Newsletter No. 334
No. 334, 19.3.2009 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁 ( 。 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部 (電話 2609 8681/2609 8589,傳真 2603 6864,電郵 。 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 香港中文大學資訊處出版 1. The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and the summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail . 3. The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. Published by the Information Services Office, CUHK 一紙在手,感覺踏實。然而,為減少大量印刷對環境造成的損害,請與朋友分享本通訊,或上網( ) 閱覽。謝謝您愛護環境。 We all like the feel of paper. But this newsletter will increase your carbon footprint. So share a copy with friends or read it online at your own leisure ( ). Thank you for supporting the environment. Prof. Japhet Sebastian Law, professor in the Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, has been appointed by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury as a member of the Disciplinary Panel A of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants for two years from 1 February 2009. Prof. Chan Tak-cheung Anthony, assistant dean (external affairs) of the Faculty of Medicine, has been appointed by the Secretary for Food and Health as a substantive member of the Human Organ Transplant Board for three years from 15 February 2009. Prof. Yeung Yue-man, Emeritus Professor of Geography, has been re-appointed as the chairman of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Panel under the Central Policy Unit for one • • • year from 1 January 2009. Mr. Ho Sai-hau Simon, centre manager and instructor I of the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR), has been appointed as a subject specialist—education, of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications for two years from 1 January 2009. Prof. Mok Bong-ho, professor in the Department of Social Work, has been re-appointed as a member of the Advisory Committee of the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged for two years from 1 February 2009. Prof. Sian Griffiths, Professor of Public Health and director of the School of Public Health, has been appointed as a member of the Education and Accreditation Committee of the Medical Council of • • • Hong Kong for three years from 12 February 2009. Prof. Fok Tai-fai, dean of medicine, has been re-nominated as a member of the Hospital Governing Committee of the Prince of Wales Hospital as CUHK representative for two years from 1 April 2009. Awards Prof. Chan Ngai-hang, Professor of Statistics and chairman of the Department of Statistics, has been awarded the honorary membership of the Hong Kong Statistical Society. Prof. Tang Chung, director of the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art, has been elected as a corresponding member of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Information in this section is provided by the Communications and Public Relations Office. • • • 文物館 Art Museum 《朝天錦繡:昇雯閣藏明清宮廷服飾》 Heavenly Splendour: The Edrina Collection of Ming and Qing Imperial Costumes 書中收錄昇雯閣主人歷年 蒐藏之中國明清宮廷服飾 共五十二項,包括帝后、王 公、大臣及貴族的朝服、吉 服、常服及便服,也有少量 織繡袍料、補子及朝珠等。 故宮博物院宮廷部前織繡 組主任宗鳳英編寫解說文 字,文物館館長林業強則 論述明清袍服龍紋的風格 特色及演變。 國際標準書號:978-962-7101-89-5 售價:390港元/50美元(精裝),224頁,中英對照 The 52 imperial costumes of the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1911) periods featured in this catalogue are selected from the Edrina Collection. They include formal court robes ( chaofu ), semi-formal court robes ( jifu ), informal and casual robes ( changfu and bianfu ), as well as a few yardages, rank badges ( buzi ) and necklaces, used by emperors, empresses, imperial household members as well as officials and nobles. Zong Fengying, former head of the Textiles and Embroideries Section, Court Division, Palace Museum, Beijing, contributed an introductory essay and penned all the descriptive entries. There is another essay by Peter Y.K. Lam, director of the Art Museum, on 崇基學院神學院 Divinity School of Chung Chi College 《贖罪論面面觀》 The Aspects of Atonement 馬素爾著.周健文譯 本書乃馬素爾教授根據其 2006年在香港主講之「傳經 講座」的內容修訂而成。馬素 爾教授以「贖罪論面面觀」為 題,重新闡釋救恩觀的代贖 論。書中談到人類需要拯救的 處境,基督的死可救人脫離罪 和罪所帶來的後果。他又指出 基督的復活在救贖行動中的 地位,以及由此而來與上帝復 和的意義。 國際標準書號:9978-962-7137-429 特價:50港元,150頁 By I. Howard Marshall · Translated by John K.M. Chow The book features expanded versions of the 2006 series of Chuen King Lectures given by I. Howard Marshall in 2006. He discusses the nature of the human plight in relation to the judgment of God and then offers a nuanced defence of the doctrine of the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ for the human race. He also examines the place of the resurrection of Christ as an integral part of the process whereby sinners are put in the right with God. ISBN: 978-962-7137-429 Special Offer: HK$50, 150 pp the stylistic features and evolution of the dragon motifs on the Ming and Qing robes. ISBN: 978-962-7101-89-5 Price: HK$390/US$50 (hardcover), 224 pp, Chinese and English 《首陽吉金:胡盈瑩、范季融藏中國古代青銅器》 Ancient Chinese Bronzes from the Shouyang Studio: The Katherine and George Fan Collection 是書為同名展覽之圖錄,共收錄七十項展品,精選自美國 紐約首陽齋之中國古代青銅器珍藏,概括展現夏代至西漢 之青銅工藝發展。上海博物館周亞撰著專文介紹若干富有 特色之首陽齋藏品。 國際標準書號:978-7-5325-5083-8 售價:200港元/26美元(精裝),202頁,中英對照 Th i s i s a c a t a l o gu e accompanying a travel exhibition of 70 ancient Chinese bronzes from the Shouyang Studio collection in New York. The exhibits illustrate the development of bronze art and technology from the Xia to the Western Han dynasties in China. Zhou Ya of the Shanghai Museum contributed an essay discussing several remarkable pieces in the collection. ISBN: 978-7-5325-5083-8 Price: HK$200/US$26 (hardcover), 202 pp, Chinese and English
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