Newsletter No. 285
第二八五期 二零零六年十月十九日 No. 285 19th October 2006 1 第二八五期 二零零六年十月十九日 No. 285 19th October 2006 行政長官曾蔭權蒞校演講 Chief Executive Donald Tsang Lectures at CUHK 香 港特別行政區行政長官曾蔭權先生於九月二十九日蒞臨大 學,出席逸夫書院嘉賓講座,以「務實領導」為題,在邵逸 夫堂與一千五百名中大學生分享其管治理念,並與 學生對話。 M r. Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, delivered a lecture at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of CUHK on 29th September. The lecture, titled ‘Pragmatic Leadership’, is one of Shaw College’s guest lectures. Mr. Donald Tsang shared his vision on governance with 1,500 CUHK students. 晨 興書院和善衡書院上月在校長 府邸漢園舉行茶敘,由候任院 長向傳媒介紹書院的理念和使命。 晨興書院的茶敘於九月二十一日舉行, 出席者包括書院捐款人晨興基金及晨興 教育基金董事陳啟宗博士和陳樂宗博 士、書院候任院長莫理斯教授,以及 劉遵義校長。晨興書院獲晨興基金及晨 興教育基金捐助一億港元成立,計劃錄 取三百人,並採用全宿和一起用膳的模 式,院訓為「博學進德濟民」。 善衡書院候任院長辛世文教授和劉遵義 校長則於九月二十四日一起會見傳媒。 善衡書院獲何善衡慈善基金會捐助一億 七千萬港元成立,計劃錄取六百人, 並採用全宿和一起用膳的模式,院訓為 「文行忠信」。 兩所書院的理念都是建立關係密切、互相交流學習的 師生群體,為學生締造親切融和的書院生活和學習環 境,提供關顧輔導和全人教育包括通識教育,並且通 過書院正式及非形式教育,擴闊學生的眼界和國際視 野。晨興書院更以培育學生為香港、全國以至全世界 社會服務為使命;而善衡書院的使命則著重培育學生 的誠信和對個人責任的承擔,立下基礎以貢獻社會、 豐盛人生。 M orningside College and S.H. Ho College respectively held tea receptions for the media at the Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge last month, during which their masters-designate introduced the colleges’ mottos and missions. In attendance at the reception for Morningside College held on 21st September were Dr. Ronnie C. Chan and Dr. Gerald L. Chan, donors of the college and directors of The Morningside Foundation and Morningside Education Foundation; Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Master-Designate of the college; and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor. The two foundations made a generous donation of HK$100 million to establishMorningside College which will accommodate 300 students on a fully residential and communal dining basis. The college motto is ‘Scholarship Virtue Service’. Separately, Prof. Samuel Sun, Master-Designate of S.H. Ho College, and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice- Chancellor, met the press on 24th September. The University received a magnanimous donation of HK$170 million from The S.H. Ho Foundation to establish S.H. Ho College. The college will accommodate 600 students on a fully residential and communal dining basis. Its motto is ‘Culture Morals Devotion Trustworthiness’. The two new colleges have a common mission to foster an intimate and collegial community where students learn, share and grow together intellectually. 晨興和善衡候任院長會見傳媒 Masters-Designate of Morningside and S.H. Ho Meet the Press (左起) 陳啟宗博士、陳樂宗博士、莫理斯教授、劉遵義校長 (From left) Dr. Ronnie C. Chan, Dr. Gerald L. Chan, Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (左起) 辛世文教授和劉遵義校長 (From left) Prof. Samuel Sun and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau 其他消息 Other News Items 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news items are available at ■ 中大生化系畢業生獲選到美國國家衛生局接受博 士培訓 Outstanding CUHK Biochemistry Students Awarded Doctoral Training at NIHs ■ 中國銀監會主席剖析中國銀行業之機遇與挑戰 Chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission Lectures at The Chinese University ■ 聯合國亞太經社會區域遙感會議 UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Meetings on Remote Sensing ■ 外交部駐港特派員於中文大學演講 Commissioner of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lectures at The Chinese University ■ 深港創新圈——資訊科技界兩地協作論壇 ■ 全球經濟下的中國研討會 ■ CUHK Strengths Showcased at European Association for International Education
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