Newsletter No. 333
No. 333, 4.3.2009 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: ❏ 十一項研究項目獲撥款 Eleven Research Projects Receive Grants 本 校的四項創意發明於「2008香港資訊及通訊科技 獎」獲獎,包括兩項成本低廉,容易操作,可廿四 小時持續監測心臟病患者及高危人士心率及血壓變化的 家居醫療儀器。 「非接觸式心電監測床墊」 -「最佳生活時尚獎(家居及 健康生活)」金獎 研發者:電子工程學系張元亭教授及其科研小組 使用柔軟纖薄的導電紡織物料為感應電極,分布於床墊 上,以監測用者的心率及其變異性; 一旦監測到任何突變或危險情況,即自動發出警號,或 連接至指定電話號碼求救,避免用者於睡眠時病發而猝 死; 無須在用者身上貼上任何電極或導線,故不妨礙睡眠, 亦適用於不同年齡和睡姿的人士; 監測準確度達九成,預計售價可低於一千港元。 「健康衣」 -「最佳生活時尚獎(家居及健康生活)」金獎 研發者:電子工程學系張元亭教授及其科研小組 兼具監測、診斷及非藥物治療等功能; 導電紡織物料具感應作用,能持續測量心率及血壓的變 化,無需重複測量步驟; 透過手錶或手提電話顯示數據; 血壓上升至某特定指標時,內置的MP3機即自動選播 治療音樂,紓緩用者情緒,從而降低血壓至正常水平。 「從款式設計到個性化潛水衣」 -「最佳生活時尚獎(工 作生活及專業服務)」銅獎 研發者:機械與自動化工程學系王昌凌教授 利用把三維人體數據轉化成二維剪裁的技術; 衣服更為稱身,剪裁及生產時間亦大幅縮短。 「海洋生態之旅」 -「最佳數碼娛樂獎(數碼娛樂軟 件)」優異証書 研發者:機械與自動化工程學系許健泉教授 為香港科學館設計的三維虛擬遊戲; 讓參加者體驗環境污染對海洋生態的破壞,認識環保的 重要。 F our CUHK inventions received the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2008, including two low-cost and user- friendly devices which monitor heart rate and blood pressure on a 24-hour basis for heart disease patients, elders and hypertension patients. Non-contact Electro-cardiogram Monitoring Bedsheet — Best Lifestyle Gold Award (Home Life and Healthy Living) Developed by a team led by Prof. Zhang Yuanting of the Department of Electronic Engineering Using electrodes made from a soft and thin conductive textile material, which are fixed on specific spots to monitor user’s heart rate and its variability. Whenever the bedsheet detects a hazardous situation, it will give an alarm or dial a designated phone number for help, thus preventing sudden deaths of heart disease patients during sleep. As no electrodes or wires are attached to the user, the bedsheet will not obstruct normal sleep. It can accommodate users of different ages adopting different sleeping postures. The accuracy of the bedsheet is 90%, and it will carry a price tag of under HK$1,000. The Health Shirt —Best Lifestyle Gold Award (Home Life and Healthy Living) Developed by a team led by Prof. Zhang Yuanting of the Department of Electronic Engineering Integrating the functions of monitoring, diagnosis and non-drug treatment. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • User’s variability of heart rate and blood pressure can be measured continuously by means of the conductive material of the shirt, doing away with the need to measure repeatedly. The indices are shown on watches or mobile phones. When the blood pressure reaches a certain high level, a built-in MP3 player will automatically play therapeutic music to lower the user’s blood pressure to normal level. From Styling Design to Fabricated Wetsuit —Best Lifestyle Bronze Award (Work Life and Professional Services) Developed by Prof. Charlie Wang of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering Applying the technique of transforming three dimensional body data into two dimensional pieces. Optimizing customization of clothes and greatly shortens production time. • • • • • 工程學院四項科技發明獲獎 Four CUHK Inventions Win Hong Kong ICT Awards 張元亭教授(右)及其健康衣 Prof. Zhang Yuanting (right) and his Health Shirt 《傳染病.點.線.面》 Infectious Diseases in All Dimensions 《傳染病.點.線.面》是微生 物學系暨何鴻燊防治傳染病研 究中心傳染病學講座教授李瑞 山的新作。書內收錄了二十七篇 過去兩年在《醫藥人》雜誌和 《明報》刋載的文章。李教授 以「點線面」解讀傳染病,從象 徵細菌病毒的「點」出發,經過 錯綜複雜的傳播「線」,解釋代 表疫症和社會回響的「面」。文章帶領讀者多角度全方 位接觸愛滋病、登革熱、肝炎、瘧疾和流感等傳染病, 通過深入淺出的註解,展示人和微生物的互動關係。 《傳染病.點.線.面》一書由明窗出版社出版。 Sustainability Voyage —Best Digital Entertainment (Digital Entertainment Software) Certificate of Merit Developed by Prof. Hui Kin-chuen of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering Designed a three dimensional virtual game for the Hong Kong Science Museum. Allowing participants to experience the damage of environmental pollution on the ocean, thereby reinforcing the importance of environmental protection. • • 王昌凌教授展示其「個性化潛水衣」 Prof. Charlie Wang and his Wetsuit Written by Lee Shui-shan, Professor of Infectious Disease, Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases and Department of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases in All Dimensions is a collection of 27 articles previously published in the Chinese newspaper Ming Pao and the 3P Health Magazine . In this new book, micro-organisms are likened to a multitude of points which are disseminated through complex networks of lines, bringing about epidemics on one hand and societal responses on the other. This spectacular multi-dimensional perspective of infections prompted the author to describe the inter- relationship between microbes and our human society, as exemplified by AIDS, dengue, hepatitis, malaria, influenza, etc. The book is published by Ming Pao Publications Ltd.
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