Newsletter No. 334
No. 334, 19.3.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 建構全新學生信息系統 New University-wide Student Information System • 為 配合三三四學制改革,應付學術和行政的挑戰, 大學決定建構新的中大學生信息系統(CUSIS)。 2月27日,CUSIS項目舉行啟動簡報會,由副校長兼項目督 導委員會主席程伯中教授致開幕辭,資訊科技服務處處長 兼項目主任梁光漢先生及項目管理團隊介紹項目時間表和 涵蓋範圍。與會者有大學主管人員、行政單位和學院辦公 室代表凡八十人。 大學於年初與國際商業機器公司全球企業諮詢服務 部合建CUS I S,以全球多間頂尖大學所採用的軟件 「Oracle PeopleSoft 校園解決方案」為建設基礎,項目為 期約二十個月,預期2010年夏完成。 程教授強調CUSIS對大學的重要性,「學生漸趨國際化, 而流動性也較高,新系統容許學生按自己的需要,隨時隨 地使用大學的服務,從而提升大學服務的質素及豐富學生 的學習經驗。此外,該系統亦有助鞏固大學與學生及校友 之間的連繫。」 過去兩個月,項目小組已擬定詳細計劃,主要用家參加了 校園解決方案的基礎培訓,反應良好。項目現在進入設計 階段,預計未來數月,將會進行更深入的討論,確認服務 需求,以設定最終的方案藍圖。隨後將於7月至10月下旬進 行系統建設和模擬數據轉換,並暫定於11月開始測試。 I n view of the 3+3+4 education reform and the academic and challenges ahead, the University has decided to implement a new Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS). Officiated by Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and chairman of the Steering Committee on the Development of CUSIS, the kick-off briefing was held on 27 February. On the same occasion, Mr. Philip Leung, director of ITSC and CUSIS project director, and the project management team gave an account of the timeline and scope of the project. About 80 senior officers of the University and representatives of administrative units and faculty offices attended the event. Since the beginning of this year, the University has partnered with IBM Global Business Services to implement the CUSIS based on the proven Oracle software, PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, which has been widely adopted by leading universities around the world. The duration of the project is estimated to be around 20 months. The system is expected to go live in the summer of 2010. Prof. Ching emphasized the strategic importance of the CUSIS Project to the University. ‘Students today are more global and mobile in nature. The new system will allow students’ access to university services anytime, anywhere and at their own pace, thus enhancing services as well as their learning experience. In addition, the system will help us develop a strong link between the University, students and alumni.’ In the last two months, the project team finalized the details of the work plan. Key users also attended foundation training sessions on the Campus Solutions software and gave positive feedback. The CUSIS Project is now in the design stage. More in-depth discussion and confirmation of the business requirements are expected in the coming months to help form the blueprint for the final solution. Development and mock data conversion of CUSIS will be underway from July to late October. Further updates will be provided to the University’s community once the project enters into the testing stage, which is tentatively scheduled for November 2009. 中科院院士來訪 CAS Academicians Visit CUHK • 中 國科學院(中科院)副院長李家洋院士( 左十一 )率 領七人訪問團,應中大「院士訪校計劃」邀請,於 2月23至28日到訪,了解大學在醫學及生物科學方面的最 新發展,進行學術交流,參觀多個科研實驗室,並主持專 題講座。 除李家洋院士,訪問團團員還有中科院上海生命科學研 究院生物化學與細胞生物學研究所研究員王恩多院士 ( 右十 )、上海交通大學生命科學技術學院院長鄧子新院 士( 右八 )、中科院水生生物研究所所長趙進東院士( 左 五 )、中科院動物研究所所長孟安明院士( 右六 )、中國農 業大學植物生理學與生物化學國家重點實驗室主任兼國 家自然科學基金委員會生命科學部主任武維華院士( 左 六 ),以及中科院港澳台事務辦公室張興根主任( 右一 )。 六位院士更於2月24日主講院士講座系列,與逾百名中大 師生、職員、校友及社會各界人士分享真知灼見。 中大於去年1月舉行首次「院士訪校計劃」,每年邀請五至 六位中科院院士訪問中大,以加強雙方的學術交流,並希 望與中科院院士在不同研究領域上建立緊密聯繫,提升中 大的學術和研究水平。 A delegation led by Prof. Li Jiayang (11th left), Vice- President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), visited the Chinese University from 23 to 28 February under the ‘Academicians Visitorship Programme’ to learn about the latest developments in medicine and bioscience at CUHK and to exchange ideas through lectures, discussions and laboratory visits. The delegation is composed of six academicians including Prof. Li Jiayang, Prof. Wang Enduo (10th right, principal investigator, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS), Prof. Deng Zixin (8th right, dean, School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Prof. Zhao Jindong (5th left, director, Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS), Prof. Meng Anming (6th right, director, Institute of Zoology, CAS), and Prof. Wu Weihua (6th left, director, State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, China Agricultural University and director, Life Science Division, National Natural Science Foundation of China), and Mr. Zhang Xinggen (1st right, director, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office, CAS). On 24 February, the academicians delivered a series of lectures, attracting an audience of over a hundred, including staff, students, alumni, and members of the public. The Chinese University launched the ‘Academicians Visitorship Programme’ in January 2008. Five to six CAS academicians are invited to visit the University each year to forge academic exchange between CUHK and research institutes under CAS. It is hoped that through this project, CUHK can establish closer links with CAS academicians to enhance the quality of the University’s research output.
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