Newsletter No. 398

10 No. 398, 19.5.2012 …… 如是說 Thus Spake… Ms. Vivian Ho, Director of Campus Planning and Sustainability 校園規劃及可持續發展處 處長何婉兒女士 伍宜孫書院院長李沛良教授 Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, Master, Wu Yee Sun College 下期預告 Coming 校園規劃及可持續發展處(CPSO)負責甚麼工作? CPSO是一個政策單位,於2011年7月1日成立,負責跟進和 落實「校園發展計劃」的構想,推動可持續發展概念和環保 工作,並統籌大學內樓宇空間的規劃與分配。中大是本地 唯一將校園規劃和可持續發展兩大相關範疇歸由同一單位 管轄的院校,這樣的架構可同時兼顧兩方面的需要,很有 遠見。 如何發揮這項職能? CPSO需要在有限的資源和無限的需求間取得平衡和協 調。無論是校園規劃或可持續發展的工作,我們都會以人為 本,從大學、部門、同事、同學和其他持份者的不同角度考 慮,謀求共識,盡量照顧各方的利益和需要。 大學成員對於「綠色辦公室計劃」(綠識辦)的反應如何? 為何有此計劃? 反應出乎預期地熱烈。首個階段我們主要邀請行政單位及 學生組織自願參加。最後共收到六十個單位報名,包括了全 體大學管理層、所有書院、超過九成的行政及服務單位,還 有少數熱心的教學單位。現時適值考試期,也有包括中大學 生會在內的五個學生組織表示願意參與,可見大家很支持 這計劃,也給我們很大鼓舞。 過去十多年,大學在環保政策及硬件上,做了很多工作,也 在2009年獲得「香港環保卓越計劃」公營機構及公用事業 界別的金獎。我們覺得現在應向更高難度挑戰:將環保理 念和行動,推展至個人層面,希望每一個中大人都多做一 步,在校園建立長遠可持續的環保文化。環保教育工作很難 立竿見影,卻是細水長流。中大是首所本地院校推行綠色辦 公室計劃,我們希望可在大專界、中小學界甚至其他機構, 起示範作用。 個人在日常工作中如何實踐綠色生活? 都是一些簡單而直接的綠色行為:例如辦公室有足夠天然 光時便不用開燈、盡量開窗而不用冷氣,全面轉用電子郵件 代替紙張文件、必需列印複印時採用再造紙和雙面印刷、將 垃圾分類回收、盡量步行往開會等。記得自己十多年前在家 裏將垃圾分類,家人最初覺得很麻煩,但漸漸地也受感染 而自動自覺去做,成為習慣。我認為環保是一種生活態度, 是基於認知而產生的行為和選擇,希望「綠識辦」可以把環 保訊息傳遞給每一個中大人和他們的親友。 CPSO尚有甚麼計劃? 大學已為未來五年的可持續發展定下目標,在現有的成績 上,把人均能源消耗減少百分之八,人均溫室氣體排放減少 百分之十,人均固體廢物量和用水量分別減少百分之十二和 十五,用紙量則減少百分之五十。為了達標,除了提高環保 意識和參與外,未來會在節約能源、減少廢物、環保採購 等着力。例如一些有多部升降機的建築物,下班後只餘一 部操作;日間關掉部分建築物大堂及公用走廊不必要的照 明;每個部門委出能源監察員;與大學有關單位協調處理 舊家具、廚餘的安排。此外,大學已通過環保採購指引,希 望大家能購買對環境及健康的危害性低於傳統產品的環保 產品。 在中大工作了近二十八年,對於工作上的新轉變有何感受? 我曾服務很多不同部門,大部分時間都在策劃、協助及推動 大型或涉及全校的新措施、新計劃,例如在教務處時由學位 制改行學分制、在校長室推行行政權力下放計劃,籌備新撥 款制度,調至秘書處後,統籌大學教育資助委員會中大管理 檢討;協助成立及管理中醫中藥研究所;隨後檢討及推行新 的樓宇空間規劃與分配制度,協助制訂大學十年策略發展 計劃和「3+3+4」新學制前期籌備工作等。每一個新崗位新 任務都是新挑戰,同時也給我很大的成功感和滿足感。 在中大工作,你最欣賞甚麼? 我最欣賞大學校園。還記得第一天上班那驚艷的感覺,這 裏鳥語花香、有山有水,與之前在車水馬龍、空氣混濁的銅 鑼灣工作,實在有天淵之別。到今天,那份感覺猶新。可以 在這樣優美的校園工作、讀書、生活是必須珍惜的福份。 What are the service scope of the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office (CPSO)? The CPSO was a policy unit set up on 1 July 2011 to monitor and review the Campus Master Plan, support sustainable development, and promote environmental awareness. It also takes charge of all space planning and allocation. CUHK is the only local institution which puts campus planning and sustainability concerns under the same umbrella. This visionary structure could help to balance the needs of the two highly-related areas. How will the CPSO fulfil its functions? The CPSO is committed to striking a balance between scarce resources and unlimited demands. With a human-centred fundamental principle, we will consider needs from different perspectives, including that of the University as a whole, that of departments, of staff, of students and of all stakeholders of the University, so as to reach unanimous decisions which can look after the interests of different parties. What is the University community’s reaction to the Green Office Programme (GO!)? We received unexpectedly enthusiastic response. In the first phase, we invited all University administrative units to participate. A total of 60 units pledged to join, including the whole management team, all nine Colleges, over 90% of the administrative and service units, and some academic units. Five student bodies including the Student Union also took part even though their members were busy with examinations. The overwhelming feedback gave us a lot of encouragement. Over the years, CUHK has devoted much effort to formulating environment-related policy and developing green infrastructure. In 2009, the University won the gold award under the category of Public Organizations and Utilities of the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence. Now it is time to take one step forward to bring about individual behavioural