Newsletter No. 392
No. 392, 19.2.2012 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 可蘊基金獎學金成立 • Establishment of Ho & Ho Foundation Scholarships 中國農業大學黨委書記來訪 • Delegation of China Agricultural University Visits CUHK 由 著名慈善家何銘思先生成立的可蘊基金有限公司, 慷慨捐贈八百萬元予中大,由2012至13年起,每年 全費資助三名成績優異而經濟有困難的內地生升讀中大。 捐贈儀式於1月10日舉行,可蘊基金董事何銘思先生( 右 二 )在基金會理事何卓樺女士( 左一 )陪同下,與中大入學 及學生資助處處長周陳文琬女士( 左二 )一起簽署。中大 副校長鄭振耀教授( 右一 )向可蘊基金致以由衷謝意,並 介紹了在內地收生的情況。 中 國農業大學(農大)訪問團在1月14日到訪中大,農 大黨委書記兼教育基金會理事長瞿振元教授( 右 四 )、農大教育基金會秘書長李全宏教授( 右二 )和農業生 物技術國家重點實驗室主任李寧院士( 右三 ),獲中大常 務副校長華雲生教授( 右五 )和副校長鄭振耀教授( 左四 ) 等熱烈歡迎。雙方就深化合作展開會談,並初步達成了學 生交流、行政人員交流及大學出版刊物互贈的合作意向。 訪問團又到訪中大農業生物技術國家重點實驗室夥伴實 驗室,與主任辛世文教授、副主任林漢明教授,及其他國 家重點實驗室成員會面,了解實驗室近期成就與科研進 程,並就加強雙互合作、建立更緊密的學術聯繫、推動指 標性產出等目標展開了實質討論。 O n 14 January, a delegation led by Prof. Qu Zhenyuan ( 4th right ), party secretary of the China Agricultural University (CAU), visited CUHK. Prof. Benjamin W. Wah ( 5th right ), Provost, CUHK and Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng ( 4th left ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK warmly welcomed the 可蘊基金獎學金將優先頒發予來自紅三角地區(即廣東韶 關、江西贛州及湖南郴州)的學生,讓年輕一代有機會來 港升學,希望透過栽培人才,帶動當地發展,擺脫貧困。何 先生在年輕時代,曾深入粵北山區工作多年,深知紅三角 地區生活水平落後,遂致力提高該區的文化、教育和經濟 實力,過去十多年曾出資興建基礎設施,捐建中小學校,又 成立獎學金,資助學生無數。 F ounded by the renowned philanthropist Mr. Ho Ming-sze, the Ho & Ho Foundation Ltd. recently donated eight million dollars to CUHK to set up the ‘Ho & Ho Foundation Scholarships’. It will award three full scholarships to mainland students every year starting from 2012–13. Target recipients were those who are academically outstanding but have financial difficulty going abroad to study. A donation ceremony was held on 10 January. Accompanied by Ms. Ho Cheuk-wa ( 1st left ), representative of the foundation, Mr. Ho Ming- sze ( 2nd right ) co-signed an agreement with Mrs. Chow Chan Man-yuen Grace ( 2nd left ), director of Admissions delegation. To further strengthen partnership between the universities, the participants had an amiable discussion and reached an understanding to establish cooperation in different areas, including student, staff and university publications exchange. The delegation also visited the partner State Key Laboratory (SKL) of Agrobiotechnology at CUHK. and Financial Aid. Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng ( 1st right ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK, expressed his heartfelt thanks to Mr. Ho and members of the foundation, and gave a brief account on the admission exercise of CUHK on the mainland. Priority will be given to students from the ‘red triangle’ region (Shaoguan in Guangdong, Ganzhou in Jiangxi, and Chenzhou in Hunan). Through the nurturing of young talent, the foundation wishes to facilitate regional development and eradicate poverty. Mr. Ho in his youth had spent years in the mountainous region in northern Guangdong province. He was alarmed by the harsh conditions that people were facing and therefore vowed to dedicate himself to promoting education and socio- economic development, and raising the living standards of people there. In the past decade, he has been keen on supporting infrastructural projects, as well as erecting school premises, and has sponsored numerous students by giving out scholarships. Prof. Samuel S.M. Sun, director of the Laboratory and Prof. Lam Hong-ming, deputy director, gave an overview of the recent developments of the SKL as well as an update on its latest research progress and achievements. Participants shared their views on how to strengthen scientific cooperation and academic links between the two SKLs to facilitate the production of collaborative deliverables. 廣東遊學體驗英語教與學 • Teaching and Learning English: A Study Tour to Guangdong 二 十七位中大教育學院文學士(英國語文)及教育學 士(英國語文教育)同期結業雙學位課程學生、博 士生、畢業生和教師,於2011年12月27至30日往訪廣東外 語外貿大學及其附設外語學校,以及廣州市教育局教研 室,觀摩內地中、小學英語教學實習,了解國家英語課程內 容和評估方法,並與當地中、小學英語教師舉行分享會,該 學院秦家慧教授和鄧麗 暚 教授並進行了中、小學課堂教學 示範。團員獲安排入住學生宿舍,體驗正規學生的學習日 程。內地學者和官員的演講,亦啟發了與會者思維。 遊學團的學習成果和感受,已上載英語教學專業在線平台 Netter( ) 。 A delegation comprising 27 members from the Faculty of Education went for a four-day visit, from 27 to 30 December 2011 to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) and the English School attached to GDUFS, and the Teaching and Research Institute. Participants included undergraduates from the Bachelor of Arts (English Studies), Bachelor of Education (English Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme, doctoral students, graduates and staff members from the Faculty. They observed the English teaching practices at primary and secondary levels in China, and gained a better understanding of the national English curriculum and assessment. The visit also included sharing sessions with serving English primary and secondary school teachers, and demonstration lessons conducted by Prof. Tang Lai- yiu Eunice and Prof. Chun Ka-wai Cecilia. Participants were accommodated in school hostels and experienced the daily schedule of the regular students there. There were also inspiring presentations by Chinese scholars. A report session was held to share their experience with faculty members. The reflections were uploaded to Netter, an online platform for teaching professionals (available at: ) .
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