Newsletter No. 333
No. 333, 4.3.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 中大應邀加入美國大學太空研究協會 CUHK Invited to Join Space Research Association • 得獎名單 Recipient 所屬部門 / 單位 Department/Unit 陳惠蓮女士 Ms. Chan Wai-lin ( 左一 , 1st left) 副校長室 Pro-Vice-Chancellor ’ s Office 張趣嬌女士 Ms. Chang Chiu-kiu ( 左二 , 2nd left) 研究事務處 Research Administration Office 馮天麗女士 Miss Fung Tin-lai ( 左三 , 3rd left) 大學通識教育部 Office of University General Education 程美容女士 Ms. Ching Mei-yung Catherine ( 左五 , 5th left) 資訊科技服務處 Information Technology Services Centre 黎雪宜女士 Miss Lai Suet-yee ( 左七 , 7th left) 性別研究課程 Gender Studies Programme 連妙卿女士 Ms. Lin Miu-hing ( 右三 , 3rd right) 心理學系 Department of Psychology 林麗芳女士 Ms. Lam Lai-fong Fanny ( 右四 , 4th right) 傳訊及公共關係處 Communications and Public Relations Office 余艷卿女士 Ms. Yue Yim-hing ( 右五 , 5th right) 大學圖書館系統 University Library System 李彬巧先生 Mr. Lee Bun-hau ( 右七 , 7th right) 聯合書院 United College 嘉許優異員工 Staff Honoured for Exemplary Service • 九 位表現傑出的員工獲頒「2007至08年度員工優 異服務獎」,頒獎典禮於2月6日在利黃瑤璧樓舉 行,由劉遵義校長( 左六 )頒獎,出席者包括兩位副校長 楊綱凱教授( 右二 )和黃乃正教授( 右一 )、多位大學主管 人員、得獎者的親友及同事約一百六十人。員工培訓及發 展委員會主席許敬文教授( 右六 )和員工優異服務獎遴選 委員會主席梁光漢先生( 左四 )分別致辭,讚揚得獎人真 摯熱誠的服務態度,並展望藉分享得獎人的寶貴經驗,促 進校園優質服務文化。 頒獎典禮詳情和得獎人的服務心得錄像,可於網上 ( ) 瀏覽。 N ine members of the University were presented the Exemplary Service Award 2007–08 by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (6th left), Vice-Chancellor, on 6 February at the Esther Lee Building. About 160 guests including Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Prof. Kenneth Young (2nd right) and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong (1st right), senior management, staff, students, and family members of the awardees attended the ceremony. Prof. Michael Hui (6th right), chairman of the Staff Training and Development Committee, and Mr. Philip Leung (4th left), chairman of the Selection Panel, commended the awardees for their service. The awardees were given a chance to share their experiences. For details of the ceremony and sharing by the awardees, please visit . 中 大最近獲美國大學太空研究協會接納為會員,太 空與地球信息科學研究所(太空所)所長林琿教授 將應邀出席該會在3月於美國首都華盛頓國家科學院召開 的年會。 美國大學太空研究協會主席Dr. Frederick A. Tarantino去 年11月曾率團訪問中大,與劉遵義校長會晤,並參觀太空 所。代表團對於太空所追蹤太空衞星碎片的自動識別算 法、利用雷達衞星遙感監測城市地面沉降與海面油污、以 及轉基因水稻生長的遙感光譜檢測等前沿科研項目極感 興趣。該會並希望透過中大加強與中國在太空遙感方面的 合作。 美國大學太空研究協會由美國國家科學院在1969年設立, 並得到美國太空總署的贊助。該會成員包括哈佛大學、普 林斯頓大學、史丹福大學、耶魯大學、加拿大多倫多大學等 一百所學府。 T he Chinese University of Hong Kong was invited to join the Universities Space Research Association (USRA). Prof. Lin Hui, director of Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS), will attend the USRA annual meeting in the National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. in March, at USRA’s invitation. Dr. Frederick A. Tarantino, President of USRA, led a delegation to CUHK last November. They met with Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice- Chancellor, and paid a visit to ISEIS, where they were introduced to research projects such as the algorithm for space debris automatic tracking, radar satellite remote sensing methods for monitoring the urban ground subsidence and marine oil spill, and remote sensing spectral analysis for monitoring the growth of genetically modified rice. With CUHK joining USRA, it is hoped that more collaborations with China in space remote sensing can be achieved via ISEIS. Sponsored by NASA, USRA was founded in 1969 under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences. USRA focuses on space-related technical competencies with the goal of expanding knowledge and developing technology for the benefit of the academic community, space-related industries, and help contribute to achieving NASA’s mission of ‘pioneering the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research’. Currently, USRA members include about 100 universities such as Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, and the University of Toronto. 林琿教授(左)向美國大學太空研究協會代表團介紹中大的太空遙感研究 Prof. Lin Hui introducing the University’s space remote sensing programme to USRA delegates
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