changes so as to establish a green culture on campus in the long run. Just as Rome was not built in a day, it took time for environmental education work to have effect. As the first local tertiary institution to incorporate green practices in daily work, we hope we can play an exemplary role in promoting green offices among tertiary institutions, secondary schools and primary schools, as well as other organizations. How do you personally go green in your everyday work? What I do are simple and direct. For example, turn off the lights if the daylight is bright enough; make use of natural ventilation instead of air-conditioning; send e-mails rather than hardcopies; use recycled paper and print on both sides; sort garbage and recycle; and walk to meetings if possible. Some 10 years ago, I started sorting waste at home. My family thought it was troublesome, but they were eventually converted, and started doing it themselves. I think going green is a kind of lifestyle attitude based on your understanding of the world. I hope GO! will help to spread the green message to every CUHK member, their families and friends. What other programmes or initiatives are in the pipeline? The University has set some targets for the University’s sustainability efforts for the next five years. This includes on top of reductions already underway, a further 8% (per capita) reduction in energy consumption, 10% (per capita) in greenhouse gases emissions, 12% (per capita) in waste to landfill, 15% (per capita) in water usage, and 50% (per capita) in paper consumption. To fulfil these goals, we will devote much effort to the areas of energy conservation, waste reduction and green purchasing. For example, in buildings with more than one lift, only one will remain in operation after office hours; non-essential lighting in lobbies or public corridors in the buildings will be switched off in the daytime; every office has assigned an Energy Warden to remind office members to implement energy conservation measures; manage furniture disposal and food waste through coordinating with the relevant units. Besides, the University has drawn up guidelines of a green purchasing policy and we hope University members will buy green products that have reduced negative effects on the environment and on human health. Having been working in CUHK for nearly 28 years, how do you look at every new change in your career? I have served in various units and most of the time, my capacity involved large-scale initiatives or university-wide projects. For example, I worked in the Registry Services Office and was responsible for implementing the new credit-bearing system. In the Vice-Chancellor’s Office, I helped to promote the decentralization of administration and the new funding model. After joining the Secretariat, I was in charge of coordinating with the University Grants Committee to carry out management review, and set up the Institute of Chinese Medicine. Then I was assigned to assist in evaluating the space allocation and planning of new buildings, formulating the University’s 10-year strategic plan as well as preparing the foundation work of the ‘3+3+4’ new curriculum. For me, every new duty is a new challenge which gives me a sense of achievement and satisfaction. What do you appreciate the most working at CUHK? I love the scenic campus. I still remember the first day I worked at CUHK, I was stunned by the picturesque natural environment with blooming flowers and chirping birds, a big contrast to hectic Causeway Bay, my previous working place. Even now, I do feel the same. Indeed, it is a blessing that I can work and study in this beautiful campus.