Newsletter No. 392
6 No. 392, 19.2.2012 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 教職員勇奪乒乓球賽冠軍 • Staff Team Wins Table Tennis Championship 中 大教職員乒乓球隊在「全港教師校際乒乓球錦標賽2011」男子組團體賽決賽中,力壓香港專業 教育學院(柴灣),在九支參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,勇奪冠軍。賽事由中大體育部與香港教育專業 人員協會合辦,於2011年12月31日假本校大學體育中心舉行。 T he CUHK staff table tennis team defeated representatives from eight schools to clinch the men’s team championship in the ‘Hong Kong Teachers Inter-school Table Tennis Championship 2011’. CUHK beat the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) in the final to become the champion. The event, co-organized by CUHK and Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union, was held on 31 December 2011 at the University Sports Centre, CUHK. 滬港羽毛球友誼賽 • Hong Kong and Shanghai Badminton Match 中 大教職員羽毛球隊於2011年12月17至20日,在 副校長黄乃正教授( 後排左二 )帶領下,在上海參 加第一屆香港中文大學滬港師生羽毛球友誼賽。球隊與居 於上海之中大校友切磋球技之餘,順道了解當地校友之生 活及工作,獲益良多。 P rof. Henry N.C. Wong ( 2nd left, back row ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, led the staff badminton team to visit Shanghai from 17 to 20 December 2011 to participate in the first friendly match with CUHK’s alumni living there. All players enjoyed the game and cherished the opportunity to gain a better understanding about the life of CUHK’s alumni working in mainland China. 請支持樂步行暨無車日2012 • Show Your Support for Walking Campaign and Car-free Day 2012 樂 步行暨無車日將於3月2日(星 期五)舉行,步行起點是港鐵大 學站,途經未圓湖到終點善衡書院,全 程約二十分鐘,旨在鼓勵中大同仁安步 當車,強健體魄。有份主辦活動的中大 校園環境委員會的主席朱利民教授說︰ 「由2007年起,大學轄下的健康促進 及防護委員會已籌辦活動,在校園內提 倡步行文化。2010年9月,我們為響應 世界無車日,舉辦了中大無車日。去年, 無車日和樂步行兩項活動合而為一,參 加人數踴躍,辦得非常成功。今年再接再厲,希望大家鼎 力支持。步行有益身心,無論是否駕駛者,都可以支持無車 日,減少用車,以示我們愛護環境。」 除了鼓勵多步行,活動還有意讓中大成員更深入認識善用 能源的重要性,同時予大家嶄新角度去欣賞校園的美態。 朱教授說︰「現代人生活凡事講求方便、舒適,常吃即食食 品,出外要開車,又少做運動,校園內情況也大同小異吧。 我們很依賴校巴接載,須知道它所費不菲,消耗很多能源, 又會污染環境。可是習慣下來,有時候我們寧願花十分鐘 等車,也不要步行五分鐘前往目的地。」有鑑於此,大學會 提供更多選擇,鼓勵步行,又會增設一些景色怡人而又便 利的行人天橋、升降機和行人專用徑,讓大家可以便捷上 山下山和穿梭各校區。. 千里之行,始於足下。愛護環境,同 樣始於足下。請於網上報名( www. html ),截止日期為2月24日。 T he Walking Campaign and Car-free Day 2012 will be held on 2 March (Friday). This year, the route begins at the University MTR Station and ends at S.H. Ho College, taking participants via Lake Ad Excellentiam , and finishes in about 20 minutes. Prof. Chu Lee-man, chairman of the Committee on Campus Environment, said the event aims at promoting the health benefits of walking. ‘Since 2007, the University’s Committee of Health Promotion and Protection has been organizing campaigns to promote the culture of getting around the campus on foot. We then organized a “CUHK Car-free Day” in September 2010 to support World Car-free Day. Last year, we combined the two activities, and it was well received as reflected by the number of participants. I urge you to join us and show your support in walking for fitness, and in reducing the use of traffic vehicles for one day. This will tell how much we care about our environment.’ Besides building a walking culture, the event also helps the CUHK community be conscious of energy consumption, and enjoy our beautiful campus from a different angle. Professor Chu said, ‘Modern life is convenience-driven and comfort-oriented. We tend to eat more instant food, ride/drive more and exercise less. I suppose campus life follows a similar pattern. This results in heavy reliance on shuttle buses. These services are costly, consume fuel, and pollute our environment. Some of us prefer to wait for 10 minutes to take a bus journey than to walk to the spot which may be five minutes away.’ In view of this, more options will be installed to encourage walking. Scenic and convenient pedestrian links such as footbridges, vertical lifts and footpaths have been developed to enable fast and easy movement up and down the campus. Let’s take steps towards a better environment. For online registration, please browse: uhs/registration/index.html . Deadline for registration is 24 February.
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