Annual Report 2006–07
教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 87 The Central Computer Room located in Ground Floor of Pi Ch’iu Building plays an important role in maintaining a smooth operation of the University’s critical systems and services. The UPS that provided uninterruptible power supply for 200 computer systems and servers was upgraded from 60 kVa UPS to 300 kVa UPS. This provides a more reliable and continuous power supply from a separate source in the event of temporary power interruption or failure. Technologies for Communication The time and distance constraints were solved by the web- conferencing service. Departments and units have made use of this service to conduct project discussions with participants from various locations worldwide, interview overseas students and broadcast seminars for local and mainland students. A brand new CUHK Bulletin Board was re-launched in November 2006 for the University community to share and exchange information. Users can use this online space to share files or discuss everything from current affairs to lifestyles with friends. Close Liaison with External Bodies Close liaison was maintained with external organizations locally and abroad to exchange experience and ideas on the development and application of information technology. Over the year there had been visits from a number of mainland universities, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, and Singapore Infocomm Development Authority. 副校長程伯中教授(左)致送紀念品予新加坡資訊 通信發展管理局代表團代表 Prof. Ching Pak-ching, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (left), presented souvenir to representative of Singapore Infocomm Development Authority 視像會議 Web-conferencing 碧秋樓電腦房的不斷電系統從60kVa提升至300kVa Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) was upgraded from 60kVa to 300kVa 靠穩定的電源支援。該年度,電腦房的不斷電系統 從60kVa提升至300kVa,不但使運作更趨穩定, 也配合未來擴充的需要。 溝通新工具 資訊科技服務處提供的視像會議服務,打破開會的 時地限制。各學系和部門可利用這服務與置身世界 各地的人士進行討論、會議、教學和面試,又或者 把研討會同步播送至境外人士。 電子報告欄系統「百萬大道」於二零零六年十一月 重新推出,為校內社群提供了交流資訊的空間。用 戶可以連接到該系統留言及參與討論,或上下載文 件。 海內外交流和分享 資訊科技服務處積極參與國際會議及研討會,與內 地及海外同業緊密交流,掌握科技新趨勢及應用。 二零零六至零七年度,該處接待了內地多間大學的 資訊科技服務部門、馬來西亞電信監理部門轄下的 通訊與多媒體委員會,以及新加坡資訊通信發展管 理局。
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