Annual Report 2006–07
服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 63 Museum featuring entirely art objects selected from the museum collection. The Art Museum also offered a General Education course ‘Chinese Cultural Heritage in Art’. To foster the public’s interest in Chinese art, the Museum participated in the ‘International Museum Day 2007’ organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and provided free authentication services to the University community and the public. During 2006–07, the Chinese University Press produced 71 publications, which included 20 academic titles, 26 general titles, 13 issues of scholarly journals, and 12 revised/reprinted titles. Provision of Continuing and Professional Education The School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCS) continues to uphold its vision of ‘being recognized as a first-class institution of lifelong education that fosters whole-person development and progresses with changes in local and global learning needs,’ and offers a number of quality general courses and professional award- bearing programmes. With a view to providing secondary school leavers with more career and higher education opportunities, SCS launched higher diploma programmes in 2002. In 2006–07, four new higher diploma programmes were offered in fashion design and product development, contemporary Japanese, financial services, and recreation and leisure management. While the number of higher diploma programmes offered increased to a total of 21, the number of new student enrolment rose by nearly 50% over the previous year. To meet the needs of its expanding programmes and student population, SCS has acquired a new learning centre at The Chinese University of Hong Kong–Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community College in Mongkok. This new learning centre provides students with more room for learning and other activities. SCS continues to provide a multitude of corporate training programmes to cater for the demands of various professions in mainland China and Hong Kong, including the provision of training to officials and university lecturers from Shanghai, Heilongjiang and other mainland provinces and cities. In 2006–07, general courses, award-bearing programmes and distance education courses attracted a total enrolment of over 44,000. The wide range of courses and programmes were managed through six divisions: Art, Music and the Humanities Business and Management Information Technology and Science Languages and Translation Social Sciences and Public Administration Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Care • • • • • • 文物館藉二零零六年建館三十五年之際,於大學圖 書館展覽廳舉辦「學苑英華:文物館三十五年海報 及書刊展」,並先後舉辦三項館藏品展覽,分別為 「窯火凝英:文物館藏陶瓷選」、「飛毫拂素:文 物館藏書法」及「遊於藝:三十五年以來受贈文 物」。 文物館與藝術系合辦「藝術系本科生畢業展」,並 繼續開辦「中國文物欣賞」通識課程;對外又參與 康樂及文化事務署策劃的「二零零七香港國際博物 館日」,免費提供中國文物鑑定服務,增進校內及 公眾對中國文物藝術的認識和欣賞。 中文大學出版社年內出版了七十一種書刊,以推動 學術研究,傳播文化知識。計有學術專著二十種, 普及書籍二十六種、學術期刊十三種、修訂或重印 的圖書十二種。 ᒷࢄ ܛ ᙩਿพઠөొୄӸነୌ 專業進修學院一直秉承「致力全人教育,植根香 港,放眼世界,為進修人士提供終身學習機會」的 使命,提供優質的專業進修課程。 學院於二零零二年起開辦高級文憑課程,以增加 中五及中七畢業生升學及晉身專業的途徑。二零零 六至零七年度,學院新增四項高級文憑課程,包括 時裝設計及產品開發、現代日語、金融服務及康 樂及休閒事務管理,高級文憑課程至此增至二十 一項,報讀的新生人數更較前一年增加近百分之五 十。 鑑於課程與學生與日俱增,學院於二零零七年七月 租用香港中文大學─東華三院社區書院位於旺角的 校舍,為學生提供更多學習及活動空間。 為配合國內及香港各行各業的需要,學院繼續開辦 各類型的企業培訓課程,包括為上海及黑龍江省等 內地省巿的官員和高校教師提供培訓。 二零零六至零七年度,學院的短期課程、頒授學歷 課程及遙距課程的報讀人次超過四萬四千。這些課 程由以下六個學部統籌: 藝術、音樂及人文學科 商業及管理 資訊科技及科學 語文及翻譯 社會科學及公共行政 中醫藥及醫療保健 ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧
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