Newsletter No. 386
No. 386, 4.11.2011 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 中大生奪活木球世界第一 • CUHK Student Ranks First in Woodball 中 大體育運動科學系三年級生吳楚筠於活木球世界排 名賽中成績突出,穩奪2011年世界女子組冠軍。 在9月24至26日於江蘇省泰興市舉行的「第六屆全國活木 球錦標賽」中,吳楚筠在「院校組」擊敗另外八十名選手, 勇奪女子個人賽第一名,成為首位奪得此項殊榮的香港學 生;及後於10月舉行的「台灣公開賽」,楚筠亦獲佳績,計 算總得分後,她已遠遠拋離排名第二的對手,確認可獲今 年世界第一。 楚筠於2009年獲運動員獎學金入讀中大。她於2010年度 年終香港女子活木球排名第一,又於去年的世界大學生 活木球錦標賽奪得女子桿數賽個人第三名及混雙第一名。 W ith excellent performance in international woodball championships, Miss Ng Cho-kwan, Year 3 student in Sports Science and Physical Education, has been named the world’s top this year. In the 6th National Woodball Championship held in Taixing, Jiangsu from 24 to 26 September, Cho-kwan beat 80 other competitors to secure the championship of the university division. She was the first Hong Kong student athlete to win the title. In the Taiwan Open International Woodball Championship held in October, Cho-kwan gave another brilliant performance. As her scores were way higher than those of other competitors, she was ranked first this year. Cho-kwan was admitted to CUHK through the Sports Scholarship Scheme in 2009. She was overall champion in 2011 (women’s group), Hong Kong. In last year’s World University Woodball Championship, she ranked third in the women’s single stroke competition and first in mixed double. 中大EMBA全球排名十四 • CUHK EMBA Ranks 14 Worldwide 倫 敦《金融時報》在10月24日公布2011年環球行政 人員工商管理碩士課程的評級結果,中大EMBA 獲評為全球第十四位,以獨辦課程而言則繼續蟬聯亞太區 首位。 中大的EMBA課程,在校友薪酬、薪金升幅、工作經驗、學 員國際化、教師國際化和國際諮詢委員會等幾個範疇中的 得分均明顯佔優。校友薪酬更高踞全球第三位,薪金升幅 也高達57%。 課程主任陳志輝教授對排名感到欣喜:「這個我們開創 的全港首個EMBA課程,名符其實是香港製造。商學院 改換了新形象後,將繼續充實並提升課程內涵,推動學 術研究,於教學上追求卓越,吸引高質素的領袖級人才報 讀。」 C UHK was ranked number 14 worldwide in the Financial Times Top 100 Global EMBA Ranking, according to a recent survey released on 24 October. The EMBA programme has been consistently ranked top among all independent programmes in the Asia-Pacific region. This year it was again ranked number one. The programme scored high in areas such as alumni salary today, salary increase, work experience, international students, international faculty and international advisory board. Alumni salary is the third highest in the world. The programme’s alumni also achieved a high salary increase rate of 57%. ‘We are very pleased to see the good performance,’ said Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, director of the EMBA Programme. ‘We were the first EMBA programme in Hong Kong, and are a truly made-in-Hong Kong product. The programme is now looking ahead to the next phase in its history, and the new image highlights its plans for expanding and refining its curriculum; building on its track record of cutting edge research and teaching excellence; and deepening its commitment to the people and businesses of Hong Kong and the region.’ 聯合五十五周年院慶 • United College 55th Anniversary 聯 合 書 院 由 今年二月起 展開超過五十項活 動,慶祝五十五周 年院慶。活動的焦 點─院慶典禮在 10月21日舉行,由 書院校董會主席岑 才生先生及香港特 區政府食物環境衞 生署署長梁卓文先 生主禮。典禮上並 頒發聯合書院最高 榮譽─明德獎及新民獎予2010 – 11年度獲獎同學。 院慶活動包括一系列的學術活動與聚會,計有來自美國普林 斯頓大學地球物理流體動力學實驗室的劉雅章教授,在書院 聚會中漫談氣候變遷;到訪傑出學人美國邁阿密大學醫學及 骨科醫學講座教授張醒鐘教授主持講座;還有聯合書院第一 屆(1957年)畢業校友暨聯合書院校董何萬森先生,與師生 分享書院如何從篳路藍縷達至今日的氣象萬千。 院慶詳情請瀏覽 。 T o celebrate United College 55th Anniversary, over 50 celebration activities kicked off in February. The focus, the 55th anniversary ceremony, was held on 21 October and officiated by Mr. Shum Choi-sang, chairman of United College Board of Trustees, and Mr. Clement C.M. Leung, Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, HKSAR Government. The Ming De Scholarship and Xin Min Scholarship, the highest honours of United College, were presented to the awardees in 2010–11 at the ceremony. A series of academic programmes were also organized, including a sharing on climate change by Prof. Lau Ngar-cheung Gabriel, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of Princeton University; Prof. Herman S. Cheung, Professor of Medicine and Orthopaedics Surgery of the University of Miami, was invited to be the Distinguished Visiting Scholar to deliver lectures; and Mr. Ho Man-sum, United College Trustee and alumnus of 1957 graduate class, shared with teachers and students how the College progressed from adversity to prosperity in the past 55 years. Please visit www.cuhk. for details of the United College 55th anniversary activities.
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