 莊王墓出土金飾二十多項,較全面地展示宋代以來 的中國金飾的主要面貌。為配合展覽,文物館將聯 同文物館館友會及香港藝術館,於十一月九日及十 日假香港藝術館舉辦《中國晚期金飾研討會》,並 出版《承訓堂藏金器》圖錄。 此外,「學苑英華:文物館海報及書刊」則回顧該 館三十五年來,為致力推廣中國文物的欣賞及研究 而舉辦的文物藝術展覽和出版的學術刊物。 The Art of Giving: Thirty-five Years of Donation to the Art Museum Date: 28th October 2006 – February 2007 Venue: West-wing Galleries, Art Museum Later Chinese Gold Ornaments Date: 10th November 2006 – February 2007 Venue: East-wing Galleries, Art Museum Opening: 9th November 2006 (Thursday) at 3:30 p.m. Publications and Posters of the Art Museum: The First 35 Years Date: 17th November – 23rd December 2006 Venue: Exhibition Hall, University Library, CUHK Since its inception in 1971, the Art Museum has assembled a sizable collection with donations from many benefactors, collectors, institutes, foundations and museums. Two special exhibitions have been scheduled this fall to celebrate the Art Museum’s 35th anniversary: Later Chinese Gold Ornaments, opening on 10th November, and The Art of Giving: Thirsty-five Years of Donation to the Art Museum, on 28th October. While the gifts are a tribute to all donors for their support, the gold ornaments, amounting to over 200 items, are mainly on loan from the Cheng Xun Tang collection, with supplemented pieces from the collections of Muwen Tang and Mengdiexuan. In addition, some 20 excavated relics from Prince Liang Tomb of the early 15th century will be provided by the Hubei Provincial Museum. To accompany the exhibition, a symposium jointly organized with the Friends of the Art Museum and the Hong Kong Museum of Art will be held on 9th and 10th November in the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, and a scholarly catalogue of the Cheng Xun Tang collection of gold objects will be published. There will be another exhibition, ‘Publications and Posters of the Art Museum: The First 35 Years’, opening on 17th November at the University Library, which is within walking distance to the west of the Art Museum. It is a retrospective exhibition of the museum’s posters and publications spanning the past 35 years. 崑曲班 Kunqu Workshop 音樂系戲曲資料中心將舉辦「崑曲班」(第三期),歡迎初學者及對崑曲有興趣的人士參 加。課程詳情如下: 日期:二零零六年十一月二十二日至二零零七年一月二十四日(逢星期三) 時間:下午六時至七時半 地點:許讓成樓戲曲資料中心 導師:張麗真女士(資深崑曲導師及崑曲演唱家) 蘇思棣先生(崑笛導師) 堂數:十堂 費用:一千港元(全日制學生半價優惠) 研習選段:(一)《牡丹亭驚夢》之〈山桃紅〉(小生唱段) (二)《牡丹亭驚夢》之〈綿搭絮〉(旦角唱段) 名額共十位,先到先得。報名或查詢,請致電戲曲資料中心(二六零三五零九八)。 The Chinese Opera Information Centre offers Kunqu classes to the public on a regular basis. The courses have been scheduled as follows: Duration: 22nd November 2006 to 24th January 2007 (every Wednesday evening) Time: 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Venue: RoomG06, Hui Yeung Shing Building, Chinese Opera Information Centre, CUHK Sessions: 10 Tuition Fee: $1000 (50% discount applies to all full-time students) Tutors: Ms. Chang Lai-chun and Mr. Sou Si-tai Enrolment will be on a first-come-first-served basis. For enquiries and enrolment, please contact Ms. Milky Cheung at 2603 5098 before 15th November 2006. Mission Hills Golf Club Membership The University is a Diamond member of the Mission Hills Golf Club (MHGC) in Shenzhen. Staff from the University may be nominated as a member of MHGC. Terms (A) and equivalent terms staff are invited to bid for the privilege of being the University- nominated member (w.e.f. 1st January 2007) on the following terms and conditions: 1. The minimum bid (monthly charge payable to the University) is $1. 2. Membership is subject to the nominee remaining a full-time Terms A/equivalent employee of the University. 3. The new member pays the non-refundable nomination transfer fee of $20,000 charged by MHGC. The fee can be paid via payroll deductions over a period of two years. 4. The minimum term is two years; it can be extended for another year at the request of the member, subject to agreement by the University. 5. The Vice-Chancellor has discretion over the assignment of membership. In case of similar bidding prices, preference will be given to those who have not been a nominee before. 6. In addition to the monthly charge payable to the University, the nominated member is required to pay a monthly membership fee to the golf club concerned, plus other usage charges. 7. The member is required to abide by the rules of the golf club. Eligible staff members who are interested should submit their bids to the Tender Board, c/o Business Office, G/F, John Fulton Centre, indicating the amount he/she is willing to pay to the University as the monthly charge. Bids should be submitted in envelopes marked ‘Application for Golf Club Membership’. All submissions must reach the Tender Board before 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, 2nd November 2006. Please contact Ms Jacqueling Cho at ext. 7887 for any further information and visit the Business Office’s homepage at to download the bidding form.