Annual Report 2006–07
教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 85 11 and 12 April 2007 and was attended by over 170 librarians and scholars from all over the world. A total of six concurrent sessions were held with 39 thought-provoking papers presented and discussed. An exhibition on the works by Bei Dao, world-renowned Chinese poet, was held from June to August 2006. Also, a poetry reading session by Bei Dao and the Tolo Poet Association was held on 25 July 2006. The Library and the Hong Kong Institute of Education Library jointly organized ‘Passing on the Torch: Exhibition of 65 Years of Children's Literature in Hong Kong’ with the Hong Kong Public Libraries. Creative works by over 30 children’s literature writers in Hong Kong and a number of valuable magazines and journals in the field were exhibited from November to December 2006, as well as from April to May 2007. Public lectures on children’s literature and guided tours for secondary students were also provided. ‘Exhibition of Rare Editions of Modern Chinese Literary Writings— Select Works Published in Shanghai & Hong Kong in the Republican China Period’ was held from January to February 2007. ‘The Brush Dances and the Ink Sings: the Calligraphy of Professor So Man-jock (1921-1997)’ was co-organized by United College, Art Museum, the Library, and Ming Society from April to June 2007. ɀཌྷཌྷʒϭཌྷȼα۹྇࣊ᎂᚾّʥ۪ Library Patrons and Visitors 2006–07 入館人次 Users Entering the Libraries 2,117,782 圖書館讀者 Total User Population 41,052 團體訪客 ( 323 次導覽團) Group Visitors (on 323 Guided Tours) 5,934 專題展覽及會議 年內,圖書館舉辦多項學術會議及展覽,包括: 「騰蛟起鳳,處變更新——學術圖書館館員在變革 管理上的挑戰」學術會議,於二零零七年四月十一 至十二日舉行,逾一百七十位來自世界各地的圖書 館館長及學者出席。會議包括六場分組演講,會上 宣讀及討論的學術論文共三十九篇。 世界著名中國詩人北島作品展,於二零零六年六至 八月舉行。另外,北島與吐露詩社詩歌朗誦會於二 零零六年七月二十五日舉行。 圖書館與香港教育學院圖書館合辦、香港公共圖書 館協辦的「薪火相傳:香港兒童文學發展六十五年 回顧展」,於二零零六年十一至十二月及二零零七 年四至五月舉行。展品包括逾三十位本港兒童文學 作家的創作,以及珍貴的兒童文學雜誌、期刋等。 展覽期間,圖書館還舉辦了多項公開兒童文學講座 及中學生導賞團。 「中國現代文學珍本展——以上海、香港出版物為 例」於二零零七年一至二月舉行。 由聯合書院、文物館、圖書館及鳴社合辦的「魏唐 三昧——蘇文擢教授法書展」於二零零七年四至六 月舉行。
